...Hours Weekly This unit does not have a fieldwork component. Credit Value: Pre-requisite units: Co-requisite units: Anti-requisite units: Result type: Approved incidental fees: Unit coordinator: 25.0 305229 (v.0) Advanced Financial Accounting 260 or any previous version Nil Nil Grade/Mark Information about approved incidental fees can be obtained from our website. Visit fees.curtin.edu.au/incidental_fees.cfm for details. Lisa Cullen Name: +618 9266 7567 Phone: Lisa.Cullen@curtin.edu.au Email: 407 Building: 406A - Level 4 Room: Consultation times: Tuesday 2-4pm and Thursday 12.30-2.30pm Name: Phone: Email: Building: Room: Name: Phone: Email: Building: Room: Name: Phone: Email: Building: Room: Administrative contact: Name: Phone: Email: Building: Room: Andrew Reynolds +61 8 9266 3602 A.Reynolds@curtin.edu.au 407 426 John Evans +618 9266 3156 John.Evans@curtin.edu.au 407 407 Clive Oliver +618 92667295 Clive.Oliver@curtin.edu.au 407 412 Lesley Hill +618 9266 7295 Lesley.Hill@cbs.curtin.edu.au 407 412 Teaching Staff: Learning Management System: Blackboard (lms.curtin.edu.au) 309875 Accounting Theory and Analysis 308 Bentley Campus 19 Feb 2014 School of Accounting, Curtin Business School Page: 1 of 9 CRICOS Provider Code WA 00301J, NSW 02637B Curtin Business School School of Accounting Acknowledgement of Country We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendants and kin of this land past and present. Syllabus Theory...
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...Chapter 13 PLANNING REPORTS AND PROPOSALS Multiple Choice 1. Despite the variety among them, many analytical reports include a a. standard opening. b. section of recommendations. c. “this is how it’s done” quality. d. standard middle section. ANSWER: b; DIFFICULTY: moderate; PAGE: 394; TYPE: concept 2. The basic purpose of informational reports is a. to persuade the audience to act. b. to present recommendations and conclusions. c. to present data, facts, feedback, and other types of information, without analysis or recommendations. d. to convince the reader of the soundness of your thinking. ANSWER: c; DIFFICULTY: easy; PAGE: 394; TYPE: concept 3. The best way to phrase the purpose statement of a report is with a. complex language. b. an infinitive phrase. c. a controversial statement. d. jargon. ANSWER: b; DIFFICULTY: moderate; PAGE: 396; TYPE: concept 4. Which of the following is the least clear statement of purpose? a. “The purpose of this report to determine which of four alternative investments will have the highest return.” b. “The purpose of this report is to analyze four potential investments.” c. “The purpose of this report is to answer the question, ‘Which of four investments will provide the highest return?’” d. “The goal of this report is to evaluate the return on four investments.” ANSWER: b; DIFFICULTY: moderate; PAGE: 396; TYPE: application ...
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...lectures and cases, etc. Defining marketing for the 21st century The Scope of Marketing Core Marketing Concept Company Orientation Toward The Marketplace Marketing Management tasks Scanning the marketing environment , Forecast demand and conducting marketing research Components of a modern Marketing Information System Internal records Marketing intelligence Identifying the major forces The demographic environment The economic environment The socio-cultural environment The natural environment The technological environment The political –legal environment Scanning the marketing environment , Forecast demand, and conduction marketing research The Marketing Research System The Marketing Research Process Chapter No. 2/3 Chapter 1 4 11 18 24 Chapter 3 4 60 61 62 65 66 68 70 71 73 74 Chapter 3 5 82 84 2 6 Creating Customer Value and Customer Relationship Building Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty Customer Perceived Value Total Customer Satisfaction Customer Relationship Management Analyzing Consumer Markets What influences consumer behavior The Buying decision process : the five stage model Analyzing Business Market What is organizational buying? Stages in the buying process Indentifying Market Segments and Targets Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets Basis of Segmenting Business Market Market targeting Competitive Dynamics Product Life Cycle Marketing Strategies...
