...Module 02 Written Assignment - Defining Supply, Demand, and Equilibrium For all questions complete this part first. Draw a demand and supply graph. Be sure to label the vertical Y axes as price and the horizontal X axes as quantity. Draw your demand and supply curves and label them D1 and S1 accordingly. Then indicate the equilibrium point on the graph and label it E1 draw a dashed line from the equilibrium point over to the price axes and label the point P1 draw another dashed line to the quantity axes and label it Q1. 1. Then indicate on your graph how a change in taste for the good will shift the curves or curve, and label the new equilibrium point. Label any new demand or supply curves you may have to draw as D2 and S2. Label any new equilibrium point you may have to draw as E2. Also draw any new dashed lines that you may have to draw to the price and quantity axes and label them as P2 and Q2. 2. Now draw a brand new graph. Once you have done this on this graph indicate how an increase in resource price would or would not shift one or more of the curves. Label any new demand or supply curves you may have to draw as D2 and S2. Label any new equilibrium point you may have to draw as E2 also draw any new dashed lines that you may have to draw to the price and quantity axes and label them as P2 and Q2. 3. Draw a brand new graph. On this graph indicate how a decrease in the price of a substitute good will or will not shift the curves and cause a new equilibrium...
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...INSTRUCTIONS You must select a criminal justice topic about which you have not previously written or researched; this will serve as the topic for the Research Paper – Final. In Module/Week 2, you will compose a thesis statement and an outline on this topic as you work toward your final paper. Both the thesis statement and the outline must be saved in the same document. The thesis statement must include the paper topic and an explanation of the position the paper will take in analyzing the subject. The thesis statement must be no more than 2 sentences long and must be a declarative statement rather than a question. The outline must provide a detailed blueprint of the Research Paper – Final. It must include headings that cover the major points in the thesis statement. Citations from at least 5 scholarly sources must be included within the outline to support each point. Before submitting the Thesis Statement and Outline, review the Thesis Statement and Outline Grading Rubric to verify that all components of the assignment have been completed. Save your work as a Microsoft Word document and submit it to Blackboard. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2. THESIS STATEMENT AND OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONS You must select a criminal justice topic about which you have not previously written or researched; this will serve as the topic for the Research Paper – Final. In Module/Week 2, you will compose a thesis statement and an outline on this topic as you work...
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...ASB-3101 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Credits: 10 Contact hours: 23 Semester: 1 Pre-requisites: ASB-2104 Module organiser: Sally Sambrook Note: This module is available through the medium of Welsh (ACB-3101). Aims: To examine issues and developments in the field of contemporary human resource management (HRM). To develop an understanding of the complex issues facing human resource (HR) specialists and line managers in meeting their responsibilities for selecting, deploying, training, appraising, rewarding, relating to and retaining human resources. Learning Outcomes: On completing the module, students are expected to be able to: • Explain the contribution of the HR function to corporate strategy; • Discuss the processes of recruitment, assessment and selection; • Outline activities involved in developing human resources and facilitating learning; • Explain the link between rewards, motivation and performance; • Critically evaluate the changing employment relationship, assessing the role of trade unions and other forms of employee involvement. Module Content: • History of the HR function, theories and models of HRM; • The roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in HRM; • The changing nature of work, managing diversity, technology and flexibility; • Human resourcing: recruitment and selection, human resource planning; • Reward and performance management; • Employee relations, employment legislation...
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...[pic] BAM2004 WORK EXPERIENCE MODULE GUIDE 2009/2010 | | |Level HE5 | 1. Overview Module Tutor: Dr Elisabeth Planella/ Antonis Kyriakidis Room: M2-26/ M2- Tel: 01201903120 / 0120490 Email: ep1@bolton.ac.uk/ Level: HE4 Credits: 20 Module Pre-requisite: None 2. Learning and Teaching Strategy The module is delivered via two 2-hour sessions a week, over 9 weeks. To complete the module successfully you must also allocate a substantial amount of independent study time. The five weeks following the 2-hour sessions will enable you to focus on your assignments. Most sessions comprise a formal lecture of approximately one hour and a seminar. You will have the opportunity to discuss your progress on the module with the Module Tutors at any stage. In order to do so, you are encouraged to make appointments in order to see your tutor at mutually convenient times. 3. Module Communications The Module Tutors’ contact details are provided at the top of this page. Additional lecture materials are provided by the University’s virtual learning environment “WebCT”. You must check your University email address regularly as many module communications are channelled through this medium. 4. Module Description • Personal and professional development skills through Personal Development Planning (PDP) • The development of the learner's...
