...B.V.M Visitation has a large Hispanic demographic. There is also a presence of African American and Vietnamese students. Statistics have shown that over 30% of all school -aged children come from homes where English is not the primary language. This number percentage may be even higher for B.V.M Visitation. A majority of these students come from Spanish families and a good portion of these students speak Spanish at home. Ms. Bandura tells me that there is only one student in her class whose primary language is not English, but that there are about 10-20 students in all of Visitation who are in the same boat. This student goes to an English Language Learner’s classroom where he gets direct help with English. In this classroom, the student receives one-on-one attention from a teacher. The teacher works on his speech and use of the English language with him. He specifically struggles with reading and decoding words. This student is on level 3 when it comes to English Language Proficiency. A level three student is able to use and understand series of related sentences, able to understand and use simple written English...
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...absence is a precursor of school dropout and is related to juvenile delinquency. And, because average daily attendance rates are a common determiner of school funding, absences mean that schools have less resources to do the job. Given all this, it is not surprising that reducing school absences is a top priority for many schools. (http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu) Now-a-days intelligent automation has stepped its presence in every field all over the world. This project has a stepping in the attendance and power management of the classrooms in the colleges/schools. The use of low cost technologies for highly reliable applications with the help of newly innovated algorithms makes the automation process to reach the consumers at cheaper and reliable cost. (http://www.muxtronics.com) The widespread of embedded computer networks as part of everyday peoples’ lives is leading the current research towards smart environments and Ambient Intelligence (AmI). AmI is a new information paradigm where people are empowered through a digital environment that is “aware” of their presence and context and is sensitive, adaptive and responsive to their needs. Mark Weiser, described the smart environments as physical worlds that invisibly interact with smart sensors, actuators, displays, and computational elements that are seamlessly implanted into our daily live activities. However, smart environments have to be associated with different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and algorithms including...
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...disagreement. Despite the invasion of privacy, it would prove to be beneficial to the students and staff of schools because of the way it would help prevent tragedies from occurring at school and in students’ homes. In modern society, social media has become a part of everyday life. With an increase in violent acts at schools over the past decade, it has proven to be a necessity to monitor social media sites for a hint at the next event to take place. School administrators’ interest in the protection of the school and its inhabitants is not to be looked at as a creepy surveillance technique, but rather a preventative measure. Violent acts are on the rise and they seem to be getting greater in magnitude. It only makes sense that schools have the ability to monitor student behavior in an attempt to expel potentially harmful acts at school. As great as the student monitoring program sounds, there are still flaws evident. Those who oppose the student-monitoring program argue that the social media life of a student should be segregated from the school, saying schools are attempting to ensure classroom behavior, even while outside of the class. Another flaw with the system is the cost. At $40,500, the price influenced one student by the twitter name of Arayik to say, "GUSD should be smarter and start spending money on educational purposes." Although both arguments propose a valid argument, the potential impact the program could have tremendously outweighs the negatives. Students need...
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...THIS GUY IS AN ASSHOLE ASMA - asma_i4690@hotmail.com I did for hime the shool project and refused to pay now The Effect of Technology on the Young Generation Name University In today`s world, the development of the younger generation is greatly affected by digitization. Technology changes the experience of childhood not only socially but also in both economical and cultural aspects. Technology has the greatest influence on the world today, and we are constantly surrounded by it and life will almost be impossible without it (Davies, 2010). In the below summary, I have outlined briefly how the media has changed the lives of the young generation: The article basically outlines the social, economic and cultural changes that have come about due to digitization. The media is so much engrossed in our lives that it would be impossible for our young generation to survive in its absence. The internet, video and television dictate the morals, cultures and characters the young pick up as they grow up. There are some economic aspects of change brought about by the digital age. In today’s era, Children seem to be staying younger longer. This creates financial dependence which is worsened by the stagnating youth labor market and consequently leading to delayed entrance into adulthood. In addition, there has been tremendous rise in the spending power. The main concern here is not only on the money young people spend but their...
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...difference between the ADHD group (who performed worse) and the control group approached significance (p = .05; adjusted p = .02) in the Virtual Classroom presentation, and the classification rate of the Virtual Classroom was better than when the standard CPT was used (87.5% versus 68.8%). Children with ADHD were more affected by distractions in the VR classroom than those without ADHD. Results are discussed in relation to distractibility in...
