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Mental Health Therapy Research Paper

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Informed Consent

Conducted By Jesse L. Wilson, LCSW

I am a qualified mental health provider. I obtained my Masters of Social Work from Tulane University. Bachelor of Science, Family Studies from Nicholls State University. I have my certification as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of Louisiana. I have over 5 years of diverse experience to properly give professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, and/or psychotherapy.

Therapy can help address an array of mental health conditions. My therapeutic approach will benefit you by helping find techniques to promote healthy behavior, increase personal insight, and methods of coping. There is no guarantee of what …show more content…
We then begin to explore the details of your current concerns and mental health issues that led you to seek treatment.

The goals of treatment are designed to be specific, realistic, and tailored to you. We will plan your treatment based on these objectives in order to help you make achievable steps toward your goals. Progress and outcomes are based on your active efforts of your part.

A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for canceling an appointment. The full fee will be charged for sessions missed without such notification.

Please call me at (985)555-5555 if you need to reach me. At times I am with a client, please leave a message on my confidential voice mail, and I will return your call as soon as possible. For non-urgent message, please note that it may take up to 2 days for me to return your call. If I am unable to be reached and you feel unable to keep yourself safe, contact a crisis hotline, call 911, or go to a nearby hospital emergency room. …show more content…
Feel free to discuss any financial concerns you may have.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule grants consumers and people in treatment various privacy rights as they relate to consumer health information, including mental health information. Documentation and information discussed and recorded during the course of your treatment is kept confidential. The information is not shared without you completing a form to authorize the release of information.

According to Louisiana law,LA Rev Stat § 9:2800., When a patient has communicated a threat of physical violence, which is deemed to be significant in the clinical judgment, against a clearly identified victim or victims, coupled with the apparent intent and ability to carry out such threat, the social worker, credentialed under R.S. 37:2701 through 2723, treating such patient and exercising reasonable professional judgment, shall not be liable for a breach of confidentiality for warning of such threat or taking precautions to provide protection from the patient's violent

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