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Specialized Transduction Research Paper

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Transduction is a process monitored by viruses to transfer bacterials genes, most commonly through horizontal gene transfer.Bactiopages or phages, which is a bacteria infected by a virus, can be virulent (cause host cell lysis) or temperate (do not kill the host). Phages can either go through Specialized transduction or Generalized transduction. For Specialized transduction, a temperate phage uses the Lysogenic cycle to attach to the host bacteria and inject its DNA. At a specific integration site the phage incorporates its DNA into host and is replicated in the chromosome. During this process some some of the host DNA is taken up by the Phage capsid, at the integration site. The phage, with some of the host DNA, then enters the lytic cycle. …show more content…
Once attached the host phage injects the new host again at a specific integration site, but this time also injects the bacterial host DNA, transducing it into the new bacteria. In Generalized Transduction a virulent phage and some temperate phages, using the lytic cycle, attaches to the host bacteria. Once attached the phage injects its DNA into the host and then phage enzymes come in and break down host DNA, which allows replication with the Phage DNA. Then phage capsids form to start assembling a new phage particle. During this process any bacterial DNA floating around is taken up into the capsid, instead of a phage DNA. Then phage particles then lyse the host cell and infect a new host chromosome. The phages with bacterial DNA in their capsids attach to another bacteria, like any phage, then insert the bacterial DNA instead of phage DNA. The bacterial DNA that was transferred by the page is replicated and a new recombinant chromosome is formed. Which if it was a phage would have repeated the lytic cycle of the virus using the new host to replicate and make its own DNA, lysing the cell at the

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