...Explore how motivation theory has developed over time and assess how motivation can influence business performance Weiyang Mai (Amigo) Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 General introduction of Motivation 1 1.2 The definition of Motivation 1 1.3 The benefit of Motivation on the workplace 3 1.4 The development of the theories of motivation 4 2. The introduction of Galanz company 8 3. Motivation in Galanz company 9 4. Conclusion 15 5. List of reference 18 Introduction 1.1 General introduction of Motivation A company is a human body, so employees are like its blood. Employees are the most important asset in the creative economy. Enterprises create a kind of environment to keep the excellent talents which it's the most sensible initiative can carry out. Thus, enterprises must know the skills of employees' motivation and concentrate on motivating employees. It's the required courses about that if enterprise wants to become a successful company. Moreover, how to motivate staff in the workplace is a hot topic to discuss. 1.2 The definition of Motivation Firstly, to put it simply motivation is generalized as "enthusiasm for doing something" (Cambridge dictionary online, 2011). Moreover, Mullins (2005: 471) declares that motivation means "the direction and persistence of action." And identifies three common characteristics of motivation: (1) "individual phenomenon”, (2) “intentional” and...
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...Country Culture Affect Motivation Efforts Abstract: This thesis focuses on the influence of different country cultures on motivation by giving the definition of motivation, explaining two types of motivation, and comparing the cultural differences between China and the USA and at the same time tries to apply all the findings into human resource management in modern companies around the world. The key point of this thesis is the way country cultures affect intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Introduction: With the rapid development of globalization process, the economic exchanges between different countries are increasing. Social cultures vary greatly from country to country. So the motivations can be affected distinctly in different culture. In the 21st century, the competition among enterprises has turned into human resources. Therefore the motivations of human are significant. Human Resource Management is getting more important in business nowadays, because people and their knowledge are the most important aspects affecting the productivity of the company. 1. Country culture can affect motivation: According to web, motivation is the explanation about human behavior, such as actions, desires, and needs and which can also be defined as one's direction to behavior or the reason people repeat a behavior, which can be generally divided into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Just as its name implies, intrinsic motivation means the inner motivational...
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...Maribel’s Motivation Team is a brand new company into the marketplace. It is vital for any business to have an effective vision and mission statement. For an organization to be successful it is important it know what it wants to achieve in the future and what the organization itself is about. Tough (2007) says, creating a vision and mission statement is a method to communicative these ideas to yourself, customers, employees, and to the world.” The vision and mission statements consist of the values of the business and how they plan to operate. These methods will assist to establish the planned direction that Maribel’s Motivation Team will take. Business and services Maribel’s Motivation Team is a company that will help others achieve his or her goals in life. People need motivation to accomplish its goal in life. A winner is a winner by willing to do something a loser is not willing to do. To be a winner the person needs to be willing to feel uncomfortable in a new situation. This company will also offer additional information to the customer’s goal and guide him or her to the right person or company that is able to help the customer. This will be a long process, but with time and dedication anything is possible. For example, if someone always has been overweight his or her whole life, and at the present time needs motivation and help to lose the weight Maribel’s Motivation Team would help them. Maribel’s Motivation Team will provide the motivation and refer...
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...EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION ON ORGANISATION PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF CASE STUDY OF COCACOLA KWANZA COMPANY DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA) BY OMARI RAHA SHEDRACK A Research Proposal Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Human resources Management of Tumaini University Makumira-Dar es salaam College. 2015 IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION ON ORGANISATION PERFORMANCE: (A CASE STUDY OF CASE STUDY OF COCACOLA KWANZA COMPANY DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA) BY OMARI RAHA SHEDRACK Supervisor: Dr. J. Mwita A Research Proposal Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Human resources Management of Tumaini University Makumira-Dar es salaam College. 2015 ABSTRACT The study aims at assessing the impact of employee motivation on organization performance so as to help the organization know the contribution of motivation to them. This study will be carried out at Coca-Cola Kwanza Company limited at Dar es Salaam Tanzania. The study have the objectives of assessing various motivational packages for the staff of Coca cola Company Limited, to determine which of these motivational packages influence staff performance at Coca Cola Kwanza Company Limited, to assess the effect of motivational packages on corporate performance at Coca Cola kwanza Company limited, and to examine the motivation strategies of motivating employees The study is expected to help employers to determine whether motivation packages...
