Premium Essay

Mind Brain and Behavior


Submitted By Joycer728
Words 907
Pages 4
Throughout the class, we learned about how researchers go about constructing experiments to explore if a particular brain structure or neurochemical system contributes to a behavior or physiologic measure. Choose an area of research we explored during the year, and discuss the method used to determine how particular brain structure(s) or neurochemical(s) contribute to behavior or physiology. 10pts.
Our textbook, Biological Psychology, considers the physiological effects of attention by presenting an innovative study. Researchers presented a stimulus to participants that consisted of a face transposed over the picture of a house. First the participants were asked to focus only on the face in the picture and fMRI images showed activation of the fusiform area in the brain which is responsible for face processing. They were then asked to focus only on the house portion of the stimulus image and the fMRI images showed activation of the parrahippocampal place area which is responsible for processing location. This enforces the notion that attention causes the selective enhancement of activity in brain regions that are specialized to process particular types of stimuli
1) Physiological effects of attention: Study showing picture of face over house
2) Focus on face or focus on house
3) fMRIs showed activation of fusiform face area when looking at face
4) fMRIs showed activation of parrahippocamal place area when looking at house
5) focusing of attention causes the selective enhancement of specialized brain regions

Stress has psychological and physiological implications. Discuss how a stressor in the environment engages the stress system, how these responses cause changes in physiology, what kind of feedback system is used, how they may impact the structure of the brain, and what the behavioral consequences of these effects may be (make sure to mention a few

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