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...Chapter 3 Establishing Positive Teacher –student relations: 1. Establishing Positive Teacher-Student Relationships 2. Research indicates that academic achievementand students’ behaviors are influenced by the quality of the teacher-student relationship. 3. KleinfieldKleinfield analyzed teachers’ relationships withEskimo and Native American students who had bothmoved to a more urban setting.Findings He found that the more effective teachers showed apersonal interest in the students and alsodemanded solid academic achievement. 4. Center for Research on the Context of SecondarySchool Teaching at Stanford UniversityResearchers investigated students’ perceptions offactors that influence academic achievement.Findings Many student comments emphasized that theywere able to achievement better in classes whenthey felt that the teachers cared. 5. Wehlage, Rutter, Smith, Lesko, and Fernandez(1989)These researchers reported the following roadblocks to apositive teacher-student relationship:1. Adjustment: Schools do not provide a personal and supportive environment.2. Difficulty: The type of instructional strategies utilized (i.e., lecture) and the fact that there was not enough time proved difficult for students.3. Incongruence: There was a lack of personal-social alignment between the students and the school.4. Isolation: Students had no personal relationship with adults. 6. Wehlage, Rutter, Smith, Lesko, and Fernandez (1989)These researchers reported the following...
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...FS1The Learner’s Development and Environment FIELD STUDY | Episode 2 LEARNERS’ CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS | Name of FS Student Subject World History Year & Section 1st-Yr. & III-Merit & Mercy Resource Teacher Date Sept. 28, 2020 Cooperating School Your Target At the end of this activity, you will gain competencies in differentiating the characteristics and needs of learners from different developmental levels. Your Map To reach your target, do the following tasks: Step 1Observe 4 groups of learners from different level ( 1st Yr-4th Yr) | | Step 3Validate your observation by interviewing the learners. | Step 2Describe each of the learners based on your observations. | | Step 4Compare them in terms of their interests and needs. | Your Tools Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations. ------------------------------------------------- An Observation guide for the Learners Characteristic ------------------------------------------------- Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation checklist if a more detailed observation is provided. ------------------------------------------------- Physical ------------------------------------------------- 1....
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...number of applications based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and have been successfully applied to different areas as diverse as transportation, health-care, agriculture, and hospitality industry to name a few. RFID technology facilitates automatic wireless identification using electronic passive and active tags with suitable readers. In this paper, an attempt is made to solve recurrent lecture attendance monitoring problem in developing countries using RFID technology. The application of RFID to student attendance monitoring as developed and deployed in this study is capable of eliminating time wasted during manual collection of attendance and an opportunity for the educational administrators to capture face-to-face classroom statistics for allocation of appropriate attendance scores and for further managerial decisions. Keywords: RFID, Lecture, Attendance, Passive tag, Reader INTRODUCTION T he emergence of electronic paradigm for learning compared to traditional method and availability of almost all information on the information superhighway(Internet), nowadays have caused students to be less motivated to come to the lecture rooms than ever before. Laziness on the part of students, nonchalance to school work, extra social activities that have no importance in aiding the objectives of the institution and a lot more, may prevent students from attending lectures. Sequel to these, lecturers and administrators in most developing countries have had to...
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...TEACHER’S ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING, PATTERN OF CLASSROOM INTERACTIONS AND PUPILS ACHIEVEMENT IN SCIENCE A thesis Presented To the Faculty of the Graduate School RAMON MAGSAYSAY MEMORIAL COLLEGES General Santos City In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement of the Degree Master of Arts in Education By WILFREDO PIL UTRERA January 2012 APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled “TEACHER’S ATTITUDE TOWARDS TEACHING, PATTERNS OF CLASSROOM INTERACTIONS AND PUPILS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN SCIENCE” prepared and submitted by Wilfredo Pil Utrera, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree leading to Master of Arts in Education, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination. JOHNNY S. BANTULO, MA . Adviser Comprehensive Examination – Passed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PANEL OF EXAMINERS GERALDINE D. RODRIGUEZ, Ed. D. Chairman ___________________________ ___________________________ Panel Member Panel Member ___________________________ Panel...
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...1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In recent years, computers have permeated our lives. From the office to the living room, computers are transforming the ways we work and play. It is no surprise that they are also transforming the way we learn. Computers are being used with increase frequency in success schools at all grade levels and in all subject areas, as well as for special education, adult literacy programs, and college instruction. Information System has significantly transformed the way business is conducted. In today’s society it would be pretty difficult to find an organization that does not use some form of technology, automation or Information System to help run its operational and daily transactional process. According to this website www.google.comA transaction process system and transaction processing are often contrasted with a batch process system and batch processing, where many requests are executed all at one time. The former requires the interaction of a user. Where as batch processing does not require a user to be present. Also, in batch processing the results of each transaction are not immediately available. And, there is a delay while the many requests are being organized, stored and eventually executed. In transaction processing there is no delay and the results of each transaction are immediately available. During the delay time for batch processing, errors can occur. By contrast, and although errors can occur in transaction processing, they...
