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Most Courageous Moment


Submitted By Jbak1127
Words 1247
Pages 5
Jada Baker
Dr. William Hobbs
Most Courageous Moment
There’s been a moment in everyone's life when they’ve had to find a new height of courage to overcome an obstacle, goal, or even a disaster. In reference to me, I had the courage to overcome a high standard goal that I set for myself. Being the youngest of 5 children and 9+ years younger than all of them, I was the only child left at home. Unable to participate in activities with them because they were much older, I focused more on my studies and didn't encounter much of a social life outside of school because my parents were so strict; well my dad for that matter. When I was able to engage in activities I had a set curfew and was limited to what I could do. My life had been well-grounded since I was born so it didn't come to much of a surprise; not being able to take part in certain activities. By my sophomore year in high school, I realized I was coming of age and should be able to do certain things. I couldn't endure the restrictions much longer so I decided to set a difficult but possible task. To graduate early and leave for college in three years instead of four. Outside of the well-grounded life and strict parents, I was over high school and it was partially what motivated me to take on the huge responsibility that could not only benefit me but show my hard work, determination, and dedication.
On the other hand, my main motivation for going to college is that I believe that throughout my life, my parents didn’t have that high level of confidence when it came to my school work. I think I surprised them when I graduated a year early from high school. So I wanted to be able to show them that I could get through high school, along with succeeding in college as well. It might take me a while, but I'll show them that I can graduate from college.
Beings that I am the youngest child, I am also

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