...BAB I PENDAHULUAN I. LATAR BELAKANG Masyarakat Ekonomi Asia (MEA) atau Pasar Bebas Asia merupakan kawasan yang akan dibentuk oleh Indonesia dan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara. Bertujuan untuk meminimalisasi adanya hambatan-hambatan dalam melakukan perdagangan lintas kawasan. Memungkinkan satu negara dapat menjual barang dan jasa dengan mudah ke negara lain di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang tentunya akan membuat kompetisi antar negara semakin ketat. Oleh karena itu, keberadaan MEA menjadi sebuah langkah awal bagi Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kualitas perdagangan khusunya di kawasan Asia Tenggara. MEA memiliki dua sisi bagi Indonesia. Yang pertama, MEA menjadi kesempatan yang baik untuk menunjukkan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya yang dimiliki Indonesia. Yang kedua, dapat menjadi bumerang bagi Indonesia apabila tidak memanfaatkannya dengan baik. Berkurangnya hambatan perdagangan akan berdampak pada meningkatnya kuantitas ekspor dan impor yang akhirnya akan meningkatkan Gross Domestic Product bagi Indonesia. Dengan adanya perdagangan bebas, Indonesia dapat meningkatkan ekspor. Kegiatan ekspor impor dapat menumbuhkan hubungan harmonis antarbangsa. Ekspor menjadi perhatian dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi seiring dengan berubahnya strategi pada industri impor ke industri ekspor. Akan tetapi harus tetap waspada akan resiko kompetisi yang muncul dengan banyaknya barang impor yang masuk dan mengancam industri lokal dalam bersaing dengan produk luar negeri...
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...didukung oleh neraca perdagangan barang yang kembali surplus seiring dengan meningkatnya surplus neraca perdagangan nonmigas, di tengah defisit neraca perdagangan migas yang tetap besar. Meningkatnya surplus neraca nonmigas dibandingkan triwulan sebelumnya terutama didorong oleh menurunnya impor nonmigas, khususnya impor bahan baku, sejalan dengan moderasi permintaan domestik. Secara tahunan, impor nonmigas pada triwulan III-2014 masih terkontraksi 2,7%. Ekspor produk primer yang meningkat, antara lain karena mulai pulihnya ekspor mineral pascakeluarnya izin ekspor mineral mentah, juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap perbaikan surplus nonmigas, meskipun ekspor nonmigas secara keseluruhan masih mencatat penurunan. Meskipun secara triwulanan menurun, namun secara tahunan ekspor nonmigas pada triwulan III-2014 kembali tumbuh positif 3,1% setelah dalam dua tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan. Pertumbuhan ekspor nonmigas tersebut ditopang oleh kenaikan harga ekspor dan perbaikan permintaan ekspor, terutama minyak nabati dan produk manufaktur. Seiring dengan berlanjutnya pemulihan AS, beberapa produk ekspor manufaktur mengalami peningkatan seperti TPT, barang dari logam, makanan olahan, dan kendaraan & bagiannya. Di sisi migas, besarnya deficit neraca perdagangan migas pada triwulan III-2014 dipengaruhi oleh masih tingginya impor migas, di tengah ekspor minyak yang menurun seiring dengan turunnya harga minyak dunia. Selain itu,...
