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Mona Lisa Research Paper

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Did you know the world’s most famous painting the Mona Lisa was by a Renaissance man? In fact, most famous pieces of art mentioned in textbooks or hung up in museums were done by Renaissance men. So, how did these paintings come to be? Well, that question starts with fall and the rebirth of a country.
That fall was the fall of Rome; very similar to spending hours and hours building a snowman only to have it melt in matter of minutes, except hours were actually decades and the snowman was an empire. The fall of Rome left people defenseless, and the Pope who hardly ever got involved in political matters, began ordering armies to take over cities. Men rode in on horses to Jerusalem, the holy capital of the world and decapitated those who were blasphemous against the holy one. And the chaos only further ensued when the Crusaders, Christian soldiers, got a hold of Jerusalem, they went after the Jews and non believers and so on. But, people finally had …show more content…
Spring. Same as the flowers rising from the ashes was a new era. The Renaissance. The Renaissance birthplace was in Florence and funny enough Da Vinci’s birthplace too. Florence was the “big apple” of the Renaissance era, with architects, astronomers and scientists flooding the streets, it was the place to be. Leonardo Da Vinci as previously mentioned was born and raised in Florence. He was a genius, well versed in almost every scientific area, he was undeniably brilliant. Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, writer, etcetera, etcetera. He is most recognizably known as THE “Renaissance Man” a person who was very well rounded, and you could say had a “finger in every pie”. Leonardo for the better part of 400 years was known for his famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, but he later discovered designs helped to invent things like the helicopter, tank and parachute along with many other

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