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...online classes. I email a few friends in the process of emailing a professor about the assigned paper. I can’t forget to check my facebook to catch up on the latest gossip while listening to lecture notes podcasted from the previous day. Once finished, I stop at the local grocery store to pick up dinner and while standing in line at the cashier I feel compelled to buy a magazine to keep up on the celebrity gossip and check out new poperotsy photos. On my way home a billboard advertising the new corona makes me stop at the local 7-elleven for a six-pack. I speed home to pop my tv dinner in the microwave and sip a beer. While I wait, I turn the television on and watch the news on one screen while watching another show on the split screen monitor. After a long day, I set the coffee pot, my alarm, plug the ipod, computer, and cell phone in to charge and lay my head on my pillow. As I close my eyes, I think of all the information I’ve seen, heard, and communicated throughout the day. I sleep comfortably relying on the alarm clock to awaken my senses the following morning. Each day we awaken to this world of unavoidable influences. Everything from television, radio, Internet, billboards, advertisements, magazines, newspapers, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers force us to evaluate others and ourselves. It is virtually impossible...
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...THE EFFECT OF AFFECT ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: A REVIEW OF THE ANXIETY RESEARCH Thomas Scovel University of Pittsburgh Although studies of the relationship between affective factors and language learning proficiency abound in the literature, the evidence to support such a relationship is difficult to interpret. Much of the problem resides in the fact that a wide range of variables are lumped together under the rubric “affect.” An attempt is made to ameliorate this situation by defining affective variables in terms of traditional psychological theory and classifying them as a subset of those variables intrinsic to the learner. The conflicting evidence dealing with one important affective variable, anxiety, is then examined, and it is shown that ambiguous experimental results can be resolved if the distinction between facilitating and debilitating anxiety is drawn. Further classificatory distinctions are discussed from the abundant experimentation undertaken by applied psychologists, and an attempt is made to consider the implications of some of this research for adult language learning-for some of the new methodologies in EFL as well as for future research opportunities. Affective Variables One does not have to delve deeply into the literature on the relationship between affective variables and second language learning to discover that “affect” is a cover term under which is swept a wide range of disparate constructs and behaviors. Included under the...
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...AND ITS SCOPE Introduction Managing classroom behavior may be more challenging today than ever before. Many teachers face larger class sizes, more students who come from stressful, chaotic homes, and increased diversity in students' abilities and cultures (Grossman, 2004). Yet, many of us are determined to manage classroom behavior ourselves. After all, collaborating with others takes time and energy to build rapport and come to a consensus on behavior-change priorities and strategies. It's tempting just to forge ahead. Although, going at it alone may seem like a good idea in the short-run, in the long run, we are more likely to burn out and lose our effectiveness. Positive student behaviors are most effectively developed and supported through relationship-based whole-school and classroom practices, and clearly communicated behavioral expectations. Some students exhibit challenging behavior and require additional support and interventions to address this behavior and to develop positive behaviors.(Grossman, 2004) It is one of the trickiest issues teachers face today. Disruptive behavior results in lost curriculum time and creates a classroom environment that is not always conducive to learning. One key to nipping behavioral problems in the bud is to promote positive behavior before problems arise. This takes some planning, but the following article will provide you with practical tips to help you lay a foundation for positive classroom behavior. Understanding the various behavior...
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...2013 2014 nash-rOCky mOunt PuBliC sChOOls stuDEnt/ParEnt hanDBOOk Superintendent’s Message August 2013 Dear NRMPS Students and Parents, The School Board, faculty, staff and administrators of Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools are committed to providing a safe, orderly, secure and disruption free environment that will produce globally competitive students, who are prepared for bright and prosperous futures, when they graduate. High quality instruction will offer challenging curriculum based on rigor, relevance and adequate resources for all students. Expectations for student behavior are high in every school. The Code of Student Conduct is revised annually to align with state and federal laws and to address other issues critical to providing a safe and quality educational environment. Included in the Code of Conduct are expectations for behavior on school buses that you should be aware of even if your child does not ride a bus to or from school since these expectations apply for field trips, athletic contest trips and other school approved activities. To ensure consistency with student understanding of school division expectations, the Code of Student Conduct is reviewed at the beginning of each school year. In addition, I urge each parent to read and review this material with your child to ensure that you understand our expectations prior to any potential issues. Being unaware of the rules of conduct and behavior is not a defense if your child actually violates...
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...FALL 2016 CATALOG Designed by Sebastian Hedberg | Edited by Gwenyth Shears ©2016 Bauman College | All Rights Reserved Catalog Accuracy: All of the information in this school catalog is current and correct and is so certified as true by Dr. Ed Bauman, founder and president. Catalog effective dates are May 1, 2016, through October 31, 2016. Please note that policy changes and catalog updates are made periodically and are reflected on our website: baumancollege.org. TABLE OF CONTENTS FALL 2016 CATALOG Message from our Founder + President, Dr. Ed Bauman . . . . . . . . . . 3 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS Natural Chef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nutrition Consultant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nutrition Consultant via Distance Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 BAUMAN BUSINESS INSTITUTE Bauman Business Institute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Bauman Business Institute for Natural Chef Students. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bauman Business Institute for Nutrition Consultant Students. . . . . 21 BECOME A STUDENT Which Location is Right for You?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Tuition, Fees, + Payment Plans: May 1 – Oct. 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Financial Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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