...Running Head: AFFECTS OF SLEEP DEPTERVATION Healthy Sleep Julia Snell Saint Leo University Abstract This paper will address the need for sleep, and the benefits of a healthy sleep habits. Sleep is the one area of human life that most neglected. Sleep is a necessary neurologic that the body and mind expects. A pattern of sleepiness and wakefulness causes forgetfulness, fatigue, distraction, and drowsiness. Sleeplessness is the inability to sleep or the lack of getting the required amount of sleep for children, and adults. When an individual does not receive the adequate amount of sleep can and has in some cases, caused accidents, loss of job, and death. Alternatively, is natural order of substantiating healthy life? Sleep is the gateway for babies to grow, sleep for adults keeps their minds fresh and alert sleep is just as important as the air we breathe. According to the 2009 CDC’s “health Surveillance Study” determined that only 30% of U.S teen obtained the required amount of sleep (9 to 10 hours per night). In addition, CDC showed that some U.S adults experience inadequate sleep. Adult should get at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night, less than seven will cause drowsiness, will burden daily activities such as working efficiently, school, and other activities (Healthypeople.gov, 2012). Students in grade 9 to 12 should sleep on average of 9 hours a night. Because their bodies are still growing, and their minds are retaining information sleep is essential...
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... Question 1 0 out of 4 points | | | The portion of the database that a user is authorized to see is called aAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | table | Correct Answer: | view | | | | | Question 2 4 out of 4 points | | | The person who designs, creates, and manages the database is theAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | DBA | Correct Answer: | DBA | | | | | Question 3 0 out of 4 points | | | Data consistency meansAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | there is no redundancy of data | Correct Answer: | all occurrences of the same data item agree | | | | | Question 4 0 out of 4 points | | | The data model that supports collections of nodes, each with its own structure, is theAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | relational | Correct Answer: | semistructured | | | | | Question 5 0 out of 4 points | | | The organization for which the database is designed is referred to asAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | the metadata | Correct Answer: | the enterprise | | | | | Question 6 4 out of 4 points | | | The behavior of an object is specified by itsAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | methods | Correct Answer: | methods | | | | | Question 7 0 out of 4 points | | | Which of the following activities is performed during the conceptual model design phase?Answer | | | | | Selected...
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...Core, Strength And Fat Burn Workout Full body (main muscles) and core workouts are performed every other day, with a lighter session working smaller muscles on the "off" days. There is one complete day of rest on Sunday. I also stretch for flexibility before each workout, a solid 15 - 20 minute stint. * Day 1 - Full Body and Core * Day 2 - "Light" Sessions * Day 3 - Full Body and Core * Day 4 - "Light" Sessions * Day 5 - Full Body and Core * Day 6 - "Light" Sessions * Day 7 - REST Full Body | Full Body and Core | Exercise | Sets | Reps | Deadlift | 5-6 | 10-12 | Squat | 5-6 | 10-12 | Bench Press | 5-6 | 10-12 | Push Up | AMAN | 100 Total | Pull Up or Chin Up | AMAN | 100 Total | Dip | AMAN | 100 Total | Light Sessions and Core | Light Sessions | Exercise | Sets | Reps | Shoulders - 2 Exercises | 3 | 10-15 | Biceps - 2 Exercises | 3 | 10-15 | Triceps - 2 Exercises | 3 | 10-15 | Push Up | AMAN | 100 | Pull Up or Chin Up | AMAN | 100 | Dip | AMAN | 100 | Rowing 500 m Intervals (Hard) or... | 4-6 | 2-3 km | Rowing (Long) | | 4-6 km | Cable Crunch | 3 | 15-25 | Weighted Side Bend | 3 | 10-15 | Leg Raise | 3 | 15-25 | AMAN = As many sets as needed. Get to 100 reps total using any number of sets. Deadlift, Squat and Bench Press Sets Deadlifts, squats, bench press sets work as follows: * Set 1 - Light * Set 2 - Medium * Set 3 - Heavy * Set 4 - Max weight for the day @ 10-12 reps * Set...
