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Miriam's American Dream (DACA)

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“DACA means everything to me...DACA has become a reassuring force to many students like myself who’s only desire is to be given an education in order to become a successful factor of this society ” (The New York Times). This quote came from Miriam Ochoa-Garibay, a political science major at UCR and a participant in the Deferred Action for Children Arrivals program, who recently told her story as a part of a New York Times opinion piece. Miriam is one of the 800,000 “DREAMers” who came to the United States as children who find protection through the DACA policy and a perfect example of a life improved by the program (Lind). She came to the United States as a two year old but would have been incapable of receiving financial aid or legal work …show more content…
“The United States has always been proud of its unique heritage that consisted of people from all over the world traveling here to a land of dreams to start fresh as equals with similar values” (The Odyssey Online). People like to discuss the “American Dream” as if it no longer applies. But to DREAMers, the “American Dream” is alive and well. U.S. citizens should be supporting DREAMers who are pursuing their “American Dream” instead of pushing them aside instead. Regardless, there are those, such as Daniel Horowitz, who believe DREAMers do not deserve our attention and support, even going so far as to ask, “Who is speaking for the Americans and addressing their concerns, which were brought on by these very policies” (Horowitz). Horowitz continues in his article “Enough with DACA! Where’s the sympathy for THESE Americans”, saying, “ They are illegal aliens, the so-called ‘Dreamers.’ Who is standing up for the forgotten man, the true undocumented constituency: the American dreamer”. In this quote, Horowitz writes as if the “American dreamer” and the DREAMers must be separate entities. But are they as different as he implies? The DREAMers have stayed in the United States pursuing the dream of a better life, one which they believe America to be offering. Isn’t that what drew so many immigrants to the United States originally, whose descendants now proudly represent …show more content…
That is a decision for the United States government, but it cannot be made without consequence. Ending the DACA program will drastically changed lives, like that of Miriam Ochoa-Garibay, whose testimony was previously stated. Young adults will be shunned from a country which has become their home. Without these young people, the lives of American citizens will change as well. The United States will lose a valuable group of courageous, law abiding citizens and the country’s economy will worsen as a result of this major decision. America cannot afford to risk this, but they will if the DACA program comes to an end. Moreover, this risk is entirely unnecessary. The United States has the choice of continuing the DACA program, which deserves hefty consideration. The DREAMers offer great potential to America just as the immigrant ancestors of many American citizens once did. The United States was built on the back of immigrants and the country would do well to remember that. It’s heritage should not be quickly dismissed as it is becoming the future as well. As a final point, the DACA program should be continued and the DREAMers should be granted

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