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Milwaukee Vouchers Case

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The above case focuses on Milwaukee, Wisconsin government’s initiative of providing tuition vouchers to the poor parents to enable them to pull their kids out of the worst of the city schools and thereby putting them in the private schools. All these efforts are due to the promotion of education in the region. The case has been divided into five parts. In the first part, the evolution of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Plan has been described; in the second part, the research on the Milwaukee voucher plan compared with the purposes of the public education, whether the voucher plan should be supported or opposed. The third section presents the empirical estimates of the impact of competition from voucher schools or student inter-cohort achievement …show more content…
The hierarchy of community values is best determined by the will of electorate. As individuals have greater access to their legislative representatives, the legislative decisions are more representative of popular opinion. The main dispute is whether the private school participating in the MPCP are under proper government control and supervision. It had been contented that these private schools are subject to a stricter requirement of government supervision as compared to public school. Also a report published in 2001 claimed that the taxpayer cost of a voucher student is almost double the tuition that nonvoucher parents paid in the same private school. Also the vouchers threaten the fundamental Mission of public education. The voucher system diverts the attention from the need to improve the public schools. However, expanded choice, in public schools coupled with a focus on the basics, increased parent’s involvement, improved teaching, and high standards for achievement and discipline can improve the education of all children, than private school vouchers for few. The voucher system will add to the public cost of education by providing public funds to pay private school tuition. Private schools operate outside of the scope of public authority and have no public accountability for providing a quality education to all students. The vouchers could have been otherwise used to help the public school students in increasing the academic standard. Research showed that investing more money in identifying and implementing an effective academic program for elementary public school student will serve more students. The education dollars are scarce, so it should be invested in proven public school reform to save majority of youngsters rather than serving few students of private school. As 90% of the nation’s school students attend public schools, so the Americans

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