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...cara menjual barang atau jasa melalui perantara/ eksportir yang bertempat di negara lain atau negara tujuan ekspor. * Ekspor Tidak Langsung Ekspor tidak langsung adalah teknik dimana barang dijual melalui perantara/eksportir negara asal kemudian dijual oleh perantara tersebut. Dalam kegiatan ekspor ada hal-hal yang harus dipersiapkan, yaitu : 1. Identifikasi pasar yang potensial 2. Penyesuaian antara kebutuhan pasar dengan kemampuan, SWOT analisis 3. Melakukan Pertemuan, dengan eksportir, agen, dll 4. Alokasi sumber daya. Secara garis besar di Indonesia, kegiatan ekspor terbagi menjadi dua bidang utama yaitu Ekspor Migas dan Ekspor Non Migas. Berdasarkan data yang diambil dari tempo.co, Ekspor non migas menyumbang US$ 122 miliar atau sekitar 60% dari total nilai ekspor Indonesia pada tahun 2011. Sedangkan ekspor migas menyumbang sebesar US$ 41 miliar atau sekitar 20,43 % dari total nilai ekspor. Pengertian Impor Impor adalah proses transportasi barang atau komoditas dari suatu negara ke negara lain secara legal, umumnya dalam proses perdagangan. Proses impor umumnya adalah tindakan memasukan barang atau komoditas dari negara lain ke dalam negeri. Ada 2 jenis kegiatan impor, yaitu : * Impor barang industri dan konsumen * Impor barang dan jasa kelas menengah Kondisi Ekspor dan Impor di Indonesia Pengutamaan Ekspor bagi Indonesia sudah digalakkan sejak tahun 1983.Sejak saat itu,ekspor menjadi perhatian dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi seiring...
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...Kajian Penerapan PSAK 48 (revisi 2009): Penurunan Nilai Aset di Perusahaan Migas Oleh: Yohanes Handoko Aryanto1 2011 1 Penulis merupakan peneliti independen mantan staf divisi teknis Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia. Kata Pengantar Dengan usaha yang optimal, bantuan dari segala pihak, dan terutama atas rahmat dari Tuhan YME, kajian ini akhirnya dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Di luar segala kekurangannya, tulisan ini ditujukan untuk menyajikan suatu kajian dari segi teoritis dan konsep normatif atas penerapan PSAK 48 (revisi 2009): Penurunan Nilai Aset, yang berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2011. Penerapan PSAK 48 (revisi 2009) masih tergolong baru, apalagi untuk sektor migas di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini dilengkapi dengan landasan teori, dan benchmark praktik. Diharapkan tulisan ini dapat memberikan suatu perspektif lain atas penerapan PSAK 48 (revisi 2009) di perusahaan migas. Dalam hidup yang singkat ini, penulis menyadari hanya kebaikan dan karya yang dapat ditinggalkan manusia. Semoga karya ini dapat bermanfaat. Setidaknya, dapat menambah ilmu bagi para pembacanya. Jakarta, 30 November 2011 Penulis, Yohanes Handoko Aryanto Halaman | i Daftar Isi Kata Pengantar ......................................................................................................| i| Daftar Isi .............
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...CHAPTER 5: COUNTRY RISK ANALYSIS 53 CHAPTER 5 COUNTRY RISK ANALYSIS I moved this chapter from the section on foreign investment analysis to this section because I have concluded that the international economic environment is heavily dependent on the policies that individual countries pursue. Given the close linkage between a country’s economic policies and the degree of exchange risk, inflation risk, and interest rate risk that multinational companies and investors face, it is vital in studying and attempting to forecast those risks to understand their causes. Simply put, attempts to forecast exchange rates, inflation rates, or interest rates are helped immensely by a deeper understanding of how those economic parameters are affected by national policies. At the same time, no one can intelligently assess a country’s risk profile without comprehending its economic and political policies and how those policies are likely to affect the country’s prospects for economic growth. I spend some time discussing the nature of property rights and their implications for political risk and economic development. The chapter examines the experiences of Latin American countries and Eastern European countries and addresses the question of what it takes to promote economic growth. A good discussion of property rights and their effects on economic growth can be based on the end-of-chapter problems. This discussion serves to introduce the topic of country risk analysis–the assessment of the...
