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Child Protective Services: A Case Study

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The children protective services (CPS) are aimed at ensuring that the rights of children are respected and well protected within the society. However, there has been a heated debate on to what extent the child protective services should reach. Recently, there has been an intense discussion over the issue whether child protective services have gone too far especially among the black and poor parents. This paper examines the implementation of the child protection services in various populations of the society and the theoretical interpretations based on social theory.
The CPS has been accused of having biased presumptions and having dreadful effects in stressful situations (Goldberg, 2015). In connection, this, poor, single, and the parents …show more content…
Some think that this is a progressive institution whose role is significant within the society (Goldberg, 2015). For instance, according to Bartholet, the opponents of the child protection services are just family preservationists who put the child at risk by insisting that the children should remain with their parents irrespective of the fact that they are facing abuse or neglect (Goldberg, 2015). According to Bartholet, this violates the right of children and that the outrageous CPS intrusion is just a representation of a negligible fraction of the society. Many children suffer from these ills, and hence the CPS is justified to take appropriate measures. In his book, Patterson argued that “being Afro-American is no longer a significant obstacle to participation in the public life of the nation. What is more, Afro-Americans have also become full members of what may be called the nation’s moral community and cultural life” (Patterson, 1997). However, he noted that we still have similar stereotypes, brought about by the new systems. For instance, black parents reporting accidental injuries in their children in healthcare three times more probable than their white partners to be accounted for tyke mishandle (Goldberg, 2015). The decisions by the concerned parties are dominated by …show more content…
For instance, the migrant farm workers are expected to comply with parenting classes, though they are not provided with transportation (Goldberg, 2015). These parents usually work in farms and attending these classes implies losing their day’s pay, and consequently being unable to pay for rent as well as providing food for their children. These parents are at a risk of losing their children to foster care just because of their failure to attend parenting classes. According to Patterson, limiting the influx of low-skilled immigrants and implementing policies that discourage teenage childbearing is a significant step in solving the issue of ethnic profiling in America (Patterson, 1997). For instance, most of these parents working in farms get low income and hence unable to provide for their children, which leads to conflict with the child

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