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Moment Lab Report


Submitted By chingching
Words 626
Pages 3

Lever is a very simple device that can measure the mass of an object. In this experiment, we are going to make a lever that consists of ruler, 50 gram weight and string that could measure the mass of a battery. We will get the mass by using the formula of moment (moment = distance×force) and based on the data that we obtain from the experiment. Moment is a force that can make object turn around if there is a pivot, for example the see-saw.


* To understand the use of moment formula (moment = distance×force) * To use the principle of moment to calculate an unknown weight.


* Meter stick × 1 * Battery × 1 * 50 gram weight × 1 * String × 1 * Scissor × 1 * Tape × 1 * Retort stand and clamp × 1


1. Cut the string into half with scissor 2. Fold one of the strings into half and then tie a knot at the end of the string. Repeat this for another string. 3. Tape the battery on the string and then tape the 50 gram weight on another string. 4. Clamp the meter stick on the retort stand with clamp on the middle (50cm) of the stick. 5. Hang the battery on one side of the meter stick and the 5g weight on another side. 6. Move the 5g weight to make the meter stick balanced. 7. Loosen the clamp to test if the stick is balanced 8. Find the distance between battery and pivot, and also the distance between 50g weight and pivot. 9. Use Moment = distance × force and Distance1 × Force1 = Distance2 × Force2 to calculate the weight of battery.


Moment = distance×force
When the meter stick is balanced
Distance1×Force1 = Distance2×Force2
Distance1 from pivot (battery) --- 0.1m
Force1--- Unknown
Distance2 from pivot (50 kg weight) --- 0.31m
Force2--- 50g

Moment of the 50g weight = 0.31 (Distance2)×50 (Force2) = 15.5 Nm
The weight of the battery = 15.5 (moment) ÷ 0.1 (distance1) = 155 g

ITEM | Predicted weight | Actual weight | Battery | 155g | 143.7 |

Difference – 155-143.7=11.3 g

The Conclusion & Discussion

This experiment helps us understand moment and the use of it. If the meter stick is balanced, then the moment on both sides is the same. I have learned the “moment = distance×force” formula better after the experiment and used this formula to get the mass of the battery. As clockwise moment should be equal to anticlockwise moment when the meter stick is balanced, we can use the formula to calculate the weight. I also know that farer the distance between the object and the pivot, bigger the moment will be. Also, the larger the weight the object has, bigger the moment will be.

I think our experiment was quite successful. We figured the weight of the battery even though the predicted weight and the actual weight have an 11.3g difference. The one of the reasons we didn’t have an accurate data is because we didn’t cut the rope into equal length. I think we follow the right step, but our predicted weight wasn’t accurate. The group that got the FLRP has a ≤ 1g difference between predicted weight and the actual weight. We cannot fix the meter point at exactly 50 cm.

To improve this experiment, we will just move the 50g weight farer from the pivot instead of moving around and waste time, because battery is heavier than the 50g weight. I think we can also improve our experiment and the accuracy of the data by cutting the string into equal length. We should measure it in ruler instead of human judgment. We can use a ruler with smaller intervals between each mark, so that the data will be much more accurate.

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