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Early Sepsis Case Study

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In this case-study, the concept map outlines the presentation of RT, a 62-year-old female to the Emergency Department (ED) with complaints of dyspnea, cough, and a low-grade fever. RT’s past medical history includes risk factors for infection that includes: COPD, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2 that is controlled by diet, non-compliance with medications, and past refusal of immunizations for the flu and pneumonia. RT’s lab work, chest x-ray, and vital signs are indicative of community acquired pneumonia. RT is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotic and admitted for inpatient care. In the United States, it is estimated that 500,000 patients present to the ED with sepsis. Half of those patients have early sepsis and do not require intensive care. Many time the symptoms of sepsis are so subtle that are underrecognized and undertreated in the ED (Bruce, Maiden, Fedullo, & Kim, 2015, p. 130). In this case-study, RT symptoms of early sepsis are not recognized in the ED, and she is admitted to an inpatient unit. …show more content…
The nurse receives an alert for potential sepsis, and notifies the hospitalist. The hospitalist orders blood cultures, a serum lactate, 02 at 2L nasal cannula, a urinary catheter to monitor output, and IV fluid bolus at 30ml/kg. This course of treatment is part of a best practice bundle (Surviving Sepsis Campaign [SSC], 2016). Also, alerts for early sepsis using data that is documented in the electronic health record (EHR) is a method of clinical decision support that has been shown proven effective in improving outcomes for patient with early sepsis (Amland, Haley, & Lyons,

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