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...Enl 200 Oct. 16, 2014 Compare and contrast the theme of sexuality in three of the texts we’ve read so far. In several texts we have read in class so far there has been hidden meanings and in order to figure out these meanings we've had to analyze the context of the texts. One of the hidden themes we have found in several texts is that of sexuality. In the texts where it has been seen the most is that of the novel Dracula and in two Edgar Allen Poe poems, such as, "Annabel Lee" and "The Sleeper". These all have clear themes of sexuality in each though some parts are different, however, they all have similar traits. These three texts are alike not just because they have the theme of sexuality but they all deal with the death of a lady and how the main characters of these texts are attracted to their death which is preceived as uncanny. In the book Dracula by Bram Stoker Dracula is a vampire who finds a victim named Lucy who he sucks her blood until she dies when Lucy is dead she is still seen as beautiful by the characters and are all still in love with her although she is dead. In the poem "Annabel Lee" the character's love Annabel has died but he is still attracted to her and talks about her as if she is still alive and lays with her every night. The next poem "The Sleeper" is similiar to "Annabel Lee" because the main character has lost the love of his life a beautiful woman. The character like in "Annabel Lee" struggles to deal with the nature of life and death. The...
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...Please read the following and answer the questions. Peter exports textiles from Miami, FL. He sometimes buys bales of cotton from Glenn in Atlanta. Typically, the deals are the results of email exchanges Peter is Glenn’s only client in Florida. In the past, Peter has been able to negotiate good prices with Glenn. Recently, Glenn has not wanted to negotiate his price. Glenn sends an email to Peter on July 28, 2011 that reads: I have for sale 10,000 bales of cotton and I am prepared to offer it to you at the price of 24.5 cents per pound. Please let me have your reply quickly as I need room in my warehouse. On August 23, 2011, Peter sends the following email: I have a client that can use the cotton. I would be most pleased if you would accept 22.5 cents. I guess you probably won’t lower the price, so I suppose we have a deal. After his email to Glenn, Peter contacts Stewie who owns STWwear Cloth Ltd. in the Bahamas. Stewie agrees to buy the cotton from Peter and promptly rents equipment needed to process the cotton. On August 24, 2011, Glann emails Peter saying, “Sorry, cotton was sold.” Peter tells Stewie he cannot deliver the cotton. Stewie has a temper and demands money that it cost to rent the equipment. Stewie sues Peter in the Circuit Court for Miami Dade County to recover equipment rental costs and other damages. Peter sues Glenn for breach of contract in Circuit Court for Miami Dade County. Discuss: Peter’s claim against Glenn. Glenn’s...
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...1. The objective of digital forensics is to provide evidence in a court of law by utilizing the following actions, except: Discovery Recovery Analysis Presentation 2. Forensics evidence must undergo the following broad tests, except: Authenticity Reliability Completeness Fairness 3. Spoliation covers all the areas, except: Withholding Authenticating Alteration Destruction 4. Searching memory in real time is an example of what type of forensics? Network Live Software Operating System 5. Which of the following is a type of intellectual property theft? Piracy Extortion Identity Theft Phishing 6. Which of the following is a form of fraud? Spamming Hacking Phishing Money Laundering 7. Key factors provide good opportunities to commit cybercrimes, except: Acceptable risk Attractiveness Authorization Availability 8. The following laws address cybercrimes, except: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Spyware Security Act CAN-SPAM Act UIGEA Act 9. Courts deal with four types of evidence. Which is not a type of evidence? Real Testimonial Actual Demonstrative 10. Which is not an anti-forensic activity? Data hiding Data fabrication Data transformation Data redundancy 11. Three types of forces act on evidence. Which type does not? Human Mechanical Natural Incidental 12. A search warrant allows collection of equipment. Prior notice is a requirement...
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...Understanding Human Behavior is Critical to Organizations - Discuss the benefits of self-evaluation / self-assessment as it relates to Leaders today Understanding Human Behavior is Critical to Organizations - Discuss the benefits of self-evaluation / self-assessment as it relates to Leaders today: The benefits of honest self-assessments and honest self-evaluation can be rewarding and beneficial to large companies and organizations. To truly reap the benefits firstly one must be honest in the way that one self-assesses / evaluates Leadership is a diagnostic activity requiring a person to ask, in each situation, “What is the maximum and unique value that a leader could bring to the situation?” The obvious value of this insight is best reflected in the enormous industry that has emerged around this theme, including the most popular of these, the Situational Leadership Model (e.g. Hersey, Blanchard, and Natemeyer, 1979). (Nohria.N & Khurana.R 2010, page 161.) Once a leader has self-assessed / evaluated themselves they can focus on their weaknesses that require improvement. After self –assessment / evaluation has been carried out they can then start to lead in a stronger manner; motivating and inspiring others, leading from the front and by example. In doing so the leader will earn the respect from their team / group. Being a strong leader is best achieved with the respect given by those being lead. A leader who has not earned the respect of the team will not be as...
