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Personal Narrative: Seventh Grade

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When I began seventh grade, I was truly uneasy, but now my fears of seventh grade have diminished. For instance, I thought that I was going to forget my lock combination. I was scared because I didn’t want to bother the custodians and I didn't want to be late to class and get yelled at because I couldn't get my locker open. Now I know that the office will keep my lock combination, so that eased some of my stress. In the same way, I don’t was to get lost. I was afraid that I was going to stray and linger because I didn’t know where I was. Also I didn’t want to get yelled at for being late or being in the hallway. However, I did get lost on the first and second day, but I have not got lost since then. Above all, I really wanted to have friends in my classes. Clearly, I am …show more content…
One positive is that my teachers are really nice and I can’t wait to see what they will plan this year. I really like Mr. Aghbal and Mrs.Wagner. I like Mr. Aughbal’s science class because he did a fish experiment that was really cool and fun. I like Mrs. Wagner’s class because we are doing a writing assignment and I love writing. I also love how we have our own secret password. Another class that I really like is band class with Mr. Howell. I recently had the opportunity to play my trombone at half time at a football game. I couldn’t play because I had things to do on the practice days and I did it last year. Speaking of my classes, my schedule is really easy to follow and that is a plus. In the same way with my schedule, I havent got lost since the first and last day because my schedule got really easy after the first week of seventh grade. With my scheduled classes, I love that I have friends in most of my classes. My best friends this year are Savanna, Emma L, and Gabbie. My friends are going to be really important to me this school year, so I am happy to have them. Many positives and surprises have

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