Free Essay



Submitted By amdefa
Words 342
Pages 2

MAY 2012


Some peple doesn’t now w Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Hypothesis of the study
Assumption of the study
Significance of Study
Scope and Limitation
Conceptual Literature
Research Literature


Question Number 1
Major findings




Name of Candidates : Amza Aulia Zamani Devano Arsyandiaz Syahreza Milvan Mohammad Fahri Shahab

Title of the Study : What’s On Your Plate

Mr. Rizaldy Santos Instructor

Date :

We would like to thank our instructor,Engr. Carlos G. Peña, for guidingand supporting us all throughout this project. His constant reminders andprogress report checks have helped us become more focused during this thesiswriting process. He taught us how to undertake this writing task and evenprovided us with examples, which were of great assistance.We would also like to thank
Chemrez Technologies
, specifically their employees namely
Engr. Alfredo Urlanda Jr. and Mr. Carlos Palad
, for welcoming us in their company and allowing us to attend one of their seminarsand conduct personnel interviews. Our visit to their company has definitelyhelped us further understand our topic. The information that we obtained fromthem is very significant to our study and cannot be provided by any other sources.We would also like to thank our friends for keeping us company while wewere writing this thesis. They greatly eased the boredom and stress caused bythis tedious paper.Finally, we would like to thank our family for always being there for us.We thank our parents and guardians for continually supporting us financially andemotionally as we go through the rigorous path of college life. We areapproaching the end of it and as we look back at our trails, we realize that thiswould not have been possible if you were not as supportive and guidingparents/guardians as you are

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