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The Crucible Film Analysis

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The Crucible (1996)
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Joan Allen, Winona Ryder, Peter Vaughn, and Rob Campbell
Director: Nicholas Hynter
Synopsis: Daniel Day-Lewis stars as John Proctor, a young farmer during the Puritan Era. In this classic film that was nominated for two awards, John Proctor is determined to end an uprising of witchcraft in the little town of Salem, Massachusetts as Reverend Hale (Rob Campbell) comes to cleanse Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder) and other girls from performing the Devil’s work.

Nicholas Hynter brings us another mystical and uproaring movie to theaters for our eyes to view. We see a few familiar yet famous faces in this outstanding film, but the audience will notice a few new faces as well.

When witchcraft hits

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