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...|COURSE TITLE |MGT6013 Leadership & Leadership Development | |BLACKBOARD SITE |Summer 2012 – http://my.ltu.edu and select CRN 5138 | |INSTRUCTOR |David M. Gregorich | | |Adjunct Faculty, College of Management | | |NEW Email address: profdavegregorich@gmail.com response within 24 hours | | |Business phone: 586 445 7458 [M-F; 9:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. & voicemail] | | |Office hours by appointment on campus | | |Wimba meeting sessions are also available by mutual appointments. | |SCHEDULE |May 21, 2012 – July 29, 2012 | | | | | |Refer to http://www.ltu...
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...FAC3703/101/3/2015 Tutorial letter 101/3/2015 Specific Financial Reporting FAC3703 Semesters 1 and 2 Department of Financial Accounting IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please activate your myUnisa profile and myLife email address and ensure you have regular access to the myUnisa module site FAC3703 as well as to your group site. Note: This is an online module, and therefore your module is available on myUnisa. CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4 2 FORMAT OF FAC3703 ................................................................................................................4 2.1 Fully online ...................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Printed materials...........................................................................................................................5 3 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR FAC3703........................................................................5 3.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Outcomes .....................................................................................................................................6 4 LECTURERS AND CONTACT DETAILS .......
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...1 SCHULICH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS YORK UNIVERSITY SGMT 6000 3.0 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Wednesday 2:30-5:30 pm (A) - Room N108 Tuesday 08:30-11:30 pm (B) - Room W136 Fall Term, 2011 Professor: Moshe Farjoun Email: mfarjoun@schulich.yorku.ca Room: N311 SSB Office Hours: By appointment Secretary: JoAnne Stein Office: N305B SSB Telephone: 416-736-5087 Brief Description This course examines business and corporate strategy. The focus is on strategic management, the process of choosing and defining purposes and objectives, formulating and implementing a viable strategy and monitoring strategic performance. It deals with the organization in its totality and demonstrates how and why the various functions of business are interdependent and need to be coordinated if the organization is to perform effectively. The course elaborates on the applicability of the strategic management discipline to a variety of sizes and types of organizations. Prerequisites Students are required to complete all 5000-series Required Foundations of Management Core Courses before enrolling in this course. Extended Description and Objectives One of the classic definitions of strategy is as follows: “A strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organization’s major goals, policies and action sequences into a cohesive whole. Well-formulated strategies help marshal and allocate an organization’s resources into a unique and viable posture based upon its relative internal competencies and shortcomings, anticipated...
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...Module Handbook ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Children in Society: Past and present ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- UTTGPT-30-1 Module leader: Sue Norman | 2014-2015 Aim of the handbook The handbook is a guide for students in the Department of Education. The information in the handbook can be found on Blackboard where links to data sources are included wherever possible. Please note that the electronic version of the handbook will be kept up to date and you will be notified of any significant changes. If you have taken a hard copy of any information please remember to refer back to the electronic version to ensure that you are working with the most up to date information. Contents Module team contact information p.2 Module specification p.2-5 Assignment brief p.6-9 Submission details p.10 Additional information (including programme) p.11-18 Communication p.19 Advice and support p.19 1) Module team contact information: Module Leader: Sue Norman – Room 3S405 – Sue.Norman@uwe.ac.uk 0117 328 4251 Module tutor: Mandy Lee – Room 3S406 – Mandy.Lee@uwe.ac.uk – Tel 0117 328 4279 Module tutor: Sarah Whitehouse- Room 2S407- Sarah.Whitehouse@uwe.ac.uk Tel 0117 328 4178 2) Module specific information MODULE SPECIFICATION ...
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...STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY Business School ASSIGNMENT FRONTSHEET Module Code Number BLB10057-2 Module Title Critical Thinking in Management Site Stafford/Stoke/franchises Semester Module Leader John Ramsay (Stafford and Stoke) Assessment Tutor John Ramsay Assessment Type: Assignment Assessment Title: Critical Thinking and Management Issues Weighting: 80% Written by: John Ramsay Moderated by: Internal External Additional attachments: Assignment Briefing Document Date of issue: Week commencing: Submission Date, Time, Place & Arrangements: One copy of your assignment should to be submitted to the Business School Reception at Blackheath Lane, Stafford or Brindley Business School Reception before Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be submitted up to 2 weeks late only. If the extenuating circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded, otherwise a ‘0’ will be awarded. Maximum word length: State the number of words used at the end of the assignment. You may include diagrams, figures, appendices etc. without word penalty. A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed. The penalties will be as follows: 1-10% excess no penalty 11-20% excess 10% reduction in the mark 21-30% excess 20% reduction...
