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Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla

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Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was born on may 8,1753. He studied in Jesuit school. He graduated in 1773 from San Nicolás College. In 1778 he was titled priest. In 1803 after his brother died he took his place. He was interested in political justice and economic growth. After invading Spain France forced the abdication of the king.Secret societies formed he was part of the society that fought for the independence from Spain. In 1810 he announced the Grito de Dolores the announcement encouraged Mexican people to fight and revolt for racial equality and their freedom. He started a revolution which captured the cities west of Mexico city. In 1811 after his defeat trying to capture Mexico City he tried to escape but he was captured banned from priesthood …show more content…
The army grew to 30,000 men at this stage. Upon their arrival to the city the army destroyed defences and took down 500 men. The town was robbed and the Spanish suffered. After the siege of Guanajuato they marched to Mexico city. By the time the army arrived at Monte Del Cruces there was a total of 80,000 men. Hidalgo’s army battled the spanish army between the mountains on october 30 1810. The Spanish (royalists) surrendered. Surprisingly Hidalgo surrendered for an unknown reason ignoring Allende's advice. Hidalgo and Allende traveled North to the U.S searching for weapons and soldiers. Mysteriously Allende arrested Hidalgo and he traveled as a prisoner. As they were travelling North they were backstabbed and arrested and taken to the city of Chihuahua for trial. Hidalgo and Allende were found guilty and they were sentenced to death. Unlike Allende Hidalgo had a civil trial because he was a priest. Although his priesthood was taken away and he was executed on July 30th. Hidalgo left a long legacy for the Mexicans. He was known as the Father of his country. He was one of the first people to revolt against Spain. He was somewhat successful although he had minimal

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