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Morse Vs Frederick Case Study

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Case Citation: Morse versus Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007)

Facts: A senior student, Joseph Fredrick, was suspended for 10 days at Juneau-Douglas High School by Deborah Morse for displaying an illegal drug activity, “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.” Bong is a slang reference for use of marijuana. After the student refuse to remove his banner, the principal took away the banner. She cited that Joseph Fredrick violated school policy by promoting illegal drug use. Frederick sued the principal under 42 U.S.C. 1983 for violation of his freedom of speech under the First Amendment of the United States Consitution. The District Court decided that Morse did not violated the constitution. Although the student is protected under the First Amendment, his speech not …show more content…
Researchers stated that it is important to understand that if their message is either obscene, lewd, or plainly offensive with the rights of others that school officials has the rights to restrict students’ speeches. The First Amendment of the United States Constitutions allows all citizens to make speeches that it is suitable to them and Congress shall not make laws that restrict citizen’s expression. The Freedom of Speech does not protect any individual from citing actions that can easily harm others, distribution on lewd materials, and permit students to make a lewd speech on school events. The ruling of this case and majority of the decision was justified because no students should be promoting any messages that violates what the school is promoting. If school officials allowed students to display destructive messages, then it will cause harm to others, which is the violation of the First Amendment. The purpose of the First Amendment is to help citizens to protected their opinions rather than personal gain. There is no reason to display obscure messages, especially promoting drug use in school grounds, when there are no motives towards it. Frederick had no right to use the First Amendment as leverage because his action was unacceptable, which the District Court explained that the school officials has the right to remove any materials that symbolize

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