...WEEKLY COURSE SCHEDULE – BUS 520 LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR The standard requirement for a 4.5 credit hour course is for students to spend 13.5 hours in weekly work. This includes preparation, activities, and papers. Week ONE July 2 – 8 Preparation, Activities, and Evaluation Preparation o Reading(s) o Chapter 1: Learning about Organizational Behavior o e-Activity o Use the Internet to research an especially effective leader and / or manager. Be prepared to discuss. Preparation o Reading(s) o Chapter 2: Individual and Organizational Ethics o Chapter 3: Understanding Individual Differences Preparation o Reading(s) o Chapter 4: Perceptions and Attributions o Chapter 5: Learning Concepts to Improve Performance o e-Activity: o Use the Internet to research a social learning theory applicable to the workplace that has not been addressed in Chapter 4. Be prepared to discuss. PAPER DUE: o Assignment 1: Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study. Please see Course Guide for Specific Questions which must be addressed in the paper. o Log into BUS520 Classroom on Blackboard (Bb); go to WEEK 3; scroll to the bottom of the week and submit your assignment using the Link found there. o Your paper is due Sunday, July 22 by 11:59 p.m. ET Preparation o Reading(s) o Chapter 6: Motivating Employees o Chapter 7: Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs o e-Activity o Use the Internet to research a rewards program that has been especially effective at improving employee performance...
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...40 cách để tiết kiệm như Warren Buffett Thực phẩm 1. Đem cơm từ nhà cho bữa sáng và bữa trưa, thay vì ăn ở ngoài sẽ tiết kiệm được kha khá tiền. Một cách nhanh chóng để chuẩn bị bữa trưa là nấu thêm cơm và thức ăn vào bữa tối hôm trước. 2. Mua thực phẩm, rau củ theo mùa 3. Mua nhiều thực phẩm một lúc để được giá rẻ và sau đó tích trữ trong tủ lạnh dùng dần 4. Không nên đi mua đồ ăn với cái bụng đang đói 5. Nên ăn uống ở nhà thay vì ra ngoài. Chỉ đi nhà hàng vào những dịp đặc biệt 6. Còn khi đi ăn nhà hàng, nên gọi những món mà bạn không thể tự nấu được ở nhà 7. Khi đi ăn kem, chỉ mua một nửa so với lượng nhà hàng đưa ra, vừa để giữ eo vừa tiết kiệm Đồ uống 8. Mang cà phê đựng trong bình chứa cà phê pha từ nhà đến cơ quan 9. Khi đi ra ngoài, mang bình nước tự chuẩn bị thay vì mua nước đóng chai có sẵn 10. Khi đi ăn hàng, chỉ uống nước lọc trong bữa ăn 11. Nếu muốn uống rươu, hãy uống ở nhà. Trong nhà hàng, giá một ly rượu có thể ngang ngửa với việc mua một chai đầy bên ngoài 12. Dùng cho đến hết nhẵn các sản phẩm đựng trong tuýp, chai lọ, ví dụ kem kẹo râu, kem chống nắng, kem dưỡng ẩm Quần áo 13. Nên đợi mua quần áo giảm giá, hoặc mua trên mạng 14. Không bao giờ mua sắm để tiêu khiển. Lên một danh sách những thứ cần trước khi đi siêu thị và chỉ mua đúng những thứ đó 15. Không nên mua một món quần áo nào đó nếu chưa có thứ gì hợp để đi cùng 16. Nên tìm những món đồ có thế mặc được với nhiều phong cách khác nhau 17. Trừ khi bạn cần món gì ngay lập tức, nên...