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...QNT 561 Week 4 Weekly Learning Assessments - Assignment Chapter 10 Exercise 2 [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] A sample of 36 observations is selected from a normal population. The sample mean is 12, and the population standard deviation is 3. Conduct the following test of hypothesis using the 0.01 significance level H0: μ ≤ 10 H1: μ > 10 1. Award: 10 out of 10.00 points a. Is this a one- or two-tailed test? b. What is the decision rule? c. What is the value of the test statistic? d. What is your decision regarding H0? e. What is the p-value? Chapter 10 Exercise 10 Given the following hypotheses: H0 : μ = 400 H1 : μ ≠ 400 A random sample of 12 observations is selected from a normal population. The sample mean was 407 and the sample standard deviation 6. Using the .01 significance level: a. State the decision rule. (Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answers to 3 decimal places.) b. Compute the value of the test statistic. (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.) c. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis? To download QNT 561 Week 2 Complete Answers click here QNT 561 Week 2 Weekly Learning Assessments Chapter 10 Exercise 12 The management of White Industries is considering a new method of assembling its golf cart. The present method requires 42.3 minutes, on the average, to assemble a cart. The mean assembly time for a random sample of 24 carts, using the new method,...
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...chapter 21 Test your understanding 3 Hanford & Stopple Answer 1 (a) Hanford consolidated statement of financial position at 30 September 20X1 Noncurrent assets Property, plant and equipment (W8) Goodwill (W3) $000 $000 109,510 6,850 ––––––– 116,360 Current assets Inventory (7,450 + 4,310) Accounts receivable (12,960 + 4,330 – 820 (W7)) Bank 11,760 16,470 520 ––––––– 28,750 ––––––– 145,110 ––––––– Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent: Ordinary shares of $1 each (20,000 +10,000 (W6)) Reserves: Share premium (10,000 + 10,000 (W6)) Retained earnings (W5) 30,000 20,000 65,750 ––––––– Noncontrolling interests (W4) 85,750 ––––––– 115,750 6,950 ––––––– 122,700 6,000 Noncurrent liabilities 8% Loan notes 20X4 Current liabilities Trade accounts payable (5,920 + 4,160 – 620 (W7)) Bank overdraft Provision for taxation (3,070 + 2,180) 9,460 1,700 5,250 ––––––– Total equity and liabilities KAPLAN PUBLISHING 16,410 ––––––– 145,110 403 Questions & Answers Workings (all figures in $000) (W1) Group Structure Hanford | 75% Stopple 6m/8m Note: the unrealised profit on the sale of the plant was initially $400,000, of this 10% i.e. $40,000 has been realised via Stopple's depreciation charge, giving a net adjustment of $360,000 to both Hanford's profits (W5) and the carrying value of the plant. (W2) Net assets in subsidiary At acquisition ...
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...OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 OMB Number: 3235-0063 Expires: April 30, 2015 Estimated average burden hours per response ... . 1,998.78 FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. Rule as to Use of Form 10-K. (1) This Form shall be used for annual reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78o(d)) (the “Act”) for which no other form is prescribed. This Form also shall be used for transition reports filed pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Act. (2) Annual reports on this Form shall be filed within the following period: (a) 60 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by the report (75 days for fiscal years ending before December 15, 2006) for large accelerated filers (as defined in 17 CFR 240.12b-2): (b) 75 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by the report for accelerated filers (as defined in 17 CFR 240.12b-2); and (c) 90 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by the report for all other registrants. (3) Transition reports on this Form shall be filed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Rule 13a-10 (17 CFR 240.13a-10) or Rule 15d-10 (17 CFR 240.15d-10) applicable when the registrant changes its fiscal year end. (4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (3) of this General Instruction A., all schedules required by Article 12 of Regulation S-X...
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...UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 OMB APPROVAL OMB Number: 3235-0063 Expires: March 31, 2018 Estimated average burden hours per response ... . 1,998.78 FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. Rule as to Use of Form 10-K. (1) This Form shall be used for annual reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78o(d)) (the “Act”) for which no other form is prescribed. This Form also shall be used for transition reports filed pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Act. (2) Annual reports on this Form shall be filed within the following period: (a) 60 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by the report (75 days for fiscal years ending before December 15, 2006) for large accelerated filers (as defined in 17 CFR 240.12b-2): (b) 75 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by the report for accelerated filers (as defined in 17 CFR 240.12b-2); and (c) 90 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by the report for all other registrants. (3) Transition reports on this Form shall be filed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Rule 13a-10 (17 CFR 240.13a-10) or Rule 15d-10 (17 CFR 240.15d-10) applicable when the registrant changes its fiscal year end. (4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (3) of this General Instruction A., all schedules required by Article 12 of Regulation...
