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Mental Health Case Study Jan

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Jan is an 83-year-old cisgender woman. She has been living at an assisted living facility in San Marcos, Texas for the last six months, and she plans to do so indefinitely. She reports her living facility is comfortable and safe, and a place of community and commradry. She lives with her husband, to whom she’s been married 66 years, and she states they are happily married and make good companions. Jan and her husband are currently retired, but they spent 33 years as a missionaries in South and Central America. Throughout their careers, Jan and her husband would take extended leaves of absence from mission work and return to the United States, during these furloughs Jan worked as a substitute teacher.
Jan has four adult children and a number …show more content…
However, within the last 5 years she has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Glaucoma, and Hypertension. Jan visits the doctor for wellness checks on a regular basis and is currently taking a few different prescription medications and vitamins. She orally takes the prescription medications Benztropine for Parkinson’s disease and Aldactone for hypertension. She applies Istalol eye drops for Glaucoma symptoms. She also takes Vitamin B and Iron supplements daily for proactive health guided by her doctor.
Jan is concerned about falling, as she has been experiencing moments of imbalance and dizziness throughout the last two weeks. She appears mostly stable, but one instant of her losing her balance, and then catching herself, was observed. Jan also has tremors in her hands and stooped posture. Jan reports that these symptoms are symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but worries the recent onset of imbalance and dizziness may be caused by her new hypertension medication, Aldactone. She has no other obvious external displays of poor physical health; her skin is not bruised or discolored, she does not have any persistent coughing or sneezing, and over than the aforementioned symptoms of imbalance, dizziness, and shakiness, she presents to be physically healthy. There are no observable signs of abuse or neglect, and through talking further with Jan it can be determined that abuse and neglect are not a worry at this

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