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Memorial Day Narrative

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On Memorial Day 2019, my family's life was changed forever. An EF3 tornado spun through Mercer County, striking my grandmother's house in Celina. This left her home in ruins. The devastation was overwhelming, and it felt like our world had been turned upside down. My grandma's house was not just a house, it was a place filled with memories. Seeing it in such a state was heart-wrenching, but it also marked the beginning of a years-long journey teaching me more than I ever could on my own. The day following the traumatic event, my uncle picked me up from school, which happened to be my last day of sixth grade. This was unusual considering he lived fifteen minutes away and I usually took the bus. Upon arrival, I witnessed many cousins, aunts, …show more content…
During this time, my grandma stayed with my family. We turned our office space into a bedroom for her to stay in. We also moved her belongings from the storage unit into our house. All of her things were piled up in our garage. It felt like suddenly all of our belongings doubled, but the space in our house was cut in half. During COVID-19, I put in most of my work. Her house had just been built. The first week we were there, we spent painting. We would arrive before the sun rose and leave after it went down. We spent so many hours painting the most bland color of tan on every newly built wall in the house. During this week our lunches consisted of packed lunches containing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cheese-itz. While all of my friends were playing the new season of Fortnite together, I was spending the day with my family pushing my arms to paint so my grandmother didn't have to pay for professionals. It was about this time that my grandmother moved. This meant that we had to move everything from my house to my house. It took many trips to move heavy furniture into this one-bedroom duplex. It took every weekend for a month to get everything from clothes to kitchen utensils into her temporary

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