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Mexico City Research Paper

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“ I was born in Mexico, I am from Mexico city”(Rubioand. in Brainy Quotes). Mexico city can provide many things for visitors and residents, such as deep history, breathtaking scenery, and extraordinary activities.
Mexico city has a very profound history that can be very intriguing. It was originally built over a lake named Lago de Texcoco, during the Aztecs period. A group called the Mexicas once believed that one day God would send a sign about an eagle eating a snake on top of a cactus. Once the vision can true that's when they built the great city in Tenochtitlan in 1325. Later on in 1519, Hernan Cortes a Spanish explorer planned on taking over the land. Although he was pleased with the gifts, Cortes still arranged for the emperor to be under …show more content…
There are amazing activities and festivals for all to enjoy. Along with the Day of the dead, till the day of the lady of Guadalupe. Advisable activities to do is visit the world famous national museum of anthropology. It's a cultural and artistic work for ages. Plus, the Great Temple is also a great museum because it was founded by the Aztecs. as well as visiting the 20th best restaurants. Even though, Mexico city is great it is sinking 4 inches each year(facts). But people love futbol and the Olympics. Mexico City hosted the Olympics in 1968(EBSCOhost). It also has many performing arts, parks museums, libraries and sports centers. Such as the Angel of Independence. The angel statue symbolizes the day they got their independence( Ultimately, Mexico city has a variety of attractions that are out of this world( ”I went to visit, and I fell in love with the city. I went to my house to pick up my stuff. It was the craziest, most impulsive move I've ever done. I just felt like I had to stay there”(Venegas qtd. in ”Mexico is a mosaic of different realities and beauties”(Nieto qtd. in Brainy

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