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...BAB I PENDAHULUAN I.1 Latar Belakang Sebagai salah satu negara yang sedang berkembang, Indonesia selalu giat membangun negerinya dari segala aspek kehidupan. Dan demi terciptanya kesejahteraan rakyat, pemerintah secara terus menerus mengeluarkan kebijakan di hampir seluruh sektor dalam usaha pembangunan negara ini. Pada tahap-tahap awal pelaksanaan pembangunan, struktur penerimaan dalam negeri sangat didominasi oleh penerimaan dari migas. Struktur penerimaan yang bertumpu pada migas, dan dengan harga migas yang tidak stabil di pasar internasional, mempunyai kelemahan tersendiri. Apabila fluktuasi terjadi pada harga migas, itu semua dapat mengakibatkan ketidakstabilan dalam penerimaan negara. Sejak tahun anggaran 1986/1987, komposisi penerimaan negara telah bergeser dari sektor migas yang sebelumnya menjadi sumber utama penerimaan dalam negeri, ke sektor penerimaan di luar migas, terutama penerimaan perpajakan. Pentingnya sektor pajak sebagai penerimaan negara, maka perlu diadakan peningkatan pada sektor tersebut. Untuk kembali meningkatkan penerimaan pajak penghasilan, pemerintah melakukan berbagai perubahan, khususnya dalam peraturan perpajakan. Salah satu perubahan yang sudah dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah mengenai Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak (PTKP) dan tarif PPh Orang Pribadi. Secara historis, perlakuan perpajakan terhadap PTKP ini mengalami banyak perubahan, yang dimulai dari tahun 1993 dengan dikeluarkannya 1 Keputusan M enteri Keuangan No.928/KM K.04/1993 yang terus...
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...Describe the various agencies of the World Bank Group and their missions. The World Bank Group is composed of five agencies: • the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) • the International Development Association (IDA) • the International Finance Corporation (IFC) • the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) • The International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). In general, the World Bank Groups’ mission is to help with long-term growth in developing countries by providing funding for infrastructure, education, health and other necessary building blocks to establish a productive economy. The IBRD is the initial institution of the World Bank when it was establish after World War II to assist in the reconstruction of Europe and Asia. Today it has the stated goal to improve poverty in “middle-income countries’ and creditworthy poorer nations through sustainable development. They accomplish this through financial assistance (loans) as well as provide analysis and advice. The International Development Association (IDA) provides interest-free loans and grants to the world’s poorest countries. Similar to the IBRD the IDA promote economic growth by financing infrastructure, agriculture, health, education and similar activities, except the IDA services those countries which fall below the scope of the IBRD. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) supports development in the private sector by providing loans, offering management...
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...Indonesia’s Fuel Subsidies: Action plan for reform David Braithwaite Alexander Chandra Prasetyaning Diah R. L. Ami Indriyanto Kerryn Lang Lucky Lontoh Nataliawati Siahaan Damon Vis-Dunbar Bobby A. Wattimena Unggung Widhiantoro Peter Wooders NE SI A N I N S TI TU T E F OR E N E RG IN DO I I EE FO U N D AT I O N C O NOM I YE CS March 2012 www.iisd.org/gsi © 2012 The International Institute for Sustainable Development © 2012 The International Institute for Sustainable Development Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. About IISD The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) contributes to sustainable development by advancing policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic policy, climate change and energy, and management of natural and social capital, as well as the enabling role of communication technologies in these areas. We report on international negotiations and disseminate knowledge gained through collaborative projects, resulting in more rigorous research, capacity building in developing countries, better networks spanning the North and the South, and better global connections among researchers, practitioners, citizens and policy-makers. IISD’s vision is better living for all—sustainably; its mission is to champion innovation, enabling societies to live sustainably. IISD is registered as a charitable organization in Canada and has 501(c)(3) status in the United...
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...2013). The following is a short look at whether or not the government treated Lehman Brothers unfairly, how moral hazard could be could be caused by government interference, and whether or not Lehman Brothers should have or should have not been allowed to fail. Was Lehman Brothers treated differently than other financial institutions? During the time that Lehman Brothers come to the forefront of financial turmoil, there were many other companies that were experiencing similar problems as well. Perhaps the most notable government bailout before Lehman’s bankruptcy filing was that of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The United States government bailed out both companies, which put the government into a receivership position and set a new precedent (Miga, 2013). Furthermore after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, the government offered AIG an $85 billion loan package to help the company stay afloat providing more cause for concern regarding whether or not Lehman Brothers had been singled out (Eiteman, Stonehill, Moffett, 2013). This however may not be the entire story, as there were signs that pointed to the need for managers...