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...UCSI University Master in Business Administration (MBA) / Faculty of Management & IT Module Title: Operations and Logistics Management Module Code: GM508 Credit Hours: 3 Module Leader: Mr. Tan Take Huat Email: takehuat60@gmail.com GROUP ASSIGNMENT with PRESENTATION Title Choose an operation of your choice and discuss the following: 1. The background and the nature of business. You should focus on type of product/service, customer requirements, business culture and value system, current industry challenges and other vital areas. 2. A detailed process flow chart of the operation. You should include process activities, time taken, roles and responsibilities 3. Determine current problems, weaknesses and challenges faced based on current practices. 4. Suggests some operations changes that you would recommend to overcome the weakness and problems faced by this organisation. Your suggestions should be made with full justifications supported by sufficient theory and practical examples. 5. Determine the necessary resources needed to implement the changes. 6. State all expected results to be achieved with the changes made. Task Work and discuss in a group of about 4 persons. Every group member is to present the topic on the day of presentation which is Oct 22, 2011. Each group is to present no less than 30 minutes and no more than 45 minutes. Points will be taken away when group present less than 30 min and more than 45 minutes...
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...The Educator as Leader, Manager and Administrator EDLHODM Semesters 1 & 2 Department of Educational Leadership and Management IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE .............................................................. 3 2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................. 4 3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 4 3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 5 4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ...........................................................
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...PYC4808 or PSY474V Year module Department of Psychology IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. 2 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Tutorial matter ................................................................................................................................. 5 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 5 2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 6 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................... 7 3.1 Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 University ........................................................................................................................................ 8 4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES .........
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...this Course is a Prerequisite: In combination with another 1100-level English, with any CRWR course, or with English 1200, this course is a prerequisite for any 2300level English course. ! A Note on Hybrid Learning: ! ! You are enrolled in a hybrid section of ENGL 1130. Only 50% of your instructional time is delivered in class, with the remaining 50% delivered online. This means that you are expected to spend an average of 2 hours per week on the assigned Online Learning Modules. This time is over and above any time spent on readings and assignments. Hybrid learning is not for everyone. If you are not self-motivated and not able to keep yourself on track without a great deal of guidance, or if you do not feel comfortable using Blackboard or sending and receiving email attachments, then you should strongly consider taking a different section of this course. I will assume basic internet/online/computer competency. Technical difficulties should not prevent you from completing your work. We know technology is not always reliable; complete your assignments early to avoid being hampered by last minute glitches. ! Instructional Objectives: ! This course is designed to introduce students to the process and practices of academic writing. Through lectures, readings, and other activities in and outside of the classroom, students will become acquainted with academic argument...
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...MBA8000 ASSIGNMENT 1: Critical Reflection Due Date (12 April 2016) Word Limit (2,500) This assignment has three parts. In Part 1 you will describe an ethical dilemma that you had to face. In Part 2 you will analyze it. In Part 3 you will reflect on it. Part 1: Description (Word Limit = 500) Discuss an ethical dilemma that you have had to face in the workplace or at college / university. Give as much details as possible within the word limit. Please include the following: (You can replace the real names and places with fictional ones) * Describe the situation * Describe who was involved * Describe where the situation took place * Describe when it happened and what was going on. * Describe the values and norms that were in conflict. * Describe your thoughts and feeling. * Describe what you did. (How was the dilemma resolved or what was the outcome?) * Rate your decision. On a scale from 1-10 how happy were you with your decision? (1 = Very unhappy 10= Very happy) and state why you thought that. Part 2: Analysis (Word Limit = 1,500) In this section you are going to analyze the ethical dilemma described in Part 1 above Please include the following: * Choose three of the normative ethical theories discussed in the course and use those three ethical theories to analyze the ethical dilemma described in Part 1. You should include critical thinking and use about 500 words with each one If you do not know how to analyze...
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...Module Title – Principles of Marketing Module Code - 4BUS1010 Academic Year - 2012/13 Semester - A Module Leader – Caroline Wilson Contents: 1. Contact details for the module leader (and teaching team) Name | Room | Phone extension | E mail address | Drop in & feedback sessions | Caroline Wilson | M230 | | c.wilson4@herts.ac.uk | Mon 10-11 am & Tues 11am -12pm | Hamad Khan | M218 | 2791 | m.khan42@herts.ac.uk | tba | Grace He | M218 | 2791 | p.he1@herts.ac.uk | tba | Neil Brooks | M218 | 2791 | | tba | Jonathan Cahill | M218 | 2791 | | tba | Maria Thomas | M249 | | m.thomas@herts.ac.uk | tba | Sarah Jayne Hill | M218 | 2791 | | | 2. Module aims This initial marketing module, which assumes no prior knowledge of marketing, aims to introduce students to some of the key ideas of marketing and is suitable for both marketing and non-marketing students. It examines the environment within which organisations operate and the role of marketing within the organisation in order for students to be fully able to understand the context within which marketing personnel work, and the different activities which are carried out under the umbrella term of ‘marketing’. Concepts central to an understanding of marketing are considered: 4 P’s (product, price, promotion and place), segmentation, targeting and positioning, services marketing and buyer behaviour. * Develop a basic understanding of the key concepts of marketing; & ...
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