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E Business, Task 1


Submitted By cocobonn
Words 2898
Pages 12
QRT Task 1

A1 Viability of Product or Service At present, the company I have chosen to work with which I will refer to as the Embroidery Company has a weak online presence. The company is run by a woman who has moved several times following her husband as his job has moved him several times. At present, her customer base is from Seattle, WA, Mesa, NM and Fort Wayne, IN. She works out of her home. Her daughter built her a website which has not efficiently functioned for her. It is important for Mrs. A to move forward and expand online for several reasons. First, she presently has local customers who are no longer local and want to continue doing business with her. “Your existing customer base can migrate to your online operation (if it’s their preference), while processes like fulfilment are already defined” (Eley & Tilley, 2009). For ease of business practice, she needs to have an attractive, highly functioning website which takes payment for products at time of ordering. While conversing on the phone with her loyal customers, they can be looking at images that assist them to make a purchasing decision. Then the customer can transition to independent online order choice, ordering and payment. Since one of the key weaknesses of her company is that she may have to up and move abruptly, moving online will give her the stability that is lacking. In order for her company to bring in more income, it is imperative that she expand her business online immediately. According to Lancaster and Reynolds, “In essence, it does not matter how good a firm may think its product to be, or how well organized it is in processing its orders, unless it has customers there is no business to conduct” (2005). Time is another key element of importance in all of our lives. The less time she spends with face to face or on the phone with her

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