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Mi Casa Research Paper

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“Mi Casa Es Tu Casa,” Welcome To The United States Of America.

As an anfrition of this Country, It is important to remark our values and culture that we all have. The importance to spread the world, that everybody is welcome to visit us, and how many and beautiful places this Country have. “Mi casa,” is a Spanish word, that means, “My home.” “Mi casa,” however, is California. California is better known for its wonderful weather, testy wines, the famous Silicon Valley, the bright- red Golden Gate, Alcatraz island, and many more beautiful places. But one, has in particular a peculiar interest, “The Santa Clara Mission.”
Santa Clara Mission, embrace all in one place; culture, values, and the roots of American people.

Santa Clara Mission, is one of thirteen Missions that were built from southern California to northern California. It is located in Santa Clara, California. The construction was typical at that time, which was made out of bricks and stones as well as woods. The purpose of the Missioners, was to convert native people into a Christianity. Santa Clara Mission was the largest Mission built at that time. The Missions was part of the colonisation of, “The new …show more content…
However, it is remarkable to say, that all of these values are permanent in our community. The Santa Clara Mission in California, is proud to be part of these values, which has been persevered through the time. Santa Clara, is a place where people can be identified for their traditions and culture, but as well for people who doesn’t have the same roots. People from other places around the world get surprised when they seen the similarity of their values that they have with the values of the

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