...Motivational Methods Paper HCS/325 June 11, 2012 Susan Greenwood Motivational Methods Paper In this paper I have decided to tell you about three motivational techniques that I will implement into my staff. The three techniques that I will be going over are: targets, rewards, and incentives; make the work place fun; and using the P.E.R.F.O.R.M model to help increase potential. I will go into detail about what each technique entails and explain how each change will affect my organization. By the end of this paper you should have three more motivational techniques that you could consider for your organization as well. The first technique that we will be talking about is targets, rewards, and incentives. To do this you first have to know your team. In order to set out rewards and incentives you have to first understand what motivates your team and gets them set in working towards their goals that you have set out. The CV Centre. (1998-2012) states that “Motivating a team is always easier if you fully understand that they may not necessarily be motivated by the same things as you. The most effective teams are those that feel valued and supported but also feel that they are progressing and developing through the completion of challenging tasks. If a team understands company objectives, they are much more likely to want to work harder towards their achievement. Also, most people tend to respond well to being given the opportunity to make decisions and take on additional responsibilities...
Words: 1355 - Pages: 6
...Motivational Methods Paper This paper will provide information about three motivational methods I as a manager will apply to my organizational department which must be downsized. This information will include motivational techniques used to implement the change within my department. It will also include theoretical concepts from the textbook, Health Care Management and outside resources to support the theories used. Last the paper will conclude with highlights of the information provided to introduce the change within the organization. I just got an e-mail from my supervisor explaining that my department must be downsized and my job as the manager is to prepare my team for the changes. One of the changes I must address is the motivational techniques which will be used. Human Resources are my department and my goal is to research multiple motivational methods to understand how to lead and implement the changes. After spending many hours searching motivational methods I finally narrowed it down to three. Motivational techniques are used to achieve many goals within the workplace. One of the goals it can achieve is providing opportunities. This technique will provide employee’s with the opportunity to learn and further his or her education while working. If the company decides to downsize the employee will have more qualifications and have an easier time finding future employment. This will help reduce an issue with low self-esteem which is a problem in most health care...
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...Motivational Methods Paper Lakisha Wells HCS 325 April 14, 2012 Cecelia Sawyer Motivational Methods Paper Motivation is used in a managing concept to define strengths inside individual that explain...
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...Tamika Downs HCS 325 April 2, 2012 Joan Ralph Webber I believe motivational is a great tool for building an organization. It is one for one of the most important uplifting aspect of an organization. People are motivated by a wide variety of actions and behaviors. The basis for motivational methods all have the objective of meeting the needs of the individual (employees) in such a way as to influence and promote positive or improved performance to meet the organization’s goals. Managers must use a variety of techniques and tools to motivate others. Managers must provide an environment that fosters trust, respect, and empowerment of the individual (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). The most influential motivating theories to me are Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg, and David Mc Clelland. The theories could help anyone building an organization. Abraham Maslow theory human needs provide an important foundation for management thinking. Maslow’s theory advises managers to recognize that blocked or deprived needs may negatively influence work attitudes and behaviors. (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007) Fredrick Herzberg theory has a two-way factor. Herzberg advisee’s managers to give proper attention to the satisfier factors. David McClelland theory is based on individual needs. He stresses that managers are encouraged to recognize the strength of each need in them and in other people (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). As a manager in my organization if...
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.../ HCS 325 Week 1 HCS 325 Week 1 Individual Roles and Functions Paper HCS 324 Week 2 HCS 325 Week 2 Individual Effective Communication Paper HCS 325 Week 2 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Audience and Action Plan Part I HCS 325 Week 3 HCS 325 Week 3 Individual Importance of Teams HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Formal Bibliography HCS 325 Week 4 HCS 325 Week 4 Individual Motivational Methods Paper HCS 325 Week 4 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Action Plan, Part II HCS 325 Week 5 HCS 325 Week 5 Team Organizational Structure Presentation HCS 325 (Health Care Management) Complete Course https://hwguiders.com/downloads/hcs-325-health-care-management-complete-course/ HCS 325 Week 1 HCS 325 Week 1 Individual Roles and Functions Paper HCS 324 Week 2 HCS 325 Week 2 Individual Effective Communication Paper HCS 325 Week 2 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Audience and Action Plan Part I HCS 325 Week 3 HCS 325 Week 3 Individual Importance of Teams HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Formal Bibliography HCS 325 Week 4 HCS 325 Week 4 Individual Motivational Methods Paper HCS 325 Week 4 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Action Plan...
