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Mills The Promise Analysis

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The purpose of C. Wright Mills’ “The Promise” is to introduce a manner of thinking referred to the sociological imagination. The key question that Mills is addressing is how does one achieve that higher level of thinking and reasoning, and why is it important in the context of society and the individual? Important information relevant to the subject includes pointing out humankind’s erroneous current way of thinking, and a series of questions an individual can ask themselves that consequently will induce a perspective shift.
The main concepts of the article focus on distinguishing and integrating history with biography, while also incorporating the concept of conflicts. Mills creates two categories for these conflicts the individual trouble and a broader issue (Mills, 2018/1957). The main assumptions in the article are that for the average person information is hard to take in and reasoning is beyond their capabilities, so by developing a sociological imagination people are …show more content…
Conversely if we fail to accept this line of reasoning, then humankind will fail to think analytically about the social environment in which they are a part of. As a result larger issues or personal troubles may be harder if not impossible to ameliorate without a more in-depth view of the current or past social, political, economic, and cultural climate.
The main point of view presented in this article depicts Mills as the authority on what it is to possess a sociological imagination. He observes the follies of humankind and proposes a solution through a specific way of thinking that allows for people to think beyond themselves and incorporate the lives of others where time is not a

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