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Moving House Research Paper

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Moving house - some people argue that it's the most stressful thing that anyone can do. While that is probably pretty close to the truth, there are lots of ways to reduce the stress and anxiety of moving house.

Getting Yourself Organized

Managing your time effectively when moving house can help to alleviate the stress of moving. Make a list of all the things that you need to do, then divide them up and allocate them to the weeks leading up to your move, allowing yourself enough days to accomplish everything on that week's list.

Cut the Clutter!

Clearing your house of all the unnecessary extras will help you be, and feel, more organised. It will also mean that when you start packing, you'll only be packing the items that you need to. …show more content…
Get Help When You Need It

Most people find little pleasure in calling for assistance with their move if they are finding it too difficult to coordinate everything on their own. Your loved ones have probably moved at least once in their life and can understand how trying this stressful time can be. Ask friends and family if they can come over for a few hours and help you pack. If you're moving far away, this could be one of the last chances you have to spend time together for a while and they'll likely appreciate some extra time with you before you move.

Saying Your Farewells

Parting from a place that you've come to call home can be a stressful and emotional experience. Don't ignore the feelings of loss, sadness and anxiety that sometimes accompany the other feelings associated with moving away from your house, friends and family. Allow yourself time to say goodbye. Throw a farewell party, or invite friends over for dinner. Take an hour to walk through your neighborhood and visit your favourite places. Allow yourself to relive the memories and feel the emotions they

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