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Mental Illness Journal Analysis

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Journal 2 My perspective on individuals with mental illness is based on my experience with people with mental problems and knowledge from previous courses in psychology. I used to believe that people misbehave or act out because they are weird or wanted attention, but I discovered how wrong I was when I started learning about psychological disorders. I had a brother who has mental problem which causes him to have a violent behavior, learning disability, and inability to fit in with others. I used to believe that he can control it and that he only misbehaves because he wanted attention from my parents. I also misbelieved that medication could solve mental problems. Minoring in psychology helped me understand the actual cause of the mental …show more content…
I was inspired after hearing what they have to offer to those who cannot help themselves. I also get to see different types of people who came in for help during the orientation; the people are friendly and real. In the beginning, I thought that people who seek help at Good News Rescue mission would be more a bit more aggressive and mean. Growing up with my brother who has the mental health issue I was afraid of being harm, but when I got there, I realized that it was not as I expected at all. I like how real these people are and love hearing about their story; it is so inspiring. What I found out that breaks my heart was that some of the people became homeless because they have a mental illness which makes it difficult for them to work or financially take care of themselves. This is more reason why I want to get to know these people and be able to help them, even just by listening to their stories. I think that it is fascinating that people who stayed at Good News Rescue mission each have a responsibility and contribute to the place. It is considered a therapeutic milieu because everyone there is taking care and supporting each other. People who go there are bad people or lazy, but they want to change. I believe that it is a safe environment and everyone has a good

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