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Minimum Wage In Australia

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The debate about minimum wage and the effect it has on all aspects of an economy is one that has created differing and often conflicting viewpoints amongst economists. When looking at something so fundamental as the minimum wage, four main groups within an economic context will be impacted in some way or another; they are the firms, consumers, the labour force and the government. Minimum wage law is always a contentious issue due to the wide ranging impacts it has over the aforementioned groups, often leading to a number of contentious and often conflicting viewpoints. Economists themselves have had their trials and tribulations over minimum wage arguments, with some saying until the data is so sophisticated, “the conflicting ambitions of …show more content…
Up until September 18 1975, the minimum wage was applied differently between men and women. Pending a government review in the latter half of 1975, the traditional ‘bread winner’ model of wages in society was abolished with men and women being paid equal amounts from the 15th of February 1976. Starting at $88.20 per hour in 1976, the minimum wage in Australia now averages out at $657.02 for a 38 hour working week for an adult over 21 years of age; or $17.29 per hour. A study conducted by the OECD has further found Australia has the highest after-tax minimum wage in the world, with an after-tax rate of $9.54 per hour [12]. From the standpoint of being a global citizen, this may be something to be proud of, but from an economic standpoint, such a high minimum wage is not necessarily a positive thing to …show more content…
As consumers are the labour supply labour to the firm, and the firm is the demand side, an equilibrium forms with price being the cost of labour. Traditional economic theory states that an increase in minimum wage will result in an increase in unemployment amongst minimum wage earners; this is due to the price floor the minimum wage creates for some firms, ultimately leading to the debate about minimum wage creating job losses due to firms cutting labour, and increasing unemployment. This theory does hold true in a state of ‘ceteris paribus’, but in reality where nothing is held constant, this theory is argued amongst economists. As highlighted by Lemos (2004); “firms typically respond to minimum wage increases not by reducing production and employment, but by raising prices” [4], with Strobl and Walsh [5] further highlighting that the traditional theory only applies to specific homogenous groups of low skilled workers within highly specific industries, and that the implication of the traditional theory ‘is not representative of the impact of a minimum wage across all industries’. As is evident in the domestic automobile manufacturing industry, traditional economic theory has held true. Given the contrast Lemos, Strobl & Walsh have with economic theory, this highlights that from a firm level policy standpoint, the decision to make labour adjustments lies with

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