Words: 2210 - Pages: 9
...1. List and describe the four basic financial statements included in a corporate annual report. The balance sheet shows the financial position—assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity—of the firm on a particular date, such as the end of a quarter or a year. The income statement presents the results of operations—revenues, expenses, net profit or loss and net profit or loss per share—for the accounting period. The statement of shareholders' equity reconciles the beginning and ending balances of all accounts that appear in the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet. The statement of cash flows provides information about the cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing, and financing activities during an accounting period. 2. In a speech by Arthur Levitt, chairman of the SEC, he states: "Managing may be giving way to manipulation; Integrity may be losing out to illusion." Using examples, explain the meaning of this quotation. Levitt is referring to earnings management, the practice of using accounting choices and techniques in such a way that earnings reports reflect what management wants the user to see, instead of the true financial performance of the firm. Five techniques are commonly used to create illusions according to Levitt. They are "Big Bath" restructuring charges, creative acquisition accounting, cookie jar reserves, misuse of materiality concept and incorrect revenue recognition. 3. Discuss...
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...assist. 10. Individuals who reflect a group of people responsible for establishing the organizations overall objectives and developing the policies to achieve these objectives are called: D: top-level managers 11. The management function which involves monitoring activities to ensure that targets are being met is called _______ A: controlling 12. Another way to think of supervisors are: E: first-level managers 13. Even though supervisors may perform operative tasks, they are still part of management. This was made clear by the passing of the: E: 1947 Taft-Harley Act 14. The process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with other people is called: B: management 15. In management the term representing the primary...
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...User | | Course | NOS 230 R01 - | Test | Mid-Term Exam (Take Home) | Status | Completed | Score | 98 out of 100 points | * Question 1 2 out of 2 points | | | The ____ provides interoperability between Windows Server 2008 and UNIX and Linux systems.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications | | | | | * Question 2 2 out of 2 points | | | In the Initial Configuration Tasks window, you use the ____ section to set the time zone, configure networking, and provide computer name and domain or workgroup information.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | Provide Computer Information | | | | | * Question 3 2 out of 2 points | | | Disk quotas can be set on any local or shared volume.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | | | | | * Question 4 2 out of 2 points | | | A ____ is two or more disks that are combined like a volume set, but that are striped for RAID level 0 or RAID level 5.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | stripe set | | | | | * Question 5 2 out of 2 points | | | DNS forwarding can be set up so that if the DNS server that receives the forwarded request cannot resolve the name, then the server that originally forwarded the request attempts to resolve it, which is called ____.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | nonexclusive forwarding | | | | | * Question 6 2 out of 2 points ...
Words: 1894 - Pages: 8
...Mid Term Paper Question #5, page 225 HR590 Human Resource Management Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University July 28, 2011 Part 1 of question #5: Based on my quick research I’ve come to realize that most internal recruiters, at least in medium to large sized companies, commonly rely on web-based systems to do the initial screening of applicants. They tend to lack incentives, and also lack penalties, for how well they recruit. With external recruiters, there are often no metrics in place at all, other than time to fill. If metrics for quality of hire are clearly tracked and compared between internal and external recruiters, it can help identify the best recruitment model for a business because as an Human Resources (HR) person you will be able to tell who is providing the highest-quality candidates. Part 2 of question #5: Internal recruitment efforts can provide a business with a solid pool of applicants. Through internal job postings and communications, small businesses can locate candidates with the appropriate mix of talent and experience. Those with a solid track record of demonstrated success related to achievements, dedication and performance represent ideal candidates for internal recruiting. A recruit from within mentality encourages employees to strive for excellence and continually seek training and educational opportunities to improve and elevate skills. Promotions and transfers offer employees a chance to advance within...
