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Michelle Obama


Submitted By rerabon0605
Words 328
Pages 2
Michelle Obama, in the “Remarks to the NAACP National Convention” emphasizes her “Let’s Move” campaign which is to solve the childhood obesity and the importance of make it a success. She also tells the audience why kids obese and how to overcome it.

Obama alerts the audience by giving some facts about the childhood obesity issue. She reminds them by saying, “Now, right now in America, one in three children is over-weight or obese, putting them at greater risk of obesity-related conditions like diabetes and cancer, heart disease, asthma” (p.420). In stating this statistic, she urges the parents to really choose good food for their children. She claims that obesity will not only affect the health of the children but also the health of nation and economy.

Generally, in the speech, Obama believes that the children today are not as active as the children before in term of physical activity which may lead to obesity problem. She says, “In fact, studies found that African American children spend an average of nearly six hours a day watching TV-and that every extra hour of TV they watch is associated with the consumption of an additional 167 calories” (p.422). Her point is that the children should exercise more to keep fit and healthy and the parents should be like the parents during her time who kept encouraging their children to constantly on the move.

Consequently, Obama highlights four things for her campaign. First, she urges the government and the food industry to provide better labeling to help the parents in choosing the best food for their families. Then, she also says that the food provided by the schools must be nutritious and healthy and she demands that the Congress will respond to it for the betterment of the children health and success. In addition, she proposes that the kids to be given chances to participate in daily physical education classes to

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