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Modern Day Slavery Essay

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Modern Day Slavery Slavery has been in existence for countless years, primarily seen in the form of forced labor. Unfortunately, forced labor is still in existence with modern day slavery and sex slavery and child slavery are on the rise worldwide. Through human trafficking, these victims are lured, sold, transported, and trapped into the diverse system of modern day slavery. Siddharth Kara, a noted expert on human trafficking, states that “much effort in the field of combating modern slavery has focused more on anecdote and sensationalism than on actual analysis of the problem” ( Nonetheless, attempts have been made to abolish human trafficking and slavery. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), introduced by The United States of America, incorporate the “‘3P’ framework, which is focused on protection, prevention, and prosecution” ( And, surprising, bringing awareness to trafficking has shown to provide the …show more content…
The TVPA “enhances pre-existing criminal penalties in other related laws, affords new protections to trafficking victims and makes available certain benefits and services to victims of severe forms of trafficking” ( However, victims are still hesitant to come forward in fear of retaliation towards themselves and their families and protection is essential. Protection of a vulnerable victim is offered in various ways through the TVPA, as seen in the “three Rs”, which are: rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration. ( Free the Slaves, a leader in the movement against slavery suggest that rehabilitation and reintegration should include: housing accommodations, health care, legal status and rights, education and vocational training, employment and income, continued physical protection, community and spiritual support. ( Obviously, this protection can not begin to be supplied until the victim first seeks out

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