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Western Ukraine Research Paper

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There are many factors in the Western and Eastern Ukraine due to the decline in the statehood and culture in the 18th century. The west and east had many differences during this time. The east wanted to follow Russia and the west wanted to keep the Ukrainians laws because that is what they believed in. Western and Eastern Ukraine was divided by a river called the Dnipro. I will be talking about a few factors about the west and east to show how different they were during the 18th century. Western Ukraine is not emotionally, culturally, and politically to Russia and they continued speaking their language which was Ukrainian and their language was strong in the central and west part of the Ukraine. They remained under Polish rule and had dominance …show more content…
The students of Western Ukraine created an educational journal in which it was published and they were allowed to have physical culture which was a sporting organization for the young people. Ukrainian students engaged in demonstrations with the Poles.
In the 1890’s, times were intense of the political life and the elements were promoting democratic-socialism based on national values. The conservatives had to preserve the existing life based mainly on the church and religion and progressives were inclined to support the government. Ukrainians National awareness and consciousness spread into wide masses during this time. Economic culture credit union began to function and they also had ethnic conflicts with Galicia. Ukraine was viewed as a Russophone region which were an advocate of Ukranianization with the west at Russia’s expense. Western movements backed the Orange Movement which was a movement to demand language, autonomy, and even secession which failed later on. The people were allowed to have their schools, publications, civic organizations, political parties, and the Ukrainian Greek

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