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Xylophone Research Paper

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My percussion instrument that I created with recycled materials was a xylophone. This instrument makes sound by tapping it with a metal spoon or anything with metal such as a fork, screwdriver and etc. In addition, the materials I used to make the xylophone was an egg carton, series of wrenches, and a metal spoon, due to each material having an important attribute to my instrument. For instance, the egg carton helps eliminate echoes of the sound created. Also, it has a small contribution for the sound waves, a movement to transfer energy, to absorb. Besides, the different sizes of the wrenches establish a different sound/pitch when hitting it with the spoon. On top of that, sound is a type of energy made with vibrations which travels through a medium (moves particles of a solid, liquid, or gas). As a matter of fact, sound travels by the sound waves entering the outer ear and into the ear canal, where the eardrum vibrates when sound waves reach it. From here, the vibrations are sent into three small delicate bones called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup in the middle ear. Later on, the cochlea turns sound waves into signals. Here the semicircular canals send messages to the brain from the nerves. …show more content…
As one can see, when one taps the smallest wrench it makes a high pitch sound, since the frequency of the vibrations are very rapid. Additionally, to produce a low pitch sound one needs to hit the longest wrench, for the cause of slow vibrations. Surprisingly, when it makes different sounds (pitches) the amplitude and wavelength change in a sound wave. To illustrate this idea, the amplitude in a high pitch wave is longer while the low pitch has a short amplitude. The wavelength is different for each sound, because in a high pitch the wave is very narrow than a low pitch. Here a low pitch wave shows a wider wavelength. Yet, the trough and crest is the same for each sound

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