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Born On The Independence Day Analysis

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Neverending flashbacks of the surrounding dead bodies, abandoning comrades to survive the battle with the unawareness of the danger at every step can never be truly comprehended through visuals. Military nightmares from horrendous war experience create a psychological corruption which only the affected can remenice. Images poorly represent dreadful events as the images only provide a brief insight, shadowing the realistic fear and therefore remaining clueless regarding genuine experience.

The constant risky decisions and the desperation to survive during warfare creates a rational traumatic event. The film Born on the Fourth of July heartbreaking scene during the Independence Day demonstrates Kovic unable to finish a speech due to post traumatic stress order caused by the battle in Vietnam. As outsiders, movies continuously expose heartbreaking visuals, however, viewers remain unaffected mentally. They continue to live freely from perceiving anything to be life threatening such as misinterpreting a loud bang as bombing or explosions, including frequent vivid terrifying memories. As a result, images can never mimic the realistic mental issues, much less the agony of remaining paralyzed for his lifetime. Moreover, the emotional …show more content…
As children are being evacuated from an attack during Syrian Civil War pictures, one can quickly determine the innocent confusion and terror within them. However, we can not feel how rocky and painful the road is. Much less the suffering endured throughout sleepless nights.Whereas individuals are only entertained by graphics and lightly touched by gruesome, easily living life without preoccupation of bombing attacks or the simple idea of last goodbyes with relatives. In the end, in spite of heartbreaking pictures, pictures do not serve as a reference to acknowledge daunting situations during

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