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Missing Magnifying Glass

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The Case of The Missing Magnifying Glass
The year was 1978. The National City Police Department was an old but grand building that towered over its surroundings. It was made with huge stone bricks each etched with a pattern that repeated all the way up. On the inside, it had a big painting of the city which covered the wall. This building had the most history of the area because of how many years it had stood there. The main detective of the police station is a man by the name of Jonathan West. Jonathan was a tall man standing at 6 feet 4 inches. He had a scruffy beard with a bald head and was known at the time for being the best detective. His main tool was his trusty magnifying glass, he used it for every case he got. The Captain of the police is called Captain Lance. He was shorter than Jonathan standing at 5 feet 11 inches, but he was stronger maybe even fivefold stronger. The Captain became …show more content…
Randy Longneck said he was innocent and that for the last few days he was doing stuff for the community, Jonathan didn't believe him but he was going to interview the other suspects before he jumped to any conclusions. Next, he interrogated Kyle. Kyle said that he moved on from his criminal ways and said he was programming a game for Microsoft, he showed that he did so he was ruled out and Jonathan went on to interrogate Reed. Reed was very discrete with how he answered his questions which made Jonathan suspicious. For example when asked "Where were you yesterday?" he answered, "I was just mucking around at my apartment." this made Jonathan very suspicious. After interrogating the three, he had concluded that Kyle was innocent but he still wasn't sure on the other two. To figure this out Jonathan asked them a few questions on the polygraph. He asked "Did you steal my magnifying glass?" the results showed that both of them didn't and that's where Jonathan didn't know where to go

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