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...Chapter 11 Managing Change and Innovation True/False Questions 1. Organizational change refers to the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization. Answer: True Level: 1 Page: 392 Type: F 2. Redesign and renewal of the total organization is addressed by operational change. Answer: False Level: 1 Page: 393 Type: F 3. Given that external problems are beyond the control of management, when organizations are caught flat-footed, failing to anticipate or respond to new needs, no one can be blamed. Answer: False Level: 2 Page: 393 Type: F 4. Forces for organizational change exist both in the external environment and within the organization. Answer: True Level: 1 Page: 393 Type: F 5. After the need for change has been perceived, the next part of the change process is implementing change. Answer: False Level: 2 Page: 394 Type: F 6. New department technologies, demands by labor unions, and production inefficiencies are all examples of some external forces. Answer: False Level: 1 Page: 394 Type: F 7. A performance gap is a disparity between the performance of the company when compared with a competitor. Answer: False Level: 3 Page: 395 Type: F 8. The disparity between existing and desired performance levels is the performance gap. Answer: True Level: 1 Page: 395 Type: F 9. The process of learning about current developments inside and outside the organization that can be used to meet...
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...Unit 9: Basic Linux Administration Objectives 9: Administer and maintain a Linux system. 9.1: Create users and groups by using the CLI and GUI tools. 9.2: Back up a Linux system by using the tar utility. 9.3: Maintain effective logs by using the log rotate utility. Readings A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Chapter 11, pp. 407-425 * Chapter 16 In-Class Assessment * Week 9 Quiz: Homework The following homework is designed to cover the course objectives for this unit. Assignment 9.1: Complete the following exercise in your textbook: * Chapter 16: Question 1-5 on page 643 Submit your written answer to your instructor at the start of Unit 10. Labs Instructor Notes: Assign students the following lab which can be printed from Appendix D. Lab 9.1: Using tar to Back Up Files What is the purpose? This lab exercise lets you perform basic file backup on your Linux system. What are the steps? Task 1: Backing up with tar Procedure 1. Open a terminal window as a regular user. 2. Create a directory named backup in your home directory. 3. Copy some files from your home directory into your new directory. 4. Create a backup of your new directory by using tar and compress the file with bzip2. Make sure that the backup file is not placed in the directory you are backing up. You will need to: a. Create permission. b. Choose verbose mode option. c. Choose the bzip2 file format. d. Specify...
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...Instructor: Dr. Mary Conway Dato-on Office: Bush Exec. Center 301 Class Time: TUE 6:30 - 9:30 PM Classroom: Crummer 107 Phone: 407-646-2514 E-mail: mconwaydatoon@rollins.edu You are encouraged to contact me whenever you have a question on any aspect of the class. You may contact me at any time throughout the semester. I am available basically when you need to meet. Sending an email may be the quickest way to reach me. Course Description This course will focus on the strategy and tactics needed for success in the international business environment. Strategic analysis will include the study of the economic, social, political, technological, and environmental settings of international business via text readings and case studies. Tactics will include completing a country-focused Political-Economic-Social-Technological (PEST) analysis and a company-focused Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis. These skills will then be applied to a simulation in which teams develop strategies for selecting countries for market expansion and development. Required Texts 1. Global Business Today (6th Edition), Charles W. Hill (McGraw Hill, 2009) ISBN: 007338139x. 2. FOUR (4) Case studies ARE REQUIRED and available to download from Harvard Business School Press, Ref. Number: http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/relay.jhtml?name=cp&c=c22021. You will need to register first and use a credit card to download the cases. It is not permissible to photocopy...
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...Fundamentals of Biology II BIO2000, T/F 7:30-‐8:55am DAC 407 Instructor: Dr. Brent A. Berger Office: 257 SAH 718-‐990-‐6790 bergerb@stjohns.edu Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 2:00-‐3:30pm, 257 SAH The purpose of office hours is to discuss questions, concerns, or comments you have about the course. You are welcome to talk to me before or after class, or set up an appointment to meet at another time. If you plan on attending office hours, please send me an email ahead of time. General Course Overview Fundamentals of Biology II is an introductory biology course designed to familiarize students with basic biology vocabulary and knowledge of core biological principles, including: the chemistry of life, structure/function of cells, energy transfer in living systems, Mendelian and chromosomal basis of heredity, DNA replication and repair, gene expression, virus and biotechnology. Student...