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...Week 4 - Motivational Methods Paper Pamela Shadlich HCS/325 September 22, 2014 Joan Ralph Webber Week 4 - Motivational Methods Paper Within any business, when there is any organizational change it often takes numerous alignments. Even a simple change in the business philosophy or a comprehensive approach regarding a product or service, will go through a tremendous undertaking. At which time it is critical for a manager to motivate his or her employees through an organizational modification, large or small. When this happens, it is the responsibility of a manager to maintain the work force morale and working with staff in a happy environment. In addition, it is far more important to place value in the opinions and personal development of each employee. The organizational change process; by Jonathan Lister , Demand Media Change within your organization is not necessarily a physical alteration of your business, a wholesale change in the way your company brings in money, or a shift in how your business manufactures products. Organizational change can apply to culture, business strategies, and human resources management. These no corporeal changes occur both in the minds of your workers and within the philosophies of how you, as the owner, choose to do business. According to Management Help's website, motivating your employees through an organizational change rests on your ability to create an environment conducive to higher spirits and personal empowerment...
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...Motivation Methods Paper Motivational Methods Paper Motivation has been defined as the "willingness to exert effort to achieve the organization's goals, conditioned by this effort's ability to satisfy individual needs" (Kamery, 2004, pp. 91-92). Motivation in a true sense is an art work in that it is a process of being able to change one's willingness to exert effort. This willingness sets the foundation of motivation. Over the course of this paper I will discuss three motivational methods job design, human needs, and based on process; a goal-setting theory in which managers can apply to create an environment for employees to exert their efforts in the workplace. I will also discuss how implementing such motivational methods can affect the organization. The first motivational method I will discuss is motivating through job design. Although monetary compensation often accounts for the motivation behind some individuals work efforts, it is not the sole motivator, but it may be because of self-satisfaction which motivates an individual. Motivating through job design permits creating or defining specific jobs or duties tailored to an individual or group of individuals. Managers often design jobs that encourage employees to become skilled, accurate, and efficient at their assigned task. This in itself is motivation. A sense of accomplishment leads to feeling satisfied. It is through this satisfaction that encourages individuals to continue working or perhaps striving for more. According...
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...Motivational Methods Paper HCS 325 - Health Care Management Monday, September 19, 2011 Motivational Methods Paper Motivation has been defined as the "willingness to exert effort to achieve the organization's goals, conditioned by this effort's ability to satisfy individual needs" (Kamery, 2004, pp. 91-92). Motivation in a true sense is an art work in that it is a process of being able to change one's willingness to exert effort. This willingness sets the foundation of motivation. Over the course of this paper I will discuss three motivational methods job design, human needs, and based on process; a goal-setting theory in which managers can apply to create an environment for employees to exert their efforts in the workplace. I will also discuss how implementing such motivational methods can affect the organization. The first motivational method I will discuss is motivating through job design. Although monetary compensation often accounts for the motivation behind some individuals work efforts, it is not the sole motivator, but it may be because of self-satisfaction which motivates an individual. Motivating through job design permits creating or defining specific jobs or duties tailored to an individual or group of individuals. Managers often design jobs that encourage employees to become skilled, accurate, and efficient at their assigned task. This in itself is motivation. A sense of accomplishment leads to feeling satisfied. It is through this satisfaction...
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...begin looking for other jobs, regardless of the reasoning behind the downsizing. Therefore, emphasis on motivating employees before, during and after the process is of utmost importance. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various motivational methods applied in the downsizing process and the various concepts that support the points addressed by these methods. Motivational Methods Motivating employees is a process requiring a combination of techniques to warrant the maximum number of employees feels motivated and satisfied by their work. One of the biggest challenges to motivating employees is each is different, which is why using a combination of motivational methods and concepts is most beneficial. It is up to the department manager to determine which motivational methods will be the most effective with their present staff. It is important to note, that motivational methods will be used to help prepare staff for the upcoming downsizing, which has not yet occurred. When staff knows cut backs are about to happen, management may find it difficult to motivate them. By using different motivational methods, managers can make an effort to continue motivating employees despite the approaching. Management should consider the following three motivational methods: Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, and Adam’s equity theory. These...
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...Motivational Methods Motivation is the key element in a workplace and it is extremely important to know the theories, methods, and applications associated with motivation. Motivation is a necessary skill for future managers and leaders as it is used to motivate employees to work more efficiently. Researching the different motivation methods has brought the realization of just how important motivation is in the workplace. For most managers, motivating their employees is a key issue. In today’s work force, managers are inclined to pay special attention to their employees. They also pay attention to motivates them to perform at a higher level. Not every individual works in the same manner or needs the same motivation. This paper will look at the different characteristics of professional workers and lower-level contingent workers. Also addressed in this paper will be the different motivational approaches that are used by managers today towards these two groups. Finally, by applying a set of motivational theories, this paper will attempt to explain why managers should apply different methods to each of these groups. There are many questions facing managers about motivation; questions such as how does motivation work, when to apply motivation, and whom to apply motivation techniques to. Motivation reflects how innovative and productive jobs are achieved within work organizations. Because motivation influences productivity, supervisors need to understand what motivates employees...