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...Is Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivation Better? Motivation is a conceptual theory which used to explain and understand the reasons of individuals’ behaviors, actions and desires. Another explanation to motivation is that the psychological process that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior. From past to nowadays, motivation is a significant initiator in many incident. For instance, World War 1, World War 2, exploring new continent such as America, foundation of new companies, people’s life and etc. There need to be an initiator for incident to occur. Motivation is the first thing that comes to mind for the initiator role. There have been a lot of academic journals and researches about the effects and forms of motivation. Researches show that every human being has a different form and satisfaction level of motivation. In theory of Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan which called the Self-determination theory focus to the choices that people make without any external influence and interference and the individual’s behavior whether is self-determined and self-motivated or happens with an external influence. This theory brings us to studies that happened in 1970’s which are the intrinsic and extrinsic motives. Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivations are the exactly the opposite of each other. “Intrinsic motivation occurs when we act without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to explore, learn actualize our potentials.” (Coon, 2010)...
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... Table of Contents Define the term motivation 3 Define the factors that may affect motivation levels in the workplace 3 Explain how individual differences affect levels of motivation in the workplace 3 Explain the potential impact on organisational performance if employee motivation levels are low 4 Describe a recognised theory of motivation 5 Describe ways in which knowledge of a theory of motivation can be used to improve performance in the workplace 5 Explain how to use employee engagement to increase motivation levels 6 References 7 Bibliography 7 Understand How To Motivate To Improve Performance Define the term motivation The term motivation in my opinion is a strong desire to achieve something. The drive to be motivated I believe comes from aspirations or enthusiasm to achieve a goal or target (whatever that might be). More often than not though I think motivation or the desire to do great things can also be inspired by support from other individuals. Motivated people work with enthusiasm. Define the factors that may affect motivation levels in the workplace Salary Bonuses and incentives play an important role in keeping employees motivated, but usually work best as part of a comprehensive program that provides opportunities to grow. A carefully designed rewards program in my opinion will reinforce behaviours that accomplish the company's goals and objectives. On the other hand, companies that promote incentives as ends in themselves...
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...Selling Motivation: An exploration of the effects on Job Satisfaction and Performance via Equity Sensitivity Construct Subject: Managing People in Organization ------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Purpose of the Document 4 2. Executive Summary 5 3. Introduction 6 3.1. Key Focus 6 3.2. Independent and Dependant Variables 6 3.3. Structure of the Paper/Document 6 3.4. Overview of the Organisations/Companies 6 4. Methodology 7 4.1. Secondary Data Collection 9 4.2. Primary Data Collection 9 5. Findings 10 5.1. Secondary Data Findings - Literature Review 10 5.2. Primary Data Findings - Survey Findings 16 5.3. Analysis 25 6. Conclusion 27 7. Recommendations 28 8. Bibliography 29 Appendices 30 8.1. Appendix 1 – Survey Questionnaire 30 8.2. Appendix 2 – xxxxxx 32 ------------------------------------------------- Table of Figures Figure 1: Equity Theory (Al-Zawahreh & Al-Madi 2012) 12 Figure 2: Predicted job satisfaction levels for equity sensitivity orientations (Huseman et al 1987) 15 Figure 3: Representation of the Preference Groups in Company X 17 Figure 4: Representation of the Preference Groups within the Total Sample 18 Figure 5: Motivation Level of company X 18 Figure 6: Total Motivation Level of three companies 19 Figure 7: Preference Groups vs Motivation Level in company X 19 Figure 8: Preference Groups vs Motivation Level in all three companies 20 Figure...
