...Multi-Org Profile Options 1 AP: Choose Set of Books 2 PO: Define Inventory Organization Parameters 3 AP: Define Financial Options 4 AP: Define Expense Report Templates 6 AP: Define Payables Options 7 AP: Define Banks 10 AP: Define New AP Signing Limits 13 AP: Define Tax Codes 14 AP: Define Tax Groups 15 AP: Define Tax Reporting Entities 16 OIE: Define iExpense Policies 17 Enable Expense Allocations 17 Set Up Required Expense Fields 18 Define Receipt Notification Rule Set 19 Assign Receipt Notification Rule Set 20 Define Mileage Rate Schedule 21 SA: Set OIE Profile Options 23 AR: Define AR System Options 24 AR: Open Accounting Periods (Required) 28 AR: Define AutoAccounting 29 AR: Define Transaction Types 32 AR: Define Transaction Sources 33 AR: Define Remittance Banks 34 AR: Define Receivables Activities 35 AR: Define Receipt Classes and Payment...
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...Challenger Disaster Research Paper Space Shuttle Challenger was first called as STA-099, and was built as a test vehicle for the space program. But despite its Earth-bound beginnings, STA-099 was destined for space. In 1979, NASA awarded a contract to Rockwell, a space shuttle manufacturer to convert the STA-099 to a space orbiter OV-099. After completion of OV-099, it arrived at the at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida in July 1982, bearing the name "Challenger." Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger was named after the British Naval vessel HMS Challenger that sailed the Atlantic and Pacific oceans during the 1870s. Challenger launched on her maiden voyage, STS-6, on April 4, 1983. That mission saw the first spacewalk of the Space Shuttle program. The NASA had planned for a six day flight, and their mission was to release and retrieve one satellite to study Haley’s comet, and to launch another satellite that would become part of the space communications network. Challenger was originally set to launch from Florida on January 22nd. But delays in STS-61-C and bad weather caused it to reschedule to January 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 27th. On January 28th 1986, the space shuttle was set to take off, but the launch time was delayed due to problems with the...
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...Business Memos A memo, short for the word memorandum, comes from the Latin word memorandus, which means, "to be remembered." It is a compact written message designed to help someone remember something. Unlike letters, the external communications of a company, business memos are an internal form of communication and it is standard practice to save them. Their objective is to deliver information or instructions and writing them in a sensible manner that the information is delivered with more meaningful note and its impact on its reader is also serious. Confined to a single topic, each interoffice, interdepartmental and company - wide memo becomes part of the institutional memory of an organization. They record daily activities and eliminate the need for time-consuming meetings. As historical documents they are often referred to when writing reports or resolving disputes regarding past activities. In short, they speed up the daily business of doing business; they keep people who need to be kept in the know, in the know. When a business organization designs an official letterhead it often also designs an official memo sheet, complete with a company logo featured at the top of the page. Besides having a professional look and feel, preprinted memo sheets often provide specialized information fields that accommodate specific procedures for expediting in-house communications. Memos Types 1. Informational Memos 2. Instructional Memos Informational Memos is an in-house...
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...communicate internally and externally. Some of these communication channels work better than others and some need improvement. Some organizations have similar methods and some different. After taking an inventory of the different communication channels in different organizations there are many communication methods available in different organizations. For example there are methods such as, emails, faxing, advertisement, written memos, phone, interpersonal, networking, conferences, or even texting. The different organizations consist of a Home Health Aides, Admissions Director, and Field office Administrator. After surveying the different work environments and their communication channels there are some organizations that use more communication methods than others. When communicating internally as a Home Health Care Aide, emails, phone conversations, text messages, and letters are a source of communication. As a Home Health Aide one mainly has contact with his or her clients and the client’s case managers. One only has to communicate with the case managers if there is a problem with the client, if the client is hospitalized, if there is a change in the clients care, or if problems arise with the family member. Communicating externally would mainly consist of dealings with Medicaid or with the union. The communication channel that is used with Medicaid and the union externally consists of emails and seminars to go over new implementation of patient care, Medicaid rules, and union...
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...Accounting Memo interoffice memo To: New Manager in Position CC: New Hiring Manager From: Old Manager in Position Date: July 18, 2014 Re: Helpful guidelines in the New Position During the period of working in the manager position that you will be taking over, I have built my reputation on building strong communication between the group members. Within the group I have managed some of the barriers of communication and they were mostly language, psychological and attitudinal barriers. I found it to be very helpful to understand each and every member of the group you work with to get a better understanding how these differences will affect the group productivity and performance. Below is some useful information to assist you in your new position. The first thing that I did when trying o overcome the barriers was to gather information about everyone in the work group. The first barrier was language. I found it hard to communicate to someone in my accounting field if they did not know the jargon. Jargon is not acceptable sometimes, especially when they are expecting you to explain everything. I started to understand that language barriers create the lack of confidence in others. Please make sure you learn all the accounting meanings and learn how to explain it to others. As work related issues with language presented itself, I educated everyone on it and even educated myself on things as well. The second barrier was psychological. If someone...
