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Rye Neck Reflection

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One of the most pivotal moments in my life happened in the summer of 2014 when I was going into the 8th grade and I was moving from Rye Neck to Harrison. This was a big experience for me because Rye Neck was a small school and Harrison was a much larger school. Moving wasn’t new to me because I previously moved from Yonkers to Rye Neck back in the 1st grade. There is a saying that I will always remember way back when I first moved and it was “You can leave Yonkers but Yonkers never leaves you”. I will always remember that quote because Yonkers was the place that I was born, so I will never forget where I came from. The days leading up to the start of the new school year I was very anxious to how everyone at the middle school would react to me coming there. I had to calm my emotions because I had already moved so I had nothing to worry about. When the first day of school started, I was a little nervous, but I was able to …show more content…
When my basketball coach had a chance to view my athleticism, he suggested that I try to run track. After heavy thinking on the topic, I decided to run varsity track and field, so that my coordination and speed could become better in basketball. Once I decided to join track, I realized that I had a talent in this sport since I was able to compete and defeat other athletes that were older and than myself at meets. The events that I excelled at the most were triple jump and long jump. Even though I excelled at track and field it wasn’t easy - I knew the following year had to train very hard to achieve perfection in my technique for each event I trained for. My hard work was paying off when I made it to the New York State Championships when I was in the 10th grade for the triple jump and 4x100. Even though I did not get 1st place, I was still excited to be there. But I knew I needed to get better because I had higher expectations for what I wanted to accomplish in the next

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