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English Setter

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Known for its calm nature and easygoing attitude, the English Setter has a fascinating history as a hunting dog. It can still be found being used for that very purpose to this day, but has also found a place as a faithful family companion. The docile and friendly aspects to this breed’s temperament have really helped to endear it to countless owners over the years, with English Setters commonly displaying warmth and affection even towards strangers. Put simply, these dogs can get along with just about everyone. They are great family pets and love spending time with children, but they can just as easily form loyal bonds with the elderly. This is a dog that will never want to leave your side and loves to spend time with humans.
One only has to take a glance at these dogs to get some idea of their nature. The face of the English Setter naturally forms …show more content…
These dogs are hard-workers and have excellent tracking skills, so are a popular choice for anyone looking to hunt birds. Still, some individuals are more adept than others, so it’s worth speaking to a breeder beforehand if you want an English Setter to join you on hunting escapades in the future. It’s also worth mentioning that these dogs aren’t massively popular or easy-to-find, particularly in the United States where they just about break into the top 100 most commonly-owned breeds.
In addition to hunting, the intelligence and obedience of these dogs has helped them to enjoy plenty of success in shows and other canine events. English Setters are frequent participants in obedience training and continue to win various prestigious titles to this day. Overall though, the most popular use for this dog is as a family companion. English Setters are famously friendly and easy to get along with. They care for their owners and love to give and receive affection each and every day.
Grooming a English

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