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... * Outline I. Introduction Overview of the Insurance Industry Company Profile I. Motivation General Overview Financial Rewards II. Financial Rewards at MetLife Alico III. Analysis of findings IV. Conclusions and Recommendations V. Appendix I- Introduction * Introduction The Insurance Industry in Lebanon * Open & liberal market * 60 insurance companies * Top 10 companies account for 60% of total premiums * Gross premiums per operating company have improved between 1997 and 2002 * Introduction * Life insurance sector is very developed relative to other Arab countries * Top 5 insurance companies: 1. - Arope Insurance 2. - Mednet Liban 3. - Libano- Suisse 4. - MedGulf 5. - MetLife Alico * Introduction Alico’s Profile: * American Life Insurance Company (Alico) is one of the largest leading insurance companies in the world * 1921: Established in Shanghai – China * 1960’s: Moved to Wilmmengtion- Delaware * 1980`s: Operating in Latin America , Middle East and Europe * Aim: “for market leadership and profitable growth, employing local talent and empowering individuals to perform at very high levels.” * Introduction Alico in Lebanon : * Leading life insurance company since 1953 * Main office in Verdun, Beirut * 400 agents * 21 Sale`s branches * 100...
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...Process of Motivation Chambrel Riley LDR/531 Bill Thallemer, PhD Process of Motivation Repetitious task may lead to an employee developing discomfort and a sense of aggravation. Once an employee begins to feel this way, he or she may begin to experience stress that leads to resentment. Motivation may be the solution to this problem. Successful motivation begins with oneself and includes the organization along with its leaders and managers. It is important that leaders involve these three aspects; self, the company and leaders while completing the process of motivation. Self motivation begins within the person in need of motivation. He or she must possess some desire for change and growth. As cited in Buzảdy and Georgiu (2011), people within an organization go through a personal motivation cycle. Psychological empowerment can manifest into intrinsic motivation. “Intrinsic motivation is the extent to which an individual is interested in a task and engages in it for the sake of the task itself” (Zhang & Bartol, 2010, p. 108). An employee’s interest in a task will affect his or her level of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm also plays a major role in self motivation. A person’s level of excitement for their job will have a positive effect on the way he or she perform his or her task (Buzảdy & Georgiu, 2011). Excitement alone will not complete the process of self motivation. Once the satisfaction of a task has been accepted, based on the cycle the employee will...
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...Mehmet Tolga Konya 9501144216 Motivation in Workplace Motivation is defined as the duration that invoke, pathfinder and sustain target-based behaviors. It contains biological, emotional, social and cognitive strength that effects behavior. Motivation, constituent in three major terms. Such as direction, persistence and intensity. Terms defined as below; Intensity: How hard a person is trying? Persistence: How long a person keeps on trying? Direction: Invokes the decision to initiate a behavior. Employee and staff motivation is absolutely key structure for organizations, companies and corporations. The staff which cannot be motivated, doesn’t spend much effort to improve the job, avoid the workplace as much as possible, if they find another opportunity they can change their jobs easily. Another side, staff who feels motivated to work are keen on persistence, creative, effective and productive; the rate of turnover is high and the solution will be high quality. Especially after 1980’s; companies and HR staff has become intense to increase the motivation and try to apply new approaches. In 2000’s; even smallest companies has been started to apply this kind of methods to increase the productivity; because they have observed the solutions of this kind of methods in reputable companies and qualified workers are keen on reputable companies. They need to this kind of workers to improve the businesses and if and only if they provide good conditions to work. According to surveys...
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...turnover. Company must ensure that employees perform tasks, increase productivity and feel the satisfaction of their work. To make this happen companies need to ensure that their employees are motivated. 1.1. Motivation – to encourage people to act, so that they and their company would reach their setup goals and to ensure that all sides will be satisfied. Motivation benefits the company as an employee who is motivated wants to be at work, takes pride in their work, does not have a negative attitude towards the company and is dedicated to work longer hours and takes delight in it. The company, having these workers can achieve: * Higher productivity and quality * Better attendance * Lower employee turnover * More likely that changes will be recognized, rather than resisted 1.2. But there are many factors which affect motivation level in the workplace. One of the most important is social factor, if an organization is soaked with negativity it can be disastrous, it can lead to low morale, no desire to work, low performance & poor quality and finally resistance to any changes within the organization can be crippling in these competitive times. Environmental conditions can affect motivation levels in the workplace as well, such as, bad air conditioning system it’s too cold or too hot to work, tools for work are in poor quality or do not comply with the requirements to do a good job or work place is life-threatening. Many other factors can affect motivation in the...
