...Elephants are largely known as the world's biggest land mammals. A mature elephant is approximately 6300 kilograms in weight, and is up to 3.5 meters in height. There are two scientifically recognized species of elephants; the African elephant and the Asian elephant. The names of the two types of elephants correspond with the parts of the world where they largely live. The Asian elephant is the smaller of the two species. Interestingly, only the male Asian elephants have tusks. These Asian elephants use their single short lip, which resembles a finger, for sufficient handling of objects. The African elephants are well identified by their larger ears and tusks, rounded foreheads, and two finger-like lips on their trunks. Genetically, the African Elephant is further dived into two types; the African Bush (Savannah) elephant and the African Forest elephant. You can easily differentiate the two types of elephants by their tusk. In that, the African bush elephant has admirably curved tusks while the African forest elephant has moderately straight tusks that are often pointing downwards. Both the...
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...Hannah Jones AP English P. 2 Research Paper 3/8/13 Illegal Ivory Trade Extinction rates have jumped massively in the last few years from one to two species going extinct per year to currently up to ten disappearing off of the face of the Earth per year. This problem seems to be getting worse and worse every year. In Africa, the elephants are disappearing rapidly. With such a fast rate, scientists believe all elephants will be extinct by the year 2035. In the 1980s, there were over a million elephants in the population; today there are less than 470,000. Illegal poaching seems to be the greatest cause of the loss of these animals because of the value that their ivory tusks have in the market. Are we just going to let all of the African elephants die for the selfish wants and need for an immaterial item of other people? Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing, or capturing of wild animals. Examples of poaching include hunting without a license or permit, use of a prohibited weapon or trap, hunting at the wrong time of the year, and hunting in a sanctuary or reserve, national park, or zoo. Poachers usually only take a very small part of the killed animals letting the rest of the animal carcass to rot and waste away. The ivory trade is highest today in Africa, China, and Japan with the U.S. Following right after. The demand for ivory is still on the rise. Ivory sculptures are common in the Asian culture, as well as ivory handles for guns and knives. Jewelry and piano...
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...I will first start off with my trip to the museum. I decided to go to the Asian art museum in San Francisco for my project. My experience there was not as exciting as I thought it would be. I have been to this museum before and had a great time. I can only think that most likely it’s because they had a lot more sculptures and rugs out, whereas last time I went they had more paintings. I only really found three items, two paintings and 1 sculpture that interested me. Of those three I will be talking about two of them in this paper. The first painting I will be talking about is "Mount Fuji viewed from the Imai Ferry on the Tone river, Shimosa province" by Shiba Kokan. The painting has Mount Fuji in the background and the Tone River in the forefront with six boats on it. The banks of the Tone River can also be seen with lush greenery on it. I wouldn't say that this painting made me feel anything when I saw it but it more like it piqued my interest due to its vibrant colors and it looked different from the other Japanese paintings I saw. For Example, at the museum they had another painting of Mount Fuji right next to this one but it didn't look as vibrant and it looked kind of bland in my opinion. I was to find out later, after reading the Plaque in front of the Shiba painting, the reason for the difference between the two is that Shiba Kokan was experimenting with western techniques of painting (1). Another thing mentioned on the Plague at the museum, though not mentioned on...
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...world often comes at the expense of the local environment. This is true of all countries in this scenario, but it’s particularly acute for Southeast Asian nations, as their economies — especially the tourism sector — depend so fundamentally on pristine natural resources. Most of the environmental issues in Southeast Asia are inextricably linked, and working to ameliorate one will often have added benefits for the others. Here are some of the problems, and some things you personally can do to help. 1. Endangered species conservation The problem: Southeast Asia sits almost entirely in the tropics, and as such, is covered in rich, dense, biologically diverse jungle. As a result of a wide number of factors — from poaching to deforestation — many native species are endangered. One of the most prominent of these species is the Asian elephant. The total number of Asian elephants in the world has sadly fallen to below 30,000, down from 100,000 at the beginning of the 20th century in Thailand alone. Asian elephants are endangered for a number of reasons: First, they have been subject to ivory poaching. Though elephant poaching is illegal, there’s still plenty of demand for ivory, so it happens anyway. Second, they have experienced widespread habitat destruction, which simultaneously makes it harder to get food, and puts elephants into much more contact...