Words: 523 - Pages: 3
...Rock Zang IFSM 300 MID TERM EXAM Professor Beach 1. List, describe, and provide an example of each of the five characteristics of high quality information. High quality information is; Accurate- Information that contains all properly spelled names, words, dates, etc. The accuracy of information is important for many reasons such as a package delivered properly to a customer, a return phone call regarding a customer service issue, or a misplaced decimal point on a bank deposit slip. Any of the previously mentioned mistakes, by the customer or the employee, could result in a loss of business or profits. When developing IT systems, there are certain conditions available to a programmer that can help minimize these easily made mistakes. One example of such a condition would be creating a rule that 5 digits must be entered when asking for a consumer’s zip code. Completeness- Any information that is incomplete will prevent accurate results. Imagine a medical survey with a cell requesting a person’s date of birth. If the survey only captures the day and month of birth, the information available will not include the samples actual age, only their day and month of birth. This could prevent the employee from maintaining the average age of the consumers. Consistency- The consistency of information across different data centers, or within a single data sheet can create a problem in trying to accurately search and find an individual or an individual’s tendencies...
Words: 2127 - Pages: 9
...MID TERM ASSIGNMENT: OB SUBJECT CODE: MNGT7901 COURSE: MASTER BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - LS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Self-Evaluation Benefits 2. Reduction of Prejudice 3. References I. Self-Evaluation benefits as it relates to leaders today. Self-leadership in this context should be defined as “a strategic and intuitive approach in influencing yourself in reaching your goal/vision via internal and external resources like Behaviour and mental Techniques. A better understand of oneself, is key for clear leadership style which will bring forth great improvement in relationship established and that in continuous basis Please imagine yourself as amateur Soccer player working hard to be an International successful Professional soccer player. This implies Backbone story knowledge In order to emulate a desired character to life, Questions need to be answered genuinely to uncover motivations and values beneath the surface of the Practice such as: Where do I come from, Who am I , what do I want and why, what happens if I don’t get it, how will I get it, what must I overcome,? As leaders, how often do we stop to ask these questions of ourselves? And what happens if we do? The result is gaining a better understanding and awareness of what drives us, like our values, what we tend to believe easily...
Words: 1571 - Pages: 7
...Juvenile sentencing guidelines are designed to establish a process through which juvenile offenders have the opportunity to access a variety of resources to allow for rehabilitation and being let back into the community as a law abiding citizens.Up until the mid-point of the 20th century, the sentences imposed on juveniles in the court system were similar to those just like adults convicted of crimes. Sentences given to juveniles emphasized punishment over rehabilitation during this time period. Ultimately, juvenile sentencing changed from punishment to rehabilitation, something that continues to this day. This is an introduction to Juvenile Justice in America. Since the 1990s, youth crime rates have gone up . These falling crime rates have led many jurisdictions to rethink the juvenile justice practices that happen in the 1980s and 1990s. Today, states are using major reforms designed to reduce institutional confinement, closed old 19th century era reform schools, and expand community-based interventions.In the late 18th and early 19th century, courts punished and confined youth in jails and penitentiaries. Since few other options existed, youth of all ages and genders where often confined with hardened adult criminals and the mentally ill in large overcrowded institutions. At the same time, American cities were dealing with high rates of child poverty and neglect putting pressure on city leaders to find a solution to this growing social issue. In response, reformers Thomas...
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...Lamont Waites American Politics 105 3/6/2014 Illegal Immigrants Illegal immigrants in the United States (US) have long been a topic of debate for policymakers and the public. For over decades, people from all over the world keep coming into the United States seeking for better life for themselves, and most importantly for their spouse, their children and even their children's children. However, not every immigrant comes into this country through legal procedure and most of these illegal immigrants are poor and uneducated people. They might be brought here because of human trafficking, smuggling or other methods. There’s been many debates regarding helping these illegal aliens to become citizens to our America. Should congress make it uncomplicated for migrants o become citizens or, should congress keep the hardship of earning theirs? Easy legal ship for immigrants has been a humongous controversy for decades to come. For years to come, this country has been split 50/50 on this topic and from the recent years, hasn’t reached a decision yet. There have been many views on ways to make citizenship easy. One of them that caught my eye has captured my consideration mentioned a lot about the age groups of these foreigners. The Pro-immigration groups are pushing congress to provide conditional legal status to immigrants who came to the United States at the age of 10 and have lived here for at least five years. I honestly don’t approve of softening up on granting citizenships to...
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