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Why You Need To Carry Commercial Insurance

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You might ask yourself why a business would need to carry commercial insurance. The answer is easy. You need commercial or business insurance to protect yourself, your business, employees and those who visit your business. For example, if someone has an accident on your business property, good business or commercial insurance will make sure their care is covered. It can also protect you if your business catches fire. Really any loss that could limit your ability to do business can be protected against with commercial insurance. It is your business’s protector and defender.
What is Commercial Insurance?
Commercial insurance is just simply insurance that protects your business. It works much the same way as regular insurance for your home or car. Only instead of protecting your car or home, it covers your business and all things that go along with that. It can protect the …show more content…
Let’s assume your business gets sued for around $300,000 due to an accident on your worksite. This injury involves an additional $100,000 of legal fees. Let’s assume your liability coverage is set at $400,000. This means your insurance would cover all the expenses associated with the accident. Now, if this accident costs exceed the amount of coverage you have, you would be responsible for the difference. That is why businesses with high risk will often get additional policies to make sure they are covered, no matter what happens.
Why do I Need Commercial Insurance for my Business?
You of course understand the importance of having commercial insurance to protect yourself. However, in some cases, you are legally required to have this insurance. Some states require you as a business owner to pay state disability and workers’ compensation insurance. Therefore, sometimes not only is a good idea for you to have commercial insurance, but its legally required.
What Does Commercial Insurance

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