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Modern Day Hades: The Greek God Of Evil

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“How easy is it to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly.” -Elizabeth Gaskell. (____) This quote from Elizabeth Gaskell relates to the Greek god, Hades, of the underworld and king of the dead. From ancient Greek to modern times Hades is viewed as the god of evil. He is viewed as evil in society because he drew the small end of the stick. Receiving the power to the ruler of the underworld and king of the dead. In modern-day Hades can be compared to the devil, the queen ant, and a kidnapper. The ones who study Greek mythology must remember, Hades is neither evil nor dark like how society portrays him, but “he is altruistic and passive, bringing balance to the world” (“Top… Hades.”). Humans who are quick to judge without knowing the story behind someone's purpose is where the trait of evil develops.
Hades is the third brother among the twelve great Olympians. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades defeated their father and the Titans to help their cousins reclaim their rulership over the cosmos. The three brothers agreed to split their rule and Hades drew his power of the ruling the underworld and becoming the king over the dead. Most people think Hades is the ruler of death, but he is not the ruler of the death just the dead. “He presided over funeral rites and defended the rights …show more content…
Zeus offered his brother, Hades, his daughter Persephone. Hades committed an evil act, a forceful abduction of Persephone knowing the goddess would resist his hand in marriage. The god of the underworld knew Persephone would try to accept his presence to return to her mother, so he only gave her pomegranate seeds to eat without telling her if she ate one she would have to stay with him for up to three months each seed. She happened to taste one of the pomegranate seeds; she was forced to remain in the underworld with her husband for a portion of each

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