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Plane Crash Book Report

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Personal response: This book was a cross between a book and a movie. It was trying so hard at both that it did not accomplish either. In the beginning it was darting around following all kinds of families and the path to the plane. The background of a one or two families would have worked out much better. The times given was the only information to keep things straight. Introducing characters took way too long for the information received. It took the author 200 pages to write a 100 page book.

Plot: In the beginning the book followed a handful of people on the trip to the plane. The reason why they are going was stated for each person. The crash was seen in a few perspectives then the book followed the rescuers. First responders were overwhelmed, then too many EMTs arrived. There was not enough room to get people out. They used the house to keep survivors warm, but the deceased were kept in a horse barn. When every survivor was off the scene investigators looked at possible causes of the crash. …show more content…
At the age of 17 his training was not too long ago. He looked forward to something like this to happen. He wanted to be a hero. Patrick was speechless when he first saw the crash. His legs would not move. This is when he realized that being the hero is going to take some work. After he got into the action his training took over. He was doing well until a massive amount of EMTs arrived. He was told they no longer needed him because they had veterans show up. Even though he was stopped from working, Patrick took a lot away from this crash. He grew tremendously as a person. He figured out that hoping for his chance was not a good thing. His job was to hope for the best and expect the

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