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...Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer |Qns. No. |Answer | |1 |B |26 |A |51 |D |76 |C |101 |D |126 |D |151 |A |176 |A | |2 |A |27 |C |52 |B |77 |B |102 |C |127 |C |152 |B |177 |A | |3 |C |28 |A |53 |C |78 |D |103 |C |128 |B |153 |A |178 |D | |4 |B |29 |D |54 |A |79 |B |104 |D |129 |A |154 |A |179 |B | |5 |C |30 |A |55 |D |80 |D |105 |C |130 |C |155 |D |180 |D | |6 |C |31 |B |56 |A |81 |A |106 |B |131 |D |156 |B |181 |B | |7 |B |32 |B |57 |A |82 |A |107 |B |132 |C |157 |C |182 |B | |8 |C |33 |D |58 |D |83 |C |108 |B |133 |A |158 |C |183 |B | |9 |A |34 |D |59 |A |84 |B |109 |D |134 |A |159 |B |184 |A | |10 |D |35 |C |60 |B |85 |C |110 |C |135 |A |160 |B |185 |C | |11 |B |36 |A |61 |B |86 |D |111 |D |136 |A |161 |A |186 |C | |12 |C |37 |B |62 |C |87 |A |112 |D |137 |A |162 |D |187 |C | |13 |A |38 |B |63 |B |88 |A |113 |B |138 |C |163 |C |188 |A | |14 |D |39 |C |64 |A |89 |B |114 |D |139 |B |164 |A |189 |B | |15 |B |40 |A |65 |C |90 |C |115 |B |140 |B |165 |C |190 |C | |16 |D |41 |A |66 |D |91 |C |116 |A |141 |A |166 |C |191 |A | |17 |A |42 |C |67 |B |92 |D |117 |D |142 |A |167 |B |192 |C | |18 |D |43 |B |68 |C |93 |B |118 |C |143 |A |168 |A |193 |B | |19 |B |44 |D |69 |B |94 |B |119 |A |144 |B |169 |D |194 |B | |20 |B |45 |D |70 |A |95 |B |120 |B |145 |A |170 |A |195 |A | |21 |D |46 |B |71 |D |96 |C |121 |B |146 |C |171 |B |196 |A | |22 |C |47 |B |72 |A |97 |B |122 |D |147 |B |172 |C |197 |B | |23...
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...Final: Experience as a Writer Experiences for writing were fun when younger, became a little more challenging, as I became older and completely changed in the work place. Took classes on writing strategically and technical writing for my career as a Business Analyst. This class taught me to unlearn everything we were taught in school. When we were younger we were taught to write compositions with a minimum of 500 hundred words, as an example. Then you are told to write with lots of fluff in the story. When taking the course for technical writing, we are to cut out any fluff and get right to the point, very minimal sentences. It seemed that sometimes the grammar didn’t make sense but to them it’s a document to be written for instructional purposes. There are so many other different writing styles that I’m not sure if it’s correct. I have read novels and it makes me scratch my head and question is this proper grammar. I have to “assume” that is, because how would they publish this novel if it weren’t. An example, is the novel “The Help” the book was written as the way they spoke down south, but when I’m when writing, it seemed that my writing was choppy and only with half of my thoughts. Now when it comes to writing I guess I second guess myself as to what is the right way in writing. But I realize it is the audience that I need to realize to whom I’m writing to. I have to say it is two...
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...Mike Morris 1/29/10 Lewis and Clark expedition The Lewis and Clark expedition was one of the most important events to ever take part in the United States. These two very intelligent and brave men were taking a journey into the vast unknown to seek out what they have never seen before. Before this whole thing happened, Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase which nearly doubled the amount of land the United States had. The only bad thing about this was he didn’t know anything about the land that he just bought. This is Lewis and Clark come in. The two men started their journey in St. Louis, Missouri. They had about 40 men with them by their sides. They called them selves The Corps of Discovery. They were about the set out on one of the hardest, coldest and most important parts of their lives. Before they started the expedition however, Thomas Jefferson made Lewis go to school to learn about nature. What kinds of animals are out there. The plants, Native Americans, etc. SO when they started they wanted to find an all water route to the west coast. So they deiced to take the Missouri river and see where it took them. During the expedition the men mostly complained about the bugs. While on the journey, Lewis suffered from manic depression. The evidence we have is that, he would always write in his journal, so when he didn’t write on it, we know that he wasn’t doing to good. The crew had some very harsh rules. For example, if you were to fall asleep during your watch...
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....21;lm’;l,astg as……………….. I love to eat apples and bannas. The wo PHILADELPHIA — A missing Florida girl has been found safe in Philadelphia in the wake of the arrest of three people who allegedly held mentally disabled adults captive in a basement. Benita Rodriguez, 15, was reported missing from her West Palm Beach, Fla., home on July 4, NBC Philadelphia affiliate WCAU reported. According to NBC Philadelphia, Rodriguez had last been seen with Gregory Thomas Jr., whose father was among those arrested over the weekend in connection with the basement captive case. Linda Ann Weston, a woman convicted in the starvation death of a man nearly 20 years ago, also was arrested. She is facing charges of kidnapping and false imprisonment for allegedly preying on four mentally disabled adults, locking them Weston was charged Monday with kidnapping, false imprisonment and other offenses, with bail set at $2.5 million after her landlord stumbled upon the four adults, all weak and malnourished, in a dank, foul smelling boiler room on Saturday. Also charged were Eddie "the Rev. Ed" Wright, who Weston says is her boyfriend, and Gregory Thomas. The trio used to live in West Palm Peach, according to WPBF-TV. Benita Rodriguez's mother Juana told WPBF that her daughter had run away with them in July. Advertise | AdChoices Advertise | AdChoices Advertise | AdChoices "Blessed news, very blessed news that she’s alive,” Juana Rodriguez said. “I can breathe now, she is doing good.” [pic] NBC...