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...MGMT 407.341 (CRN: 60240), Business Ethics Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:34 PM to 7:15 PM Summer Semester, June 7 to July 30, 2010 Fort Hood SDC, Room # D-112 A member of the Texas A&M System since 1917 Instructor: Mr. John La Lone, BS-BA, MS-HRM Department: Management, Marketing, and Administrative Systems Office: Room 135A Phone: (254) 519-5472 E-mail: lalone@tarleton.edu Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. By appointment only. Office Secretary: Ms. Gabriele Fischbacher (254) 519-5437, Fax (254) 526-8403 A portion of this course is delivered via Blackboard Online Learning. http://online.tarleton.edu/Dual/DualLoginPage.htm You are required to check in online via e-mail within Blackboard within two days of this class. 1.0 Course Description: This course is designed to provide the student with a basic examination of the manager’s personal, social, and environmental responsibilities to oneself, ones employees, customers, the general public, the government and other agencies. It is also intended to totally familiarize the student with a basic understanding of Personal Business Ethics Concepts in today’s modern workplace environment. Emphasis will be placed upon the manager’s social and environmental responsibilities to employees, customers and the public. 1.1 Prerequisites: There are no pre-requisites for this course. 1.2 Expanded Course Description: The objective of this course is for each student...
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...Mearsheimer: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics In The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, author John Mearsheimer outlines a new theory of international relations which he calls “offensive realism.” Mearsheimer’s theory is a spin-off of Kenneth Waltz’s neorealism, also known as structural or defensive realism. Mearsheimer follows on the premises of Kenneth Waltz’s theory by deriving the behavior of states from the “structure” of the international system. Mearsheimer outlines five assumptions or premises comprising his theoretical foundation: 1) the international system is anarchic (no world government) 2) all states posses some offensive capability and are thus capable of using force against other states 3) no state can be certain another state will not use force against it 4) survival, territorial integrity, and domestic autonomy are the primal goals of all states and 5) great powers are rational actors (Mearsheimer 2001, pp. 30-31). It is difficult to definitively discern what conclusions Mearsheimer thinks follow from these premises (Wagner 2007, pg. 14). He argues for perhaps three conclusions: 1) great powers have powerful incentives to “think and act offensively with regard to each other…In particular, three general patterns of behavior result: fear, self-help, and power maximization (Mearsheimer 2001, pg.32)” 2) even states that want only to survive end up pursuing hegemony as the ultimate insurance for survival 3) even states that care only about their survival may...
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...EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION DISCLOSURE HANDBOOK: A Practical Guide to the SEC’s Executive Compensation Disclosure Rules Perkins Coie LLP Danielle Benderly Susan Daley Iveth Durbin Sue Morgan Kelly Reinholdtsen Executive Compensation Disclosure Handbook: A Practical Guide to the SEC’s Executive Compensation Disclosure Rules REVISED MAY 2010 Danielle Benderly Susan Daley Iveth Durbin Sue Morgan Kelly Reinholdtsen RR DONNELLEY Copyright RR Donnelley, 2010 (No claim to original U.S. Government works) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the authors and publisher. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought. Printed in the United States of America. RR DONNELLEY About RR Donnelley Financial Services Group As the world’s largest provider of integrated communications, RR Donnelley successfully leverages our global platform, industry leading service organization and enduring financial stability to help our clients achieve their goals. With over 145 years of...
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...Student Academic Resource Center We teach the tools that are indispensable to learning Study Skills for Nursing Students These suggestions for study skills for nursing students came from nursing faculty and students. Use what you can and if you would like one-to-one guidance to refine your learning skills for nursing courses, call the Student Academic Resource Center at 8235130 and make an appointment with the learning skills counselor. From Sue Wickham, Academic Achievement Center Instructor at Des Moines Area Community College: “Although I haven't designed study skills workshops specifically for nursing students, I have worked extensively on an individual basis with students in our nursing program. What's helped me most in giving study skills advice has been reviewing tests with students to identify the sources of their errors. Based on those interactions, here are a few topics you should emphasize: 1. 2. Time management is a HUGE issue for nursing students. Many of them are parents (often single parents) holding down jobs with odd hours (they're likely to be CNAs). Study groups are an absolute necessity in this program. Students need to rehearse the material actively, honing their teamwork skills, and combine a little social life with academics. The standard suggestions for taking multiple choice tests (e.g. watch out for absolutes) don't go very far. Students need to be made aware of the importance of applying concepts to particular cases, not just memorizing definitions...
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