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...Political Factors Cyprus is a participant of the United Nations and its organizations which includes the Commonwealth of Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Council of Europe. Furthermore, the island has agreed to sign the GATT agreement which stands for The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) agreement ------------------------------------------------- Cyprus has historically followed a non-aligned foreign policy, although it increasingly identifies with the West in its cultural affinities and trade patterns, and maintains close relations with Greece. Turkey refuses to recognise the government of the Republic of Cyprus, arguing that the latter – as established by the Constitution of 1960 – ceased to exist when the inter-communal violence that broke out in December 1963 ended Turkish Cypriot participation in government. As a result, Turkey still refuses to allow Cypriot-flagged vessels access to its ports, despite pressure from the European Union.( A Resilient Economy,2015) Cyprus Gross Domestic Product (GDP) prolonged 0.50 percent in the following quarter of 2015 over the past quarter. Economic factor The research made the CIA Factbook situates that according to the probabilities in the year 2011, 10.2 percent of the island’s exports and 9 percent of the island’s imports are over with the United Kingdom, hence, putting the UK in the 2nd leading export affiliate, thus, making Cyprus the...
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...1. evaluation of factors contributing to FDI flows in Tanzania as governed by the Tanzania investment Act. Investment as defined in the Tanzania Investment Act, (1997) is the creation of or acquisition of new business asset and includes the expansion, restructuring or rehabilitation of an existing business enterprise. As part of this industry, The Foreign Direct Investment inflow is defined as the direct investment from foreign companies to host countries in order to gain certain lasting interests by Maina (2004). According to the guidewhois.com (2011) it can be looked at from different angles; the first angle, Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment arises where a firm duplicates its home country-based activities at the same value chain stage in a host country through foreign direct investment. The second angle; Platform Foreign direct investments where Foreign direct investment from a source country into a destination country for the purpose of exporting to a third country and the third angle, Vertical Foreign direct investment takes place when a firm through Foreign Direct investment moves upstream or downstream in different value chains. Tanzania in endowed with enormous natural resources and other economic potentials that provides for the escalating opportunities in the investment sector. As many other countries in the world, Tanzania depends on foreign direct investment so as to develop. In accordance with the Tanzania ministry of industry and trade website...
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...Chapter 1: Globalization International Business consists of business transactions between parties from more than one country. Areas that change as you cross borders: boundaries, currencies, cultures, legal systems, availability of resources, and skills & knowledge. International Business Activities: • Exporting and importing: countries can depend heavily on exports, e.g. Netherlands 83%. You can import and export services (invisible traders) or goods (visible trade). Most secure way to test if your good can be well received by another culture. • International investments: Two options. Foreign Direct Investment opens a store in the host country with the same operating system that you use: in your home country. Foreign Portfolio Investment: buying financial assets in another firm in the country. • International licensing: a foreign company gets exclusive rights to use your intellectual property for a specific time in exchange for a royalty. • International franchising: it is a specialized form of international licensing. You not only use the brand and the products, but also keep the same form of operations. For example, Tim Hortons. • International management contract: not very common, but can be used by big companies. Send managers to another country for a specific period of time. Example Disney Paris and Disney USA. Phases of Development (going global): • Domestic Phase: (aka Product oriented phase) focused on development of the product. • Multidomestic phase:...
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...9/26/12 World Bank Statement of September 25, 2012 on Padma Bridge English Español Français ﻋﺭﺑﻲ Русский Search GO ABOUT DATA RESEARCH LEARNING NEWS PROJECTS & OPERATIONS PUBLICATIONS COUNTRIES TOPICS News & Views This page in: English PRESS RELEASE MOST POPULAR World Bank Statement of September 25, 2012 on Padma Bridge September 25, 2012 World Bank Statement of September 20, 2012 on Padma Bridge Rethink Role of State in Finance, says World Bank WASHINGTON, September 25, 2012—The World Bank today issued the following statement concerning the Padma bridge project in Bangladesh: Media reports have quoted senior Bangladeshi government officials misrepresenting the World Bank’s position concerning the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project. We feel obliged to issue the following clarifications: The Bank has shared repeatedly with the Government of Bangladesh credible evidence of corruption involving senior public officials related to the financing of the Padma bridge. This led the World Bank to cancel the US$1.2 billion credit in the absence of a credible response by the government. On September 20, 2012 the government agreed: MEDIA CONTACTS In Washington Angela Walker tel : (202) 4730626 awalker1@worldbank.org Statement by Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group World Bank Appoints Kaushik Basu Chief Economist Severe Droughts Drive Food Prices Higher, Threatening the Poor RESOURCES World Bank in Bangladesh...