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...Week 6 – Finance Project SheaRee Terry Professor James Huskins MAT104 November 11, 2011 How much more money would I need to add to my current mortgage payment in order to pay off my home loan of $112,247.47 in 20 years instead of 25 years? While figuring this out, I need to consider all of my options and whether or not this would be worth it due to the fact that I’m already stretched extremely thin after covering all of my monthly expenses. It would make sense to first understand what my opinions are. I have to first think about the financial position I am already in. After paying all of my bills for the month, I don’t even have $100 left over to live off of for the rest of the month. This alone, causes me to think that increasing my payment amount doesn’t make sense in my current situation, but may be something I want to revisit in a few years when I have more income to spare. I can look into refinancing to see if I can possibly get a lower interest rate, but that would cost me $2000 I don’t have at the moment. At the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out what interest rate would benefit me by lowering my payment and, if it’s worth it, I could come up with the closing costs. I’ve decided I will weigh my options. I will calculate how much more I will need to increase my current payment by in order to pay off this loan in 20 years without refinancing. Alternatively, my credit is in good shape so I should also be able to refinance at a lower interest rate. I will...
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...Assume that you work for attorney Tara Jolans of Adams & Tate, 1000 Town Center, Suite 500, White Tower Michigan. Jolans has decided to represent Sandra Nelson in her lawsuit against David Namisch. Based on the following information, draft a complaint to be filed in the U.S. district Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Sandra Nelson is a plaintiff in a lawsuit resulting from an automobile accident. Sandra was turning left at a traffic light at the intersection of Jefferson and Mack streets, while the left-turn arrow was green, when she was hit from the side by a car driven by David Namisch, who failed to stop at the light. The accident occurred on June 3, 2011, at 11:30 p.m. David lives in New York, was visiting his family in Michigan, and just prior to the accident had been out drinking with his brothers. Several witnesses saw the accident. One of the witnesses called the police. Sandra was not wearing her seat belt at the time of the accident, and she was thrown against the windshield, sustaining massive head injuries. When the police and ambulance arrived, they did not think that she would make it to the hospital alive, but she survived. She wants to claim damages of $500,000 for medical expenses, $65,000 for lost wages, and $55,000 for property damage to her Rolls Royce. The accident was reported in the local newspaper, complete with photographs. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN Sandra Nelson, Plaintiff, vs.David...
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...4. Appraise the need for collecting reliable data and using it to support their work group. Reliable data is a crucial part of an organization because of its role within the organization itself. Without accurate and consistent information there can be misconceptions about the quality of the data, there may not be enough facts to sustain the reliability of the information received, and in the end the results can be harmful. Qualitative research and data helps industries such as marketing firms to obtain reliable information about trends and purchasing power of certain target markets (Bellenger, Goldstucker, Bernhardt & Goldstucker, 2011). This in turn allows marketing companies to decide on which products and services to advertise for their clients based on the amount of reliable data received and how that information coincides with forecasted trends. If the wrong information is sought or the wrong variables are used, then the results will not be useful and that data can harm a company's own reputation if it is used. Therefore, proper judgment is also necessary when deciding which data to use so as to avoid putting garbage in only to get garbage out (faulty input, erroneous output) (Bellenger, Goldstucker, Bernhardt & Goldstucker, 2011). Bellenger, D. N., Goldstucker, K. L. B. J. L., Bernhardt, K. L., & Goldstucker, J. L. (2011). Qualitative research in marketing. Marketing Classics Press. 5. Analyze a business situation to determine the information system...
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...Assignment #2 – Case: “Allstate Insurance Company” Ashley Tevis April 28, 2011 Professor Lathan Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate’s goal setting process to determine whether or not Allstate has an effective goal-setting program. From the case study, Allstate seems like a great company to work for. They have the goal setting and employees in mind at all times. Goal setting isn’t always easy, but it is very important for individuals and organizations to set goals. It is important for individuals to set many goals, career goals and personal goals. I know I have set many long and short term career and personal goals. If you work for an organization and you are on a team, the teams set long and short term goals as well. When you are in a team setting, everyone is there for each other; no one is set out on their own to reach that goal. You do it by working together and pushing for the best. By setting goals, it gives the team or individual something to strive for. I think Allstate’s goal setting program is very effective. They have specific steps, Succession programming, development, measurement, and accountability and reward. Each of these steps plays a role in their goal setting. Allstate takes the time to track career development and opportunities among all of their employees through their management information system. Then each employee receives an assessment of their current job skills. This is to determine in the employee needs any skills...
