Factual Summary
Coleman works for Software, Inc. Software, Inc. sells security equipment to businesses and bars, which requires Coleman to be traveling a lot to meet with clients and representatives within his sales division. During his trip to Colorado, Coleman stole a ring from a jewelry store because he couldn’t afford it and wanted to give his wife it as an anniversary gift. Coleman also met a client named John at Jimmy’s Poor-Man’s Bar. During this meeting Coleman spilled his drink and then decided to perform a trick where you light up the alcohol. With that being said, he took a drink, lit his lighter, and blew the liquid, which in turn created a fireball that went through the room. The fireball ended up hitting and killing Jimmy instantly and also caused major damage to the bar. Software, Inc fired Coleman immediately without interviewing him as per their policy. After Coleman was fired, he continued to act as an agent for the company and called John to express his apologies on behalf of himself and Software, Inc. He said he would take John out to dinner and Software, Inc. would pay the bill. During dinner, Coleman and John got into an argument and Coleman punched John in the eye, which caused John severe eye damage. As a result to Coleman’s actions, Jimmy’s mother (his only heir), John and Jimmy’s Poor-Man’s Bar sued Software, Inc. for the damages caused by Coleman. Coleman sued Software, Inc. for wrongful termination because he was not interviewed prior to being terminated. The jeweler that Coleman stole from also sued Software, Inc. for the value of the ring.
Identifying the Legal Issues presented
There are many issues and questions to answer within this case such as:
• Should Coleman win his wrongful termination suit with Software Inc.?
• Will Software Inc. be liable to the owners of Jimmy’s bar?
• What about Jimmy’s mom? Does the same law