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...group of superior solutions, they will be archived additionally as the elitists. After a new set of nondominanted solutions being found by a further search using the evolutionary algorithm, they will be incorporated with the archived solutions as a whole, from which the final Pareto-optimal set is selected. This can ensure the dominance of solutions and prevent the degradation of final results to a certain extent. 3. 7.The flow chart of APMOEA In light of the above analysis, the flow chart of APMOEA is shown in Fig.1: Fig.1. The flow chart of APMOEA 4. Experimental results and analysis In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, this paper selects several evolutionary algorithms, such as GA algorithm, Meme-Net [24], MIGA [26], MOEA/D-Net [27], MODPSO algorithm [28] and some classical algorithms like Infomap[54] and FastNewman[16] for comparison. In next section, we will introduce the related networks for simulation, evaluation metrics and the analysis of experimental results. 4. 1. Networks for simulation 4.1.1. Computer-generated networks This network is proposed by Lancichinetti et al. [48] based on the classic benchmark network [4]. The network consists of 128 nodes and is divided into 4 communities evenly. Each node shares a fraction 1-μ of its links with nodes in the same community and a fraction μ with nodes in other communities. With the increase of parameter μ, the structure of the communities in networks becomes fuzzier, and it is more difficult...
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...STUDI KELAYAKAN BANK SAUDARA KANTOR CABANG PALEMBANG JLN BASUKI RAHMAT NO 886 A Daftar ISI Daftar ISI i Daftar TABEL ii DAFTAR GAMBAR ii STUDI KELAYAKAN 2 I. PENDAHULUAN 2 II. LATAR BELAKANG 2 III. MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN 2 IV. GAMBARAN UMUM KOTA PALEMBANG DAN SEKITARNYA 2 4.1 LUAS WILAYAH DAN LETAK GEOGRAFIS 2 4.2 SEJARAH KOTA PALEMBANG 2 4.3 VISI DAN MISI KOTA PALEMBANG 2 4.4 PERKEMBANGAN WILAYAH BERDASARKAN ADMINISTRASI PEMERINTAHAN 2 4.5 KANTOR PEMERINTAHAN DI KOTA PALEMBANG 2 4.6 KEPENDUDUKAN 2 V. PEREKONOMIANKOTA PALEMBANG 2 VI. PELUANG PASAR 2 VII. DATA PERBANKAN 2 VIII. TINGKAT KEJENUHAN JUMLAH BANK dan POTENSI PENYALURAN PINJAMAN. 2 8.1. Kredit Konsumer 2 8.2. Kredit Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM), Komersil dan Wholesale 2 IX. SISTEM PELAYANAN 2 9.1 LENDING 2 9.2 FUNDING 2 9.3 JASA LAINNYA 2 X. KELAYAKAN CABANG 2 10.1 INVENTARIS YANG DIBUTUHKAN 2 10.2 Break Event Point(BEP) danVolumeUsaha 2 10.3 PROYEKSI NERACA & LABA/RUGI 2 10.4 RENCANA SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA & ORGANISASI 2 XI. ANALISA SWOT 2 11.1 Strenght Point 2 11.2 Weakness Point 2 11.3 Opportunity 2 11.4 Threat Point 2 XII. KESIMPULAN DAN REKOMENDASI 2 Daftar TABEL Tabel 5.1 Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kota Palembang, Tahun 2007-2010 Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (dalam Juta Rp) 2 Tabel 6.1 Pertumbuhan DPK per wilayah 2 Tabel 6.2 Pertumbuhan Penyaluran Kredit per Wilayah : 2 Tabel 6.3 Peta Target Market Bank Saudara 2 Tabel 6.4 Nasabah-Nasabah Korporasi yang Potensial untuk Trade Finance 2 Tabel 7.1...
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