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...head: INNOVATIVE CHANGE AT FORD MOTOR COMPANY Innovative Change at Ford Motor Company Keller University Human Resources 587 August 24, 2014 Abstract Since Alan Mulally took over as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Ford Motor Company the business has been transformed into a powerful competitive force in the global automotive industry. An examination of the company’s communications surrounding Mulally’s retirement and the appointment of Mark Fields as the new CEO demonstrate how Ford used positive and candid communications to overcome resistance to the change. Actions as simple as providing verbal and nonverbal cues have a powerful influence on how others perceive a change (Nekoranec & Fourrier, 2013). A proposed alternative communication plan, including the use of more communication channels with increased frequency, would have helped the company address some of the fear and uncertainty among stakeholders. An example of an internal memo is provided to show how the use of positive and supportive descriptions of the change can motivate stakeholders to act as change agents on behalf of an organization by embracing the change and recognizing their essential role in the process. Innovative Change at Ford Motor Company In the past few decades Ford Motor Company has experienced a series of disruptive changes pertaining to the company’s leadership. In 2006, the appointment of Alan Mulally as the company’s Chief Executive Officer prompted...
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...Management Behavior Background This memo is going out to the senior management in light of our company, InterClean, Inc., going into a merger with one of our competitors, EnviroTech, Inc. This memorandum will discuss how our behavior as managers can affect productivity of our current staff, management actions that do or do not align with employment laws, and some best practices we will adopt for the new diverse workforce across the globe. When I refer to management behavior, I mean myself, and the frontline managers who report to me. I will try to address them here as well although this memo is supposed to go to the senior management. This merger is supposed to create new opportunities and larger footprint in domestic and global markets for the new company. Although there is a lot of excitement, all of our stakeholders are envisaging new challenges. One of those challenges is our new sales team will need to adopt different approaches and develop a new organizational structure to align with service-oriented solutions. Impacts on productivity during transition To begin with, let me take this opportunity to thank all of you for all the hard work, dedication and relentless efforts to bring InterClean, Inc. to a milestone where they can think of going global. Our industry has evolved with changing government safety codes and regulations. The new company is going to follow the aforementioned regulations and create world class turn-key solutions for our worldwide customers. Very...
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...Mgt 201. Assignments Please submit your assignments one at a time, and space the assignments so that you have a chance to get feedback from one before you submit another. Think Pieces 1. Read the material on Myers-Briggs psychological types contained in Module. Then take the online Myers-Briggs psychological type test at the following site: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm. Once you have taken the test, press the hot button that allows you to learn more about your type. a. What is your psychological type? b. How do you think your specific type affects your behavior in the workplace? c. Write down the psychological type of someone whose type is completely opposite of yours (e.g., ESTP is the opposite of INFJ). Using Myers-Briggs concepts, describe how the relationship between the two of you could be uncomfortable. Describe also how you might be able to complement each other. You should devote about two pages (single spaced, 12 point font) to your answer. 2. Harden, Harden, & Harden is a venerable Wall Street stock brokerage firm. It has its business offices located in downtown Manhattan in the Wall Street district. Its information technology offices are located across the Hudson River in Jersey City. One of HHH’s most important corporate clients is Mammoth Capital Corporation. For years, HHH has been handling Mammoth’s financial security transactions in a semi-automated fashion. Mammoth would supply HHH with financial data generated from its financial systems formatted...
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...sentences to create a logical paragraph: A. Practicing engineers and scientists say they spend half of their time writing memos and reports. B. This attitude shows a naive faith in the competency of their secretaries. C. College students going into business think their secretaries will do their writing for them. D. Many of us foolishly object to taking courses in writing. E. Students going into the technical or scientific fields may think that writing is something they seldom have to do. F. Young business people seldom have private secretaries. G. Our notion that only poets and novelists have to write is unrealistic. H. Other things being equal, a person in any field who can express ideas clearly is sure to succeed. 2. Reorder the following sentences to create a logical paragraph: A. An A task is one that is either urgent or must be completed soon. B. Using this simple strategy allows people to focus on a specific job and systematically complete all tasks on the list. C. Those who successfully manage their time have learned to work only on the most important tasks. D. By focusing on what is truly important instead of trying to tackle everything, successful time managers complete chores in an organized fashion and avoid feeling overwhelmed. E. Time management is critical to success in any field. F. Then categorize each task by its importance. G. However, very few tasks actually fall into this category. ...
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...Create a memo describing your initial analysis of the situation at FAME as it relates to the design of the data base application. Write this as though you are writing a memo to Martin Forondo. Ensure that your memo addresses the following points: a. Your approach to addressing the problem at hand (for example, specify the systems development life cycle or whatever approach you plan on taking). Mr. Forondo, FAME (Forndo Artist Management Excellence) needs technology support to track the contracts of artists, a proposal for contracts to new artists, calendars of artist schedules and the performance shows, etc. In any event, music manager today have to be informed about a lot more things than they used to in the past including music licensing, merchandising, sponsorships, branding, crowdfunding, endorsements, social media, direct-to-fan strategies, and more; and putting together a winning strategy for your artists requires the right information in the right context. You also have to have to figure how to acquire financing, make the right connections, get bookings, break through barriers, enter into strategic alliances and joint ventures, generate income for your artists from multiple sources and get maximum exposure for your artist in an ever-changing music industry landscape. This can be achieved by developing an application for your artist management and managing the artist data in the backend using SQL/DB2 database. The application can be managed by the admin, artist managers...
