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Modern Day Hacking Research Paper

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Artificial Intelligence(AI) and the Modern -Day Hacking
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has created new markets and new opportunities in many areas such as health, education, energy, and the environment. The history of Artificial Intelligence can be traced back to the Greece philosophers who modeled human thinking as a system of symbols [1]. This was the first time someone thought about replicating human thinking. During the 1940s, Connectionism was developed to study the process of thinking. Later in 1950, a man named Alan Turing wrote a paper on how to test a “thinking” machine. His paper was followed in 1952 by the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the brain as neurons forming an electrical network, with individual neurons firing in all-or-nothing pulses. These events, at a conference sponsored by Dartmouth College in 1956, helped to spark the concept of Artificial Intelligence [1].
In recent years, machines have surpassed humans in the performance of certain tasks. Machines are now able to replace …show more content…
There are always some possibilities of breaking the system. Just like some of the companies’ hackers might start taking a closer look, too, and they could cause major trouble by tricking these AI systems. As stated by a research scientist at OpenAI who worked on machine-learning systems, said attacking the system is easy “Almost anything bad you can think of doing to a machine-learning model can be done right now” [5]. This sounds like a big problem that cybersecurity experts will face in the future. Current hacking techniques don’t involve AI and most of the attacks are done by the hackers with the help of some tools. Therefore, it looks like in the future Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize hacking techniques. Hackers can use new techniques to manipulate AI and a technology that promises to revolutionize cybersecurity could one day become the go-to hacking

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