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...Géophysique, GOSTCH took on its current name in 1982. The company then moved from Tanzania to Houston in 1975. At the time GOSTCH had 24 employees. Today GOSTCH is a world wide leader in the seismic acquisition industry with 3200 employees in 15 countries. The company is responsible for designing, manufacturing, and selling high-tech integrated equipment for hydrocarbon exploration in land, transition zone, ocean-bottom cable, marine and downhole environments. Like most seismic acquisition GOSTCH whose headquarters in Houston Texas sell its product to oil and gas drilling companies like Shell, Chevron, Exxon-Mobile, and BP. The department I am focusing in this company is Human Resource which is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and training new employees as well as daily scheduling and employee benefits. The department consists of 15 employees. About ¾ of them have been with the company for less than 5 years. I am Change Management Consultant focusing on people side of change. My position gives me opportunity to interact with low level employees and senior leaders of the organization. My primary responsibility is to analyze and document the process changes ensuring that human and organizational risks to the implementation of the identified process changes are identified, and that actions are put in place to mitigate these risks. II. Problem Statement The main problem for the company is lack of employee motivation which cause higher absenteeism, tardiness, and low work morale...
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...Running Head: MOTIVATION CONCEPTS ANALYSIS Motivation Concepts Analysis Name Human Motivation PSY 320 Faculty Date Introduction on motivational concepts Motivation is comprised of at least 3 components: direction, effort and persistence. Additional factors to motivation are intrinsic: “self generated factors such as responsibility, skills and abilities, interest, opportunities for career advancement and extrinsic: things that motivate an individual such as rewards, promotional opportunities or punishment.” (The Manager, 2007) According to the text, Understanding Motivation and Emotion by Reeve, “motivation is the study of the processes that provide behavior with energy and direction.” (Reeve, 2001) Describe how the theory of intrinsic motivation would and would not be applicable if applied to two or more workplace situations drawn from personal experience Some types of intrinsic motivation for employees are: challenge, interest, learning, meaning, purpose and creative flow. Intrinsic motivation is self generated and can be more effective when an individual has a general interest in something that has appeal to the individual. Intrinsic motivation requires a manager to engage an individual in a task and inform them of the benefits and impact on the employee. About two years ago our company was rolling out a third party record keeping platform. This required testing of our existing database systems for compatibility. My manager wanted me to be a subject matter...
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...Meaning of Motivation Arguably people are motivated by many things, some positive others not. Some motivating factors can move people only a short time, others can drive a person onward for years. When discussing motivation definitions it is important to understand that the term 'motivation definitions' describes the 'emotional force' used to move people towards an action. People can impart these forces on themselves as 'Self - motivation' or on others as motivators. Motivation has been defined by different authors in various ways. The most interesting and most properly defined are the following definitions: S. Hall (1968) believes “motivation to be a process where members of a group pull together to effect an organisation through loyalty and commitment”. Definition from Online Business Dictionary says “motivation is internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way”. These two definitions are almost similar: The driving force behind you in making you do whatever you are up to is motivation. It makes you get started, get going, and reach...
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...The success of a company is measured by the profits that it makes. As a result of the changes in the market, this view needs to be altered. Comparing with the past, even though profit is vital in a company, it is not the most important factor. In the contemporary world, the employees of an establishment are the key factors in deciding success or failure. Companies have motivation and reward systems in use though it is unlikely that two different companies can have the same type of motivation. When reward systems and motivation are in use, employees are likely to work more efficiently which can make other key staff members with perfect skills and high degrees of work performance to be attracted to that company. Reward system management refers to a framework of envisioning the formulation of various reward systems, which can boost a salesperson's motivation. Reward system and motivations are vital in company operational management. The motivation of employees is a psychological feature wherein employees are stimulated in order for them to behave in a given manner with the main goal of accomplishing some given organizational objectives. It is important that organizations motivate their employees so as to obtain the best from them. The level of motivation in the sales force needs to be higher to enable them to meet the sales aims efficiently. Central to motivation is offering the employees with what they need most from the work they are doing (Agarwal, 1998, p. 102). The more the...
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