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...4 Vision 4 Hypothesis: 4 Literature Review 5 Mythology 6 The primary research: 6 The secondary data: 6 Data Analysis 6 Findings 12 Recommendation 13 Conclusion 13 Appendix 15 Reference 15 Survey Questionnaire 15 Introduction For construction sector bricks are considered the main raw material. . In a developing country like Bangladesh, brick fields are playing the most important role for construction business. By determining the importance of construction and the future growth, Saver auto brick started its journey in 1989. It is located in Joina Bari, Savar, Dhaka. Since Saver Auto Brick is operating business for a long period of time, SAVER AUTO BRICK have a very good reputation in the sector of manufacturing bricks. SAVER AUTO BRICK is the second company using automatic brick manufacturing technology to produce high quality bricks. It is more eco friendly. Using both the manual and automatic process, they have the capacity of producing around 40 million bricks in a year. The company produces two different types of bricks with two different types of machines. As the brick fields are not that much good for environment, SAVER AUTO BRICK is very much concerned about the wastage of soil and the safety of its labor. Communication problem is very common in this type of production factory. After we did our research, we came across a lot of communication problem in this company. They also mentioned that not only Savar Auto Bricks faces this sort of problem...
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...Business | | |BCOM/230 Version 3 | | |Business Communication for Accountants | Copyright © 2012, 2010 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business accounting setting. Students are exposed to various topics related to interpersonal and group communications within the context of applications to the accounting field. Students will develop skills in the forms of written communication, including memos, e-mails, business letters, and reports. Other topics include communication ethics, collaboration, information utilization, critical thinking, and professional competence and values. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class...
Words: 1982 - Pages: 8
...countries, particularly in regions of those countries largely overlooked by "Big Oil." During Lee's tenure with Triton, the company launched exploration ventures in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Thailand. In the early 1970s, Triton discovered a large oil and gas field in the Gulf of Thailand. Recurring disagreements and confrontations with the Thai government stymied Triton from developing that field for more than l0 years. Lee's experience with the Thai government taught him an important lesson: If Triton's exploration ventures *.re io be successful in foreign countries, the company had to foster good relationships with key governmental officials in those countries. Lee created Triton Indonesia, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Triton Energy, to develop an oil field that the company acquired in Indonesia in 1988. This oil field, located on the island of Sumatra and known as the Enim Field, belonged to a Dutch firm in the 1930s. At the time, Sumatra was a protectorate of the Netherlands. When the Japanese invaded Indonesia during World War II, retreating Dutch soldiers dynamited the Enim Field to render it...
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...Date: 9/9/2012 To: Emmett Rodriguez, CEO of Expressions of Hue Cc: Audra Rodriguez, Human Resources Manager From: Amanda Maybery, Payroll Specialist and Project Manager RE: Tuition Reimbursement Request for Business Communications Course Having the knowledge and training to get a job done is essential for an employee to thrive and flourish in the workplace. It is for this reason that I am interested pursuing higher education in the field of Management. I would like to request tuition reimbursement for a course offered by Kaplan University called Business Communications. I believe that Expressions of Hue and its employees would greatly benefit from this particular course. This course directly correlates with my current position as a Payroll Specialist and Project Manager. As a Payroll Specialist and Project Manager (PSPM) for Expressions of Hue, I am responsible for communicating effectively with customers, co-workers and independent business owners during the bidding process through e-mail, letters, and memos on a daily basis. This memo represents the results of my research and findings as to why tuition reimbursement would be cost effective and efficient for the company. What Are the Advantages? Tuition reimbursement offers several important advantages: • The skills learned and practice during the course will increase the level of productivity at work. • By further expanding my education and obtaining an advanced...
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...E-Sonic Compensation Paper Todd Lipscomb, Belma Alic, and Teresa Halpin Davenport University Strategic Analysis Outline: 1. Strategic Analysis A. E-Sonic NAICS falls into two different codes 334614 and 512220. The first code 334614 definition is, “Providing mass duplication of recorded products; Software and other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing” (). This code is given in reference to E-Sonic’s producing of music on to various forms of products. The second code 512220 is, “Releasing, Promoting, and Distributing sound recordings. Integrated Record Production/Distribution” (). B. Analysis of E-Sonic’s external market environment 1. Sonic records are a part of the recording and production studio industry, which is going on to start E-Sonic. “Sonic Records, a market-leading recording studio and production house, has witnessed declining demand for music CDs” (). The company boasted over $15 billion in revenue five years ago. However, times have changed over the past five years; technology has greatly improved over time. There have been many technological advances that has offered alternatives to CDs. The one thing that has improved the industry some is the government regulations against pirating music, which is essentially stealing the merchandise. 2. E-Sonic’s competition is pretty fierce as the market has been going for quite some time now. It kind of goes along with, don’t reinvent the wheel if it is already working. Consumers...
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