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...Wildlife Conservation Efforts in India Geography project [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] 2012 Nishant Aishwarya Roll Number - 26 Introduction Wildlife includes all non-domesticated plants, animals and other organisms. Domesticating wild plant and animal species for human benefit has occurred many times all over the planet, and has a major impact on the environment, both positive and negative. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rain forests, plains, grasslands, and other areas including the most developed urban sites, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that wildlife around the world is impacted by human activities. Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways including the legal, social, and moral sense. This has been a reason for debate throughout recorded history. Religions have often declared certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment. Literature has also made use of the traditional human separation from wildlife. Foods, Pets, Traditional Medicine:...
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...Merrie Hill Final research paper Same sex marriage has been a hot topic in the news lately, as well as in the political arena. Marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman are felt by many to be morally wrong, but is it really? Or do these people fear the unknown and are using morality as the excuse for their negligence of the unknown? The utilitarian follow the utilitarian moral guide lines in their beliefs utilitarian’s would not be against same sex marriages. However if the Ethical egoist follows their moral guide lines then it is believed that they would be against same sex marriages. In this paper I am going to try to show you what has brought me to these beliefs and how I believe ones morals may differ in the pursuit of society’s happiness. Utilitarianism is about obtaining the greatest good for the greatest number of people. With that said utilitarian’s would not be against two people in love, joining together in the sanctity of marriage. According to Webster’s dictionary utilitarianism is defined as: “a theory that the aim of action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain, or the greatest happiness of the greatest number.” Our ethic’s book Ethics Theory and Practice tenth edition (Thiroux and Krasemann 2009 page 317), “the basic argument against the morality of homosexuality is that it is unnatural and perverse; that is, it...
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...Chapter 2 Literature review This chapter reviews related literatures on overview of International and Thai tourists, general information about Phuket, current situation of tourist industry, attractions and activities, concept of tourist behavior and tourist perception, marketing concept, as well as previous research. Its purpose is to provide general knowledge and overall concept regarding the theories and previous research related to this research. 2.1 Overview of International and Thai tourists According to Tourism Authority of Thailand (2011), the international tourist arrivals to Thailand figure for 2011 reached 19.09 million, an increase of 19.84%. The number of tourists had shown an accumulative growth rate over the first ten months. The flooding crisis late in the year, however, slowed down the growth in the number of tourist arrivals in October, and caused shrinkage of 18% in November 2011. Fortunately, all market groups still retained an increasing growth at the good level, including East Asia at a 32.30% increase, ASEAN at a 21.96% increase, the Americas at a 12.85% increase, Europe at an 11.40% increase, Africa at a 6.73% increase, and the Middle East at a 5.95% increase. Domestic tourism by Thais in 2011 was estimated at 98 million tourists/trips, generating an income of 407.6 million Baht which was less than the target of 421.1 million Baht. The purchasing power dramatically shrank in the second-half year due to the flooding crisis, which abruptly halted...
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...While a mega-sport event is scheduled at least once every year somewhere in the world, these events are rare occurrences for the host cities and countries. The benefits of such events seem lucrative; the very fact that many countries bid to host these events suggests that the benefits – be they tangible or intangible – more often than not outweigh the costs. However, some experts claim that it is almost impossible to achieve goal and provide a successful result. Therefore, the research question is : Do cities benefit from international mega-sporting events or it is just "showing-off"? When a city or nation is awarded the privilege of hosting a mega event, they are almost always required to enhance or develop their infrastructure. The developments which are created from these events are known as legacies. However, these legacies have a great risk to become "white elephants" ( Barclay, 2009,p.3). Thereupon, my research project was directed to understand do facilities in Almaty which were built for 2011 Asian Winter Games are used today and provide help for national athletes and the city. Result showed they do, but not without problems. However, legacies can come in many forms such as economic, tourism or sporting. Consequently, summarizing everything I have and answering on the main question it is clear that it is possible to achieve the best and positive outcome from hosting a mega event ,but a well-considered and actual legacy plan is essential to providing long term benefits...
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...Innovative Business Ideas * Transforming ideas into business Introduction: “Connect the Dots” is a book written by Rashmi Bansal. It tells the stories of courage, determination and inspiration of 20 people from different backgrounds who chose to become entrepreneurs without doing an MBA. 1.Street Smart : * This story is about Prem Ganapathy, who started Dosa plaza without a degree. * The one thing he believes which accounts for the success of his business is relationships. * He expanded his branches and had franchisees in New Zealand and other countries 2. The Inventor : This story is about Kunwer Sachdev, who runs Su-Kam a 500 crore company in the field of power electronics..He realized there was a huge demand for inverters. He did a lot of R& D for offering a better product than that are existing.He was successful and he continued to offer a better products which was helpful for his expansion of his business in foreign markets. 3. To Sir with Love : This story is about Ganesh Ram, who started Veta- India’s largest trainer in the field of spoken English. Ganesh was good at teaching and had choosen that to be his career. Then he started spoken English courses. He slowly expanded his business to other states by advertisements and started franchisees. 4. What women want : * This story is about Sunita Ramnathkar , who launched ‘Fem’ fairness bleach. * She handled all the marketing part, gave demos to many people and then got their product on...
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...II Instructor J. Kobus 10/25/2010 Abstract There have been many theories and hypotheses explaining why the woolly mammoth became extinct. In fact, there are ongoing studies and research attempting to offer more evidence for the different theories. While evidence from the remains and carcasses of woolly mammoths found frozen in the northern parts of the globe strengthen the claims of scientists and researchers, other methods of knowing the real causes are still elusive. Two main arguments aimed at explaining these mammals’ extinction continue to be debated. Climate change as the reason for their demise is countered by the theory that human hunting activities killed the species. However, there are some hypotheses that the combination of both (climate and hunting) is the cause of the woolly mammoth’s extinction. This paper provides the evidence that each theory has gathered to support its claim. The Extinction of the Woolly Mammoth The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is one of the kinds of mammoths that existed. This animal is actually considered an elephant but in reality it is only a distant cousin of the Asian elephant. Its body was covered with hair. Its shoulders were emphatically humped, with a sloping back. The ears were much smaller than the ordinary elephants we see today, with a shorter tail. Teeth were differently shaped and structured; the trunk was shorter and hairier with a unique projection of tusks that can extend to almost four meters...
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...Introduction Paper has become a major product which is used widely in the modern society. Not only used obviouslyby the publishing industry, paper is also involved in specific product manufacturing like tissue, cardboard, etc. Pulp wood plays a significant role as a fundamental raw material. Back in the last decade, Indonesia as the largest pulp and paper producer in South-East Asia ran this industry based on its 141.4 million hectares tropical rainforest covering. However, serious deforestation has occurred due to the over-development of the paper and pulp industry. More and more rare species of animals and plants are becoming extinct, not to mention global warming, water loss and soil erosion. This report will discuss the said deforestation and its effects on Indonesian environment and its community, and also focus on analyzing the role of various sectors, namely thepaper and pulp product buyers, environmental non-government organizations and the Indonesian government,within the paper and pulp industry. Asia Paper & Pulp Group(APP) and Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) are used as examples of the paper and pulp manufacturers. The report will be concluded by providing recommendations regarding the issue. Indonesia overview Indonesia maintains the highest rate of illegal logging among other countries, up to 60% of timber production. Corruption has been a prevalent issue in Indonesia, and was even worse after the end of the Suharto government...