Words: 313 - Pages: 2
...|R[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Natural Sciences | | |HCS/325 Version 2 | | |Health Care Management | Copyright © 2012, 2010 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description The course explores fundamental concepts of management theory as applied to health care. Students will examine the organizational structure of the health care delivery system and administrative processes such as planning, problem solving, decision making, and quality productivity improvement. Emphasis will also be placed on the major issues and problem areas confronting health service administrators. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the...
Words: 3000 - Pages: 12
...Motivational Method Motivation is the key element in a workplace and it is extremely important to know the theories, methods, and applications associated with motivation. Motivation is a necessary skill for future managers and leaders as it is used to motivate employees to work more efficiently. Researching the different motivation methods has brought the realization of just how important motivation is in the workplace. For most managers, motivating their employees is a key issue. In today’s work force, managers are inclined to pay special attention to their employees. They also pay attention to motivates them to perform at a higher level. Not every individual works in the same manner or needs the same motivation. This paper will look at the different characteristics of professional workers and lower-level contingent workers. Also addressed in this paper will be the different motivational approaches that are used by managers today towards these two groups. Finally, by applying a set of motivational theories, this paper will attempt to explain why managers should apply different methods to each of these groups. There are many questions facing managers about motivation; questions such as how does motivation work, when to apply motivation, and whom to apply motivation techniques to. Motivation reflects how innovative and productive jobs are achieved within work organizations. Because motivation influences productivity, supervisors need to understand what motivates employees...
Words: 1236 - Pages: 5
...A Comparative Analysis of Positive and Negative Motivational Methods Motivation is generally defined as the desire and ability to work hard. It is one of the key driving forces within organizations. In order for organizations to be competitive, employees need to be motivated to produce high performance and productivity. But what are the methods managers use to motivate employees? What affect do these methods have on subordinates and the overall performance of the organization? To answer these questions, I present a comparative analysis of two managing newspaper editors for whom I worked as a photojournalist. Comparing these editors reveals the sharply contrasting motivational methods they used and how these methods had a negative or positive impact upon subordinates as well as the company overall. At the time I was hired in March 1991, The London Sentinel-Echo, located in London, Kentucky. The newspaper, owned by Community Newspaper, Inc., was published three times a week covering news in Laurel County. It competed with two other local newspapers, one a daily publication and the other a weekly publication. My position within the company was photojournalist covering police and emergency services. My supervisor was Managing Editor John Butwell, who began to reveal his motivational methods the moment we were introduced. I was expecting at least a basic tour of the building and introduction to my fellow employees from Mr. Butwell which would enable me to begin orienting...
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...Project code: 9273 M1 Report Word limit/Words Covered: 5000/5079 Research Report Title: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ACROSS DIFFERENT CULTURES - HOTEL LEICESTER MARRIOTT, UK http://issuu.com/sanjaykumarguptaa/docs/project-report-recruitment-and-selection-process Table of Contents Introduction 1 Introduction to subject area 1 Background of the study 1 Literature Review 3 Critical evaluation of leadership theories 3 Compare and contrast of leadership style across different cultures 6 Critical evaluation of motivational theories 7 Compare and contrast motivational techniques across different cultures 8 Critical evaluation of theories for managing cultural diversity 9 Secondary research method 10 Primary research method 10 Interview 10 Findings and Discussion 11 Findings from secondary research 11 Managing diversified customers 11 Recommendations and Conclusion 13 Conclusion 13 Recommendations 13 References (Harvard Style) 17 Introduction Introduction to subject area It is a well known fact that success of the hospitality industry depends on the high quality services provided to the customer. It is the responsibility of the leaders to motivate and inspire employees to deliver a higher quality services for the success of the organization. With the increasing globalization, the leaders in the hospitality industry also come across through different challenges. Employees from diverse background...
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...Abstract In this paper, it will define personal motivation of each employee of the organization or business. The discussion is a brief description of both situations and why he or she would be motivated or unmotivated. The next part of the paper defines how the situation aligns with the various motivational theories. Then the next part defines the specific motivational technique (if any) was at play in the motivational situation. In the case of an unmotivated situation and what technique should be implemented to correct the issue. Personal Motivation A personal motivation starts out with the employer or the organization, which that he or she works for. The personal motivation various theories are about people who have good or bad attitudes about the organization or workplace. Personal motivation is “fundamental to his or hers personal success both in sales and in general life. Given its obvious importance he or she think that people would be experts on motivating themselves wouldn’t people” (Ingram, 2007, p. 1). Motivated and Unmotivated The first topic to explain is a brief description of both situations and motivated and unmotivated. The word motivated means to set goals for the workplace so the employees can look forward to something at the end of the year or quarter. In any business trying to motivate employees could be a difficult task because some employees in general work hard for the...
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