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Assignment 1: Cultural Differences In Health Care

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1. Govenrment agencies such as HRSA(Health Resources And Services Administration) have a huge inpact on cost,acess, and quality healtcare delivery. The health resources and services administration provides health care services for low income and uninsured people. In the year of 2013 HRSA funded at least 1202 health care centers accross the nation. I Think we need more than that to be honest. America judges you by what class you are in. Theres low class,middle class and high class. A big percentage of families in america are considered low class which is considered low income. I believe in fairness,It doesnt matter who you are if someone is in need of medical attention as a healthcare worker its your job to help them regardless if they are insured or not. …show more content…
One problem is there are many languages in america. I think its important for the healthcare industry to have more workers that can help speak multiple languages to communicate better. Diffent cultures believe in diffent things and can have a big impact on healthcare today.For an example there are some cultures in the world that dont believe in getting vacinated. For the people who live in this country that believe in that is going to have a hard time seeking medical treatment due to their believe of not getting vacinated. Health literacy affects the treatments of patients also because people with diffent cultures may not understand the basic information or services thats been provided to them and is expected to make an decision about their health. Healthcare workers need to explain in a more specific way to patients so they can have a better understanding about their health,that way there it can make it a little more easier for the patient take the next step into making a

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