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...Negrete C. Silver PROJ – 586 WBS – Outline 1. Benvenue Road Water Improvements Project 1. Permits 1. Send water permits to the State’s (NC) Water Division for approval for permitting to construct new water lines within the City 2. Have to obtain permits from the North Carolina Department (NCDOT) of Transportation to construct water lines because most water lines are constructed in the right of way area of the property boundaries from the highway to the property owner’s yards 3. Send easements, encroachment agreements or right of way acquisitions to property owners for the right to use or obtain ownership certain areas of the property due to construction 1. To be sent (Reges Property Owner, State Employees Credit Union) 2. The project manager meets with property owners to explain what the project consists of and to negotiate a cost for exchange for the property to be obtained or owned by the City – (appraisers propose a costs for initial start of negotiations) 2. Advertisement of Bids 1. Document Books for the Project Manual, Bid Manual and Plans are Prepared by Owner, Project Manager and Purchasing Department 2. Bids Advertised for Bidding 3. Contractors Obtain Bids (specification books and plans) for $100 nonrefundable fee to place bids 4. Bids are due by 2:00 two weeks from initial advertisement for bid 5. Pre-Bid Meeting held for Engineers, the Owner and all contractors to answer any questions...
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...here are conflicting views on how the global financial crisis is affecting medical tourism. The view expressed by organisations such as the Medical Tourism Association is that the "...with the economy and the credit crisis, more people are waking up and paying attention (to medical tourism)." The harsh reality may be somewhat different. BusinessWeek reports that "...in some medical tourism hotspots, formerly booming hospitals are seeing empty beds." The MD of Parkway Hospitals in Singapore, "expects the foreign patient numbers to stabilise after dropping 10 per cent". Whether the credit crunch encourages more people to consider travelling abroad for treatment remains to be seen. People are short of cash, unable to borrow and are delaying expenditure on house purchases, cars and other major expenditures. Healthcare is not immune to this. Although in the last global recession, healthcare was less affected, the likelihood is that people who might have considered medical tourism may decide to postpone their expenditure. Areas likely to be affected most are those “non-urgent”, discretionary treatments such as cosmetic surgery. In countries where medical tourism is influenced by waiting lists, patients may decide to hold out for free treatment in their own country rather than go for the paid for, immediate treatment available elsewhere. In the USA, the story may be different, as the financial crisis puts pressure on health insurers and employers to find ways to cut rising healthcare...
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...MISE-EN-SCÈNE I. WHAT IS MISE-EN-SCÈNE? A. Mise-en-scène is a French term that refers to the overall outlook of a movie. That is, it refers to the sum of all that the audience hear, see and experience when viewing a movie. The mise-en-scène of a movie thus influences the viewers’ moods as much as the lighting, decor sounds and smells affect their emotional response to a real-life setting. II. COMPOSITION AND MISE-EN-SCÈNE A. Mise-en-scène has two major visual components: design and composition. Design determines the look of the settings, props, actors, and lighting. Composition refers to the organisation, allocation, balance and the relationship between the actors and the objects within space of each slot. The composition of these elements within the frame provide the general meaning to the scene or shot. B. Mise-en-scène also plays a part in the viewers’ reaction to a movie. It affects the viewers’ feel of sights, sounds, textures and surfaces. Mise-en-scène in this case find comparison with a rural person’s first experience in the city: their first impressions of the streets, the people and multitudes of sounds. C. Some aspects of mise-en-scène can happen by chance; whether through an act of nature, for example rain; or an actor veering off the script, and other accidents. Mise-en-scène happens in movies because the directors envisioned it prior to the shoot. D. Mise-en-scène is also used to distinguish one director’s work from another. Additionally, every director of...
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...Activity 1 We all have fairly specific criteria on which we base a purchasing decision – whether they are conscious or unconscious. Obviously the criteria differ, depending on a number of circumstances, including the type and complexity of the product/ service we purchase. However, regardless of those differences we all have a generalised idea of the standard of product/ service which is acceptable in all situations. In most cases, when you purchase (i.e. when you are the customer) what key factors determine your purchasing decision – price, safety, quality, packaging convenience, or something else? A purchasing decision really depends on many things addition to price and quality. Let's say I would like to buy a car. I should know the market value after couple of years, because after 3 -4 years time I would like to get a new one. Customer support is one of the important thing for me. For example, if something happens to my car or I have to replace tyres, oil etc., I need to know how long these procedures will take. Is the car environmental friendly or not? Has it got a hybrid engine? I need to know the type of the car. What features has it got? I would like to have an automatic transmission, alloy wheels, climate control etc. Different people/ customers value products/ services differently. A good business needs to be customer driven to remain its sustainability. What makes products/ services attractive to you? Has it got a certificate tag on or it just hasn't...
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