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If You Really Knew Me Essay

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Colbie Caillat, a famous songwriter and musician, wrote a song that goes, “You don’t have to try so hard, you don’t have to give it all away, you just have to get up…” My mom loves that song so much that she plays it every chance she gets. Honestly, that song makes me gag. Running miles and miles to catch up to my friends, dealing with difficult jobs or obstacles, and even studying through nights without sleep. If you really knew me, you would know I will do absolutely anything and everything to achieve my goals; trying isn’t good enough an excuse to fall back on.

If you really knew me, you would know that I love sports to my heart's content but, I was never a good player at anything I did. Early in my sixth grade year at Barboursville, I thought it’d be a fantastic idea to join the track team. Soon after joining, I found that I can’t run to save my life. Once I started track, often more than i’d like to admit, I was running three miles after school far behind all of my friends. No one cheering me on or saying good job at the finish line was a reality I had known too well. So, after practice, I’d run an extra two miles to build endurance. After a while, I was able to stay at an …show more content…
Since I started high school this year, I decided to get a job. Finding a job was harder than I though. Checking through Oncourse, I saw that Marshall was hiring vendors for football games. I applied and got the job and everything was great...up until my first day. I showed up two hours before the game to set up the vending. I was handed a bright pink uniform and an apron. I wear a medium yet, the shirt was a small. My job was to walk up and down the stands selling a trey of cottoncandy. Marshall now sells alcohol during games, you can imagine the ‘compliments’ I had received. Over all running up and down the entire stadium and selling melted cotton candy to people who don’t tip was worth it for a twentyfive dollar

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