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Mentally Ill Prisoners

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Many mentally ill people are incarcerated every year due to their mental illness influencing their criminal behavior. Often when the mentally ill are tried, their illness is not discussed in court. Since the court system does not take mental illness into account, they get incarcerated instead of being institutionalized. Mentally ill prisoners are more likely to be treated more harshly by correctional staff in jail due to their conditions. The harsh treatment of mentally ill prisoners can be combated by improving correctional officer behavior, counseling prisoners to deal with trauma, and correcting prisoners' morals in life. Most mentally ill criminals go to prison instead of a mental hospital due to their illness not being identified or even …show more content…
Solitary confinement can also increase suicidal thoughts and actions: “A person in jail is three times more likely to die from suicide than a person in the general population” (Handunge). Prison is detrimental to the psychological health of mentally ill inmates. Mentally ill prisoners should be treated the same as healthy prisoners and be able to receive adequate treatment. A schizophrenic prisoner was ordered to “go to a state hospital for competency restoration (a combination of psychiatric medication, mental health treatment and education about the legal process), but no beds were available” (Stringer). This prisoner then died in his cell, after he was arrested four months prior, without receiving treatment. a. The stringer is a snare. Inmates deprived of treatment are likely to die in prison, whether it be worsening mental and physical health or suicide. An individual arrested for disturbing the peace did not receive his mental health medication in prison. After receiving injuries from being beaten and placed in a restraint chair, he died due to his feces causing a bacterial infection …show more content…
A large percentage of inmates “were shocked with a taser or stun gun, pepper sprayed or restrained- often in some combination- before dying” (Harki). Correctional officers often treat people with psychiatric disabilities more violently because they believe that they are more dangerous than mentally stable prisoners. The government keeps track of deaths in prison, but does not differentiate deaths based on mental health: “The Virginian-Pilot tracked the cases of 404 people with mental illness who have died in America’s jails since 2010. The total number is likely much larger, but it’s untraceable – what little information the federal government keeps on jail deaths does not accurately track the mental health of prisoners” (Harki). The government and prison system pay no attention to whether inmates are mentally ill or not. These inmates are already weak, and some people believe that they deserve to be made weaker in prison. The treatment of mentally ill prisoners can be improved by increasing self-improvement counseling and improving officer

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