Words: 1898 - Pages: 8
...Preface This research paper objective is to present on subject “Hotel Accounting” about Four Seasons Hotel and Resort. The goal of creating this report is to study on the structure of hotels. This report presented guideline to Four Seasons hotel and Resort. Each resort and hotel in Four Seasons has different uniqueness and variation, so we provided only best branch from overall branches around the world. The branches that we bring in the project are mostly in Thailand, because the writer comes from Thailand and we want to promote the traveling industry in Thailand. Most of our research comes from internet sources and some in magazine and journals. We also appreciate Four Seasons Hotel and Resort that provided us useful information and advice. So, we hope that you will find a lot of useful information and trivia from our report and use those information in the future. History of Four Seasons Hotel 1961, The first Four Seasons hotel on an unlikely downtown site in Toronto, Canada. 1963, Four Seasons opened its second hotel, Toronto’s Inn on the Park. 1970, Inn on the Park London (later renamed Four Seasons Hotel London) opened, right at the start of the transatlantic jet-travel boom. 1972, Over its history, Four Seasons would make four strategic decisions that formed the pillars of its business platform. The first was about quality. 1976, The second key strategic decision that formed the business platform was about service. 1976, Four Seasons entered the US market...
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...Requirements in Tourism Research Methods and Techniques Acio, Jessa Mae M. Agustin, Resurreccion F. Jr. Huang, Ya-Hui E. Magante, Maean V. Martin, Ma. Rizza Veronica G. Pacupac, Kyla Ann Marie O. Gladys B. Nocon March 2015 FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY INTITUTE OF TOURISM AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT, this tourism research paper entitled “Manila Zoological & Botanical Garden: An Assessment of Facilities and Services,” prepared and submitted by Jessa Mae M. Acio, Resurreccion F. Agustin Jr., Ya-Hui E. Huang, Maean V. Magante, Ma. Rizza Veronica G. Martin, and Kyla Ann Marie O. Pacupac, is hereby recommended for submission for the Oral Presentation. _________________________ Adviser Approved by the Research Committee for the Oral Examination conducted on ______________________________ (date) with the grade of __________ %. THE RESEARCH AND PANEL COMMITTEE ______________________________ Chairman ____________________ Member ____________________ Member Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT. _________________________ Dean FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY INTITUTE OF TOURISM AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT, this tourism research paper entitled “Manila Zoological...
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...Management and Leadership Paper Kathryn Bond December 13, 2010 BUS330 Israr Hayath San Diego Zoo is this paper’s subject for discussing leadership and management within the company, which is a non-profit organization. Leadership is leading by way of exemplary examples and instilling confidence in the audience. Leaders are working for the good of the Company. Leaders are good trainers since they want to pass the information on to trainees to avoid mishaps. Leaders change things like conventional believes and practices. Leaders are knowledgeable in their field. The Zoological Society of San Diego has existed 90 years. It is now referred to as Global Zoo. There many leaders at the zoo. There is a Board of Directors with 12 members. The leaders at this level are concerned with the Zoo’s mission which is conservation, education, and recreation organization dedicated to the reproduction, protection and exhibition animals, plants, and their habitats (Mission Statement). These are the leaders that stay abreast of environmental changes. At the administrative level leadership may not be so strong or evident to all zoo employees since there is rarely direct contact with them (Halogen). In 2006, the Society brought in approximately 100 million dollars for the first time. This level of revenue drove the society to re-evaluate its old practices and to create a new strategic plan that would modernize their way of doing business. One of the key elements of the...
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...Long Run Prospects for GDP Growth in India Ombir Singh Ombir Singh, School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. PIN-201308, India Tel: -91-120-2344324 E-mail: odahiya@gmail.com Manju Dahiya Manju Dahiya, Research Associate, Institute of Development Studies, M.D. University Rohtak (124001), Haryana, India E-mail: manju11jan@gmail.com Abstract Due to global financial crisis, issues relating to the growth of Indian economy have been the subject matter of debate and discussion at home as well as abroad. Global financial crisis affeced the growth rate of every sector of the economy but not as much as high, slogans annonced by the corporate sector. The Indian economy has been achieving the high rate of growth after the reform process. In India, where rapid economic growth has become a national goal, analysis of the sources of growth assumes special significance to formulation of the macroeconomic strategy and policies that affect the future growth rate- as well as pattern. This study explains “How has the Indian economy growing after independence. Using the latest data on labour and a model of capital accumulation and productivity growth, we map out GDP growth on India economy until 2050. It estimates potential growth using the Cobb-Douglus production function in the Indian context and then examine their implication for policy. 1. Introduction During the last couple of years, issues